Enjoy the low tide period, that kind of wasteful little waste time

生一回º YOLO
It will be much easier to find the time of your life and follow your own time zone

⚠️ Attention, the editor is careful, let's order a good song for everyone first~

Equal in the Darkness - Steve Aoki · Jolin Tsai · MAX

This year's New Year's Eve is a little different. I no longer stand in front of the TV like in the past, and I freely play with the remote control to select channels to watch the New Year's Eve parties all over Taiwan. I just quietly turn to Star Satellite Movies to watch "Alone's" "Martial Arts", I took a shower after watching it, and walked towards the pillow mountain I had been waiting for at a very slow pace. It didn't take long for me to fall asleep. I seemed to hear fireworks everywhere in the half-dream and half-awake. In my 10-square-meter bedroom, there is a sense of isolation and quietness of solitude.

Maybe it's because you know how worthless it is to your body to stay up late for New Year's Eve! Two years later, facing the recurrence of autonomic nerves, I felt inexplicably lost and helpless. I tried to use all my strength to explain it to the outside world, but most people always ignored it or cast sympathetic eyes. But none of this could solve the problem I encountered, because the symptoms I presented on my body and the inexplicable depression in my mood made me feel as if I had fallen into a deep pit, and it kept falling down, with no end in sight, but I knew this It's a good thing, because it's another test of my ability to face my vulnerability.

Fortunately, under such circumstances, my family, supervisor, and friends did not leave me. Instead, they reserved space for me and gave me appropriate care, although I still feel that this kind of giving is a bit of a burden, because even myself I don't know when there will be a way to return to the normal state they have seen, or it may not be like that again, but I do cherish the feeling now. The ideal life is too deliberate and too reluctant for me. It was only when I was almost 30 years old in my life that I realized that I may have lived very seriously in my life, but now I want to give it all up in one go.

However, evasion is impossible to solve the reality in front of me, and most of the problems I encounter are just gravity problems. If I keep getting stuck, I will only fall into an infinite loop, so I turn my head, "Change, always If you have a direction, go and see a Chinese medicine doctor!” (Because for me, western medicine can only cure the symptoms but not the root cause), the Chinese doctor I met this time was very young and gentle. After walking into the clinic, she asked me : "Is this the first time? What do you feel uncomfortable about? What do you want to improve?", I said, "Well... I feel that I haven't been able to sleep well recently, stomach discomfort, headache, swollen ears, brain swelling... "When I spoke, I burst into tears (what kind of plot is this, but I can't control myself... QQ), and then the Chinese doctor said: "It's okay, your pulse is weak, let's take it slowly. One-step adjustment, currently mainly for headaches and sleep problems, because the main cause is the depression of qi and blood caused by autonomic nervous system disorders (tension, anxiety), resulting in symptoms everywhere in the body, stagnant qi and blood cannot be cleared, so The heart is also unable to deliver the blood and oxygen that the body needs to various organs to function, causing symptoms to appear one by one.

It has been a month since the first head acupuncture and moxibustion, and my condition has improved a lot. During the process of returning to the clinic, the Chinese physician will carefully adjust and inquire about the situation. The quality of sleep has gradually improved, and my thinking has become much clearer. In terms of life, I Try slowing down, for example:

  • When I saw a doctor, I parked my car farther and walked more, so I found a nice little shop " Quality time"-
 In this busy life, occasionally stop and enjoy the slow life occasionally.
Quality time-Quality time A good time to taste life——
No. 6, Lane 377, Section 3, Zhonghua East Road, East District, Tainan City
  • Find some fun for yourself in life, try some new possibilities, and accidentally found a lot of professional shops, they focus on every little detail, just because of one purpose, so that everyone who enjoys the service, spends money in return Can feel the warmth of sincerity

With a pair of lightweight and comfortable glasses

 When I was tidying up my room, I found that the "Hibāng Youyu Cycle Glasses" that raised funds last year had been forgetting to take prescriptions, so I hurriedly took advantage of the lunar year to go to the "Times Watch and Glasses Shop" in a good store in Tainan, and unexpectedly experienced " The Zeiss 3D pupil locator ZEISS VISUFIT 1000” is really cool, and this time the pressure-relieving and blue-light filter lenses can be easily adjusted for both distance and nearness. For those who stare at the computer screen for more than 8 hours a day, it is really It's a great boon!
No. 641, Park Road, North District, Tainan City
ZEISS VISUFIT 1000 3D pupil locator

Cut a natural and fresh head

 The phrase "you don't care about your hair, your hair doesn't care about you" was changed on my own whim. I'm not a girl who is very good at styling, and I'm too lazy to spend time tidying up the scenery on my head. I even really wanted to go straight to Ricoh at one point. Head, because it is really messy to face the unfinished hair every day, but this hair salon hidden in the alley really made me addicted the first time I tried it.

As soon as the motorcycle was turned off, the boss ran out to greet me carefully. As soon as we met, he asked, "Is this the first time? You are too brave, how did you know our family?" In the alleys, even if you park a motorcycle, you must consider the feelings of visiting your neighbors on the street, and you should not cause inconvenience to others because of your own convenience)

In the process of grooming hair, it is really healing, chatting is very comfortable, relaxed and stress-free, every detail can see the boss's intentions, furnishings, background music, overall moving lines, light and shade...etc. When I don’t know what suits me, the boss will be very patient with the analysis of the situation, there is no forced sales, it is completely customized, because the boss said, “Since we can’t change our natural shortcomings, let the shortcomings be moderated. Decorate, turn it into extra points for yourself, let us experience the mystery of turning corruption into magic.”

The process of chatting, every sentence is classic, but the most beneficial thing is that the boss shared this sentence when his mother told him when he was young, "Don't just grow up with the sun outside." This is the first time I heard it. We felt a little dazed at the time, and then during the conversation, we found that the original boss's mother wanted to say to the boss: "Life is very short, it will pass in a blink of an eye, don't waste time every day, and leave something for yourself while you are young. Let's go!" You see, isn't it very inspirational!

Before finally leaving, the boss looked at the lady boss and asked, "She doesn't have a boyfriend yet, right? Come! There will be after the cut, because it's obviously a piece of rough jade, why hasn't it been discovered before? And look at me. I have really dyed the color, which is very fulfilling." I replied, "Thank you for staying with me until this late night, because my hair is really dark and the volume is very thick, it's really a big project, Although I personally still adhere to the concept of fate, thank you very much for your blessings, it is very warm ❤︎, see you next time!"
Taken from: Wan Hair Fan School's head photo boss/banniang, I'm sorry I went too fast that day, I forgot to ask if I could take pictures, but your intentions are worth seeing
  • Find your own rhythm at work, learn to affirm yourself, and return if you are rejected. After all, you can grow if you make mistakes. Any success comes through imitation. Go to study, watch more, listen more and try more, don’t let a momentary setback wipe out all the persistence. Although it is unavoidable to say that I am really bad at running social media, after all, I am still an editor, so It is necessary to learn new skills. I hope that through this new social platform, more people will know more about pet care >> Guardians of animals

Finally, I still have to share with the secret business. The Lunar New Year is approaching. If you sisters in Matt City have the habit of wearing earrings, you can consider buying some hard-to-suck accessories! (Men in Matt City can also choose their beloved ones. It is a beautiful thing to spend a little money and practical actions to let them know your heart~)

Because I was finally officially promoted to be an auntie, my sister has been 6 months (compared with children of the same age, it seems to be several sizes 73cm/9.5kg larger, I envy having such good genes... I think I graduated from kindergarten back then He is only 119cm/19kg), but the expenses are serious. Although it is the responsibility of my sister and brother-in-law to raise him, my aunt also wanted to do my best, so I decided to go back to my old business and continue to help my sister promote the big auction. Add or subtract to earn milk powder money~~

The whole museum, free shipping over 500 yuan, Tainan city + Kaohsiung Qianzhen/Xiaogang area can be delivered in person
Thanks at the end of the article

In the state that I have no time to update the article, I still come to appreciate my friends from Matt City who encourage me to follow. Although we met in plain sight, but with your encouragement, let me know that I am not alone in writing this road. I am also grateful for the demonstrations of many seniors, who have given me the opportunity to silently dive and learn.

@枧liquid always misses my palm @LilyChen @Liker.Social editorial team @Polk @Allen what to share @ Maomao Notes@Potato Fried Green Pepper @ VC @qiqi @小罗@briankuo @陈博兴@Sappho @Enoch yi fun @大海一Drop @Yong Lu Lin @ Slow Living Forest Valley @小牛Bambi @yingqi@small sun's stars and hearts @text thirds@Ryanma @ half-tone life @tina1219 @small farmers daily @JT | orangecat .nft @Reading Pen Farming@Home Squat Roy @guessing@Volunteer Grandpa @happyanne@Pluto Planet 10 @ Cynthia's DecoLife @Makzan @ Code Farmer's Daily@Mr . Elephant Papa @Red @Cat Traveling [Erica] @月 Tibetan@The years are quiet and good little swallow
@White ferret pen wide noodles@The meow who is not doing a good job|Serious to make friends and earnestly survive @PardonMu

Also, thanks
  1. Li Jiarong, Director of Chongde Minyou Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic, really fully implements the practice concept of "seeing the disease as a family member". Since the first visit to the present, he has gone through 14 acupuncture treatments, from the head, shoulder and neck acupuncture treatment, which really made me feel good. You can enjoy complete healing outside of work. Although acupuncture only takes 10 minutes, the lightness after that 10 minutes is unprecedented.
  2. Funday Teacher White
    The teacher's class is super healing. Because of the teacher's hearty laughter, it always makes people feel that learning English is no longer difficult. If the pronunciation is not standard, just recite it a few times. If you don't understand grammar, ask more questions. Mercury is retrograde, but the most important thing is to know how to comfort yourself and make yourself comfortable. The mouse cursor used by the teacher in class is a cute snow elf. It is very interesting and has accompanied me for several nights without sleep. If you also want to Learn English Welcome to join the ranks of learning together
  3. My landlord didn't ask me more questions when I was in poor condition. Instead, he gave me all the spiritual support very carefully. He also let me concentrate on being alone at home without going out. There is a small kitchen for cooking, which is the most healing time when chopping vegetables. healed~

Finally, thank you for being in front of the screen, patiently reading until now, I wish you all the best and peace, cherish the moment together, and welcome to leave a message to share and communicate together :)


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

生一回º YOLO每一天,儘可能地讓自己不留遺憾 活在當下,在有限的時間裡,留下一些想留下的悸動 平面設計初學者X部落客
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