More than 18% Fixed Deposit Yield #13

The income is quite stable and can survive the downturn in the currency price. But the returns are too stable to see the end of the gains, so I'm going to include this series in my monthly report and no longer spend time sorting it out every week.

Soon, another week passed. The series has been updated to week #13, which is three months.

If three months ago, all funds were put in ether or bitcoin, the current loss is about 40% and 20% respectively. It will take three months at the end of last year. If there is no cash flow, I am afraid it will be difficult to sustain.

Three-month ban on bitcoin and ether price changes

Therefore, I allocated some funds to relatively stable projects. Anchor protocol has been able to maintain an annualized profit of 19% so far. Although Steaker’s income is slightly lower, he is still relatively easy to get started.

 Round 12 --- Steaker 3,065u (2.17%) vs 💪Anchor 5,251u (4.49%)

This income graph is quite linear, so linear that I am a little too lazy to track it😒

With the current yield curve, I can expect six months from now.

  • Anchor Protocol invests 5000 USD, it can become 5475 U, and the income is 475 USD.
  • The initial investment of Steaker is 3000 USD, which is expected to become 3150 U and the income is 150 USD.

Therefore, this part will be merged into the monthly report later, unless there is a special change (for example, Steaker suddenly flips up), I will no longer track it in a weekly report.

Earnings Details


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貓眼看世界貓~偶爾懶散,偶爾機警,以不同的視角解讀這個世界。 對賺錢有濃厚興趣,尤其是加密幣,也喜歡分享自己的所思所想,希望透過網路以文會友。
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