
I always feel that night does not specifically refer to a time zone, but a state.

Lately I feel like I can't get enough sleep.

It's not because of insomnia. When I was a child, I could always hear my parents laughing and saying that our family's genes were very good. No matter how big things happened, we always ate and slept well.
When I was young, I always felt strange that sleeping and eating are not the most necessary things for a person to live? How can there be people who can't eat and can't sleep?
When I grow up to an age where there will be troubles, I finally understand that the genes they say are amazing, which is the truth.

I've been in my current job for more than two years, which occasionally involves visiting wholesale markets in the wee hours of the morning.

It's actually a very romantic place.

I still remember a certain early morning, around six o'clock, when I had a meeting with the operators in the market.

"Okay, okay, don't waste your time," said the presiding officer when the meeting was over. "I think you are all tired, so go back to rest early."

"So is staying up late for you guys now?" I couldn't help but wonder, and asked one of the younger practitioners who were also familiar with me.
"Well, it's alright." The man tilted his head and thought for a while, then spit out another sentence: "It's probably the time you guys were watching TV and chatting after dinner."

My life circles and his life circles are roughly the same, and even if we compare our footprints carefully, there may be a great proportion of the same.
But our definition of the so-called "night" is like two hemispheres divided by the meridian, scattered in different time zones.

And what would happen if one deliberately attempted to cross such a meridian that does not exist geographically?

It was another day when I was going to have a meeting with a business owner. Since the protagonist of that meeting was a business owner, the boss instructed me to attend.
The meeting was held closer to midnight, and the participants gathered in a conference room that was no different from the daytime, but it was a dark night outside the window.
In fact, I have long since forgotten what happened at that meeting. My state during the meeting is still fresh in my memory.

The moment when all the participating units arrived and sat down was the time when I usually just lay flat on the bed.
The effect of melatonin made me feel dizzy, and all the organs in my body screamed in unison: "It's bedtime!!"
After the agenda was read out, I entered the speech session of each unit. The melatonin had been metabolized, but my brain became clearer and more active as the discussion became more lively, and there was even a not-so-good sense of excitement.
The host's voice repeating the meeting's resolutions signaled the end of the meeting. At this time, my sanity was as if I was in a sports competition. I could feel my body temperature rising and my heart beating faster. The blood in the wall of the blood vessel oozes sweat.
The ancient man-made word makes sense, stay up late.
With his rising body temperature, he simmered through the night that should have been neutral, cold and inhumane like metal or silk.

Finally got home and fell asleep three hours later than usual.
And this is when all the challenges begin.

I am a procrastination hedonist. No matter how late I am at a market meeting or patrolling the day before, I am used to clocking in on time the next day, then finding a way to get home from get off work a few hours earlier, and use the next night to pay off what I owe the day before. sleep debt.

And this is easy to cause, I can't have a good sleep quality after feeling very tired after delaying the sleep time.

The air-conditioning in the bedroom had no effect on the boiling blood from a late night's sleep. On the contrary, it made the body feel more sultry and sticky because it seemed like the time to get up was imminent.
Large groups of silver-white light dots danced wildly in the inside of the eyes, and the drum-like heartbeat was more like a disturbing background music for this battle of sleep where every second counted.
At this time, I always dare not open my eyes, I am afraid that as long as I submit to sobriety, I will no longer be able to enjoy all the benefits of sleep today.

People stay up all night, and nights stay up for people.

Forgot to read this sentence somewhere: "Sleep is a human way of nourishing the soul."
And sleep after staying up all night is more like repairing a soul that has been overdrawn by a long day.
So I actually like to occasionally ignore the boundaries drawn by the biological clock and cross into the realm of night.
The soul is stained with the night, as if to some extent can ensure the quality of sleep the next day.
Harvest a night of black sweetness.


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午月因為生命是音樂 死亡是聽
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