The new NFT project, a super learning platform, is provided for those who really want to learn the currency circle

I believe that many people do not know where to start learning cryptocurrency. My previous article also mentioned many directions, that is, 1. After the real gun is put in, it is corrected and executed. 2. Find people or communities who can learn from it. Today is about Let's introduce "community"

What is a "community-based" NFT

If you have read the NFT articles I introduced:

Take you into the world of NFT, and analyze NFT (high gold content) in detail . Friends should know what community-based NFT is. If you are interested, you can click in and learn more. Then I will briefly take it here. Community The main type is that after buying nft, you can enter their "exclusive" Discord community, or offline clubs, the most famous ones are Cyberkongz, BAYC, and FOMOdog club. These are all very strong communities. "Bao Ming Brand", please forget the "Teacher Group" and "Booming Stock Group" you joined in the past. If you are waiting for the fish to eat here, I can guarantee that you will spend money and spend it very wrongly. Because each NFT in the above three communities will cost you more than one million NTD, it's interesting, you may think: crazy to spend millions to buy a .jpg, then please go back and read my article about nft , so how to use community-based nft? It is to "take the initiative to learn", because there are a group of people who have the same dreams and visions as you. If you have this mentality, there must be a lot of gold waiting for you to dig.

Can't get it at a high price? Hear about this community-based NFT pass today

Today, my main axis is to introduce the pass of the community-based NFT that I just bought a while ago, called "Cyber j club". As for why it is "NFT pass", the reason is because the rules of the game of J club are like this : You need to replace your NFT every six months. In short, it is a half-year subscription system, but your old NFT will be converted into a token, which must be beneficial to early supporters. The following is the cover of his official website

Community features

This community has several features

1. Lucky Prize Pool: Every month, a lucky prize pool will be drawn from the members. The calculation method of the prize pool is (0.02bnb * the current number of members). I will secretly report to you that there are currently more than 1,200 members in the community. People, so every month if you are lucky, you can get 24 bnb, very interesting.

2. Community profit sharing mechanism: There is no complete explanation yet, but there are two types. One is to snap up the NFT distributed by the community and bid through the Dutch auction. The second is the "activity reward". If you are in the community It is very active inside, very serious participation in the period, it will be helpful to you.

3. Whitelist extraction: The community founder "Crypto J" will actively seek whitelist places from potential project parties for members of the community, and they are players who "really want to participate" to maximize benefits. We will reserve a place on the whitelist for the friend of the "discovery project", so in this community "the more active, the more drama"


The current selling price is charged every six months: 0.6bnb , is it a lower threshold than other communities?


in conclusion

In the end, the above are not investment suggestions. People who really want to make money in the currency circle come again, don’t destroy the quality of the community, because if you just want to passively get rewards, this place is not suitable for you, but if you want to study hard, this place can definitely provide Give you the platform, and it's all "early".

 This is my nft, everyone is welcome to come and play together.


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小塗|保險&理財_乾貨製造機我是小塗,是個大四生!目前在保險經紀人公司發展,歡迎各位嘉賓的來訪。 這裡有粉多好康,談談投資理財、談談保險金融、聊聊思維、聊聊新世界觀。 期許更多人踏入小塗宇宙,泡杯茶,喝杯咖啡,一起靜下來學習。
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