[Food Notes] [Taipei City. Songshan District] Mian Mian Gathering - Spicy Duck Blood Stinky Tofu with melon pilaf and noodles, a very strange combination but no sense of disobedience (there is a menu in the text)

A traditional Taiwanese snack bar, but with a different special taste
Image source: Taken by myself (from personal flickr)

I thought it was very special when I saw this nearby restaurant. I wanted to come and eat it because I saw many people commented that the melon pilaf is delicious, so I just ordered it to eat it. Although I ordered a small portion, it was super full. And this is only 100 yuan, which is really cheap!

Image source: Taken by yourself (from personal youtube)
Image source: Taken by myself (from personal flickr)
Image source: Taken by myself (from personal flickr)

This stall is at the intersection, it's actually quite obvious, but if you walk in the direction of the small dome, it may be harder to see the signboard

Image source: Taken by myself (from personal flickr)
Image source: Taken by myself (from personal flickr)

On the stall, the items and prices are clearly written so that when ordering, not only is it clear at a glance, but you can also count and find that there are actually a lot of items, which should make it easy for everyone to get bored, and they all have big points, Small portion, really sweet!

Image source: Taken by myself (from personal flickr)

After ordering, remember to pay first. The store will also start preparing meals during this time.

Image source: Taken by myself (from personal flickr)

If you use it inside, you can go in and find a seat after paying the bill, and the store will deliver it later.

Image source: Taken by myself (from personal flickr)

While waiting, you can go to get the tableware first, and you can eat directly after the meal is delivered!

Image source: Taken by myself (from personal flickr)
Image source: Taken by myself (from personal flickr)

The refrigerator in the store has side dishes and drinks, you can take it yourself, but remember to check out with the store

Image source: Taken by myself (from personal flickr)

Soon, the meal was delivered. This time, I was very greedy and wanted to eat all kinds of flavors at one time, but I didn't expect to eat too much.

Image source: Taken by myself (from personal flickr)

There are two pieces of stinky tofu in a bowl, it feels quite cost-effective

Image source: Taken by myself (from personal flickr)
Image source: Taken by myself (from personal flickr)

The taste of stinky tofu is very good, and this kind of fermented can see a lot of holes, the soup is easier to enter into the tofu, it is very juicy when eating, and the stinky tofu is also stinky enough. In addition, this spicy soup is also very good, a lot of soup The soup will become more and more spicy and make people sweat, but this spicy taste is actually a sweet feeling. It will not accumulate more and more spicy. The first time you drink it, it will make people feel a little spicy but refreshing. People who love spicy excitement, definitely come to drink it!

Image source: Taken by myself (from personal flickr)

The noodle part is relatively good, it tastes a bit ordinary

Image source: Taken by myself (from personal flickr)
Image source: Taken by myself (from personal flickr)

The amount of Gong Wan is relatively large, and the large intestine is relatively small. After a little rummaging, I can see that it is not unpalatable, but it does not make people particularly impressive.

Image source: Taken by myself (from personal flickr)

Although this melon pilaf is a small bowl, it is not a small bowl, and 30 yuan is quite cost-effective

Image source: Taken by myself (from personal flickr)

The melon meat is not salty, because the melons of many stores are marinated. The melon meat of this store is relatively light, and has a slight sweetness. The overall taste is relatively refreshing, and the meat is large and the meat is also It's lean meat, not oily

If you come next time, you should consider ordering melon pilaf with spicy stinky tofu, which should be just right, but in fact, next time I want to try the stewed soup, I don’t know how it tastes

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