Really, everyone can travel through time and space, be a time traveler

Physically, it is impossible to travel through time and space, but in fact, everyone may be able to travel through time and space through their innate abilities and become a time traveler.

Travel through time

Occasionally you can see the news of time traveler, but it is difficult to confirm. So far, there is still no theoretical basis to support the time-travel technology. I have only seen the time-travel machine in the drawer of Nobita's house😁.

Traveling through time and space and going back and forth between ancient and modern times can only be seen in cartoons or movies, but not in the physical world.

But in the world outside of physics, traveling through time and space is possible. Not only can, but almost everyone can .

Can everyone travel through time? You fool me! 🧐

Is it really possible?

What I said about traveling through time and space is not spirituality or science fiction, but using your innate organs to achieve this ability, that is...... your brain 🦸

Your brain is your time machine. It can take you back to the past and relive the good times. It can also take you into the future and imagine what the future will look like. What is even more powerful is the "past" and "future", You can "virtual reality" in your mind, allowing you to truly experience the "feeling" of being in different time and space.

virtual reality

Think back with me, what is the taste of plums you have eaten?

When you hold the plum in your hand, you can smell a sour plum fragrance when you get close to your nose.
Open your mouth, ah~~~~, when you put the plum into your mouth, the surface of the plum is in contact with the tongue, the sour taste buds are instantly stimulated by the high concentration of plum flavor, and the "sour" feeling is quickly transmitted to the brain, you Even if the face is too sour and the eyes are tightly closed, in order to ease the sour taste, the brain immediately orders the secretion of saliva, which is "Wangmei to quench thirst".

Do you feel that your saliva has increased?

If so, congratulations you basically have brain-inspired virtual reality.

If not, it means this function is disabled (Disable) or not enabled (Closed).

All of these experiences just now happened in your brain. Your brain uses past experiences to construct a virtual reality scene, and the electrical signals sent out make your body respond to that virtual reality.

Such "virtual reality" is often used in the training of sports competition players . Before a race, close your eyes and imagine yourself on the track, ready to start. After starting the run, the competition was fierce, and out of the corner of the eye, I saw that the competitor was gradually catching up, so I ran hard. If I measure the heartbeat of the athlete at this time, it will indeed increase because of this imaginary scene. Athletes who earnestly practice imaginative training, You will even sweat profusely to achieve the effect of training.

Saying that athletes are too far, I will talk about my own example.

This training method can be used to its full advantage when preparing briefings to officers. Imagine that you are in a conference room where you are going to give a briefing. A group of executives are sitting around. The big boss looks at you solemnly and says: Let's start!

At this point, the tension arises spontaneously, and the heart beats so fast that you can almost hear your own heartbeat ❤ ❤ ❤

Then, after you take a deep breath, you find that half of the officers are busy looking at their mobile phones, while the other half are in a daze. The boss may be too full to sleep at noon, and he also closes his eyes. At this time, your heartbeat gradually calmed down, and the heartbeat that was thumping and thumping became thump~~thump~~thump~~thump~~.

Through this imaginative exercise, place yourself in the future scene and experience the process of going from being tense to letting go.

This is the power of the super-powerful brain virtual reality built in the human body!

Let's travel through time and space together, be a time traveler

Quoting again a passage from << Extraordinary Dream ◆Mike Murdoch>>

 God gave you brains for two reasons, memory and imagination. Your world is your brain, and your brain is your world. What happens in your brain will happen again to your emotions and your feelings, your brain is your world, God gave you a brain, one for memory, to record the glory and victory of your past life ; The second is to imagine, let you read the bright future in life.

God gave you brains,

  1. One is for memory, to record the glory and victory in your past life --> go back to the past
  2. The second is to imagine, let you read the splendor of the future life --> enter the future

return to the past

The so-called "returning to the past" is to use the super-powerful virtual reality (VR) simulator of the brain to reflect on the past memories stored in the brain, or to "review" the mainland term (called the mainland term, because before I went to the mainland, Never heard this word in Taiwan!) .

The so-called replay is not a simple REPLAY (replay) , but makes full use of the VR function of the brain to reproduce important scenes from the past, and at the same time, you must ask yourself this question:

What if instead of doing this , I did that ?

That's right, replay is to use what has happened to do different deductions .

Seeing this, you may suspect that things have already happened, and it's a done deal. What's the use of thinking again? ! Changes nothing!! Isn't this a waste of time? 🙄

You are right again, the past cannot be changed, but the future can be determined by the present!

The ultimate purpose of the review is to use what you have experienced personally, through brain supplementation (self-play), to propose different countermeasures, and deduce and conclude that what I should do next time is "probably" better .

The reason why it is possible is because those deductions are all based on the existing database in your brain (that is, your past experience), and a limited range of "interpolation" (mathematical term) is performed within the virtual reality, the real world. Too expansive, not necessarily all within the interpolable range, so the real world may be different from what you expect.

However, it doesn't matter, through this continuous replay, you can continue to expand your virtual reality database, allowing you to change more and more closely to the real world when you replay in the virtual world. That way, you'll have a higher utility for going back in time.

into the future

It is also a built-in function of the brain that allows you to enter the future, which is to use your imagination.

Anyone who has read the book "Secret" must know this technique. Print out what you want in the future, stick it on the wall to see it every day, and even imagine how it feels to have it. This technique is called "visualization" .

If you only do this step, you can only say that you are half done.

The point of visualization is not to "satisfy" you think you have it, but to arouse your "desire" and drive you to act through desire.

Yes, action is the point!

What you want will not come by yourself, but it will take you time and energy to walk toward him.

In addition to visualizing what you want to generate enough driving force, synthesizing, analyzing, and deducing the possible future you think may be the information around you that you can access will allow you to enter the future early .

For example, when the Internet first appeared, most people felt that the speed was so slow that it was not usable at all; but a small group of people felt that the Internet was the future, and invested in continuous research and development, which eventually made the Internet what we use now. In this way, those who believe that the Internet is the future and take action will naturally have a higher chance of reaping great rewards than others.

That's right, the brain can get out of the shackles of reality to imagine (create) ideas and imagine any possible future. Maybe some things seem impossible at present, but the person who can see the future and act accordingly can always see the future he thinks .

Using the virtual reality ability of the brain, go back to the past for review, imagine the future and act, everyone can become a time traveler.

Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

貓眼看世界貓~偶爾懶散,偶爾機警,以不同的視角解讀這個世界。 對賺錢有濃厚興趣,尤其是加密幣,也喜歡分享自己的所思所想,希望透過網路以文會友。
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