Educational Psychology Public Presentation ☻|Week 15: Classroom Assessment|

This week's discussion class teacher asked us to prepare our own assessment questions for the end of the teaching heart, and in addition to designing standardized test questions, other types of questions should be included.

Objective question type:

1. Many schools will set children from poor families to be exempt from paying lunch fees. What kind of needs does Maslow meet?

(A) physiological needs (B) safety needs (C) self-esteem needs (D) beauty needs

Answer: (A)

2. What kind of stimulus is meat meal in Pavlov's classical conditioning?

Answer: Unconditioned stimulus

3. Which of the following statements about "learning styles" is incorrect?

(A) Venue-dependent people tend to view stimuli as an overall constellation

(B) People who are independent of the venue are prone to learning difficulties due to being pulled out of certain situations

(C) Individuals who are site independent are better able to see the parts that make up a larger composition

(D) Site-dependent people tend to be socially relational oriented

Answer: (B)

Thesis topic:

Xiao Ming is a student studying at National Chengchi University. He recently took over a tutor, just because he was teaching for the first time, and he had less experience. Now he has encountered a problem: tutoring students, whose level is relatively low, is very difficult for the subjects taught by his tutor (English). ) is not interested. He often gets distracted in class or plays with pencils and erasers, and often wants to chat with him and does not attend class, which makes Xiao Ming extremely troubled. Please use the psychological theories he has learned to help Xiao Ming solve his troubles.

Alternative Assessments:

1. Design the script and act out an example of positive reinforcement.

2. Watch a movie related to educational psychology, find the connection between the play and what is learned in the classroom, and complete a written report and publish it in the classroom.

 While this chapter mentions the important criteria for design evaluation, the following is a generalization:

✎Reliability: It represents the consistency of the measurement, and the measurement results are very stable.

✎Validity: Indicates whether the test can measure the intended target.

Take a weight machine as an example, if the value is similar every time you stand on it, it means that the weight machine has high reliability, but the measured number does not match the real weight, that is, the actual weight cannot be measured, then it means that the weight machine has high reliability. Body weight machine validity is low.

The relationship between reliability and validity can be sorted into the following three points:

1. High reliability does not mean high validity.

2. The higher the validity, the higher the reliability.

3. Reliability is the upper limit of validity, and validity will not be higher than reliability.

 Other terms are explained as follows:

Formal assessment: It is used by teachers to understand the students' previous learning level, and the purpose is to help students enter a suitable learning environment.

Summative Assessment: Used to summarize previous learning and measure learning outcomes in the course.

The difference between the two lies in the "assessment purpose".

Scale-referenced tests: Scores represent individual student performance.

Norm-referenced test: It is based on the curve distribution of the whole class's grades, and the grades are given by the results of the cross-reference of the grades of the students and their peers.

 After finishing the course in this chapter, I discovered that the original professor's evaluation method in designing educational psychology is ingenious. Since there is no mid-term and final exam in this class, the teacher has designed a real and practical evaluation method such as: Zhou's public publication, personal theoretical research, and group action practice report are different from the paper-and-pencil test in traditional assessment. The teacher hopes that what we will gain in this class is not only the knowledge in the textbook, but also hope that we can learn how to do it. Apply what you learn to real-world situations in your life.


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