The siege in Tangshan is a public security issue and a lack of civilization

What the officials deliberately cover up is that China has become a society of tigers and wolves, a country with declining moral standards and a lack of civilization. It's no wonder that when Chinese state media and self-media are applauding Russia's aggression against Ukraine, how can they feel a sense of justice for the bullying that happened in their own homes?

The incident of six men beating four women in Tangshan made people angry, and the attitude of public opinion, the handling of the police and the reactions of bystanders made people even more reflective.

A Chinese internet celebrity defended that gang fights were not unique to China, and occurred in all countries, and quoted the news that happened at the same time, "The robbery in the United States is much more serious than the beating of a barbecue restaurant." The official media China Youth Daily deliberately downplayed the gender of the incident. Featured, it was understated in Beijing headlines that a man approached several women's dining table and talked to each other, a physical conflict broke out between the two sides, the two sides scuffled together, and several men rushed in from outside, joined the battle, and confronted several women. Woman cloud and cloud. In this reporter's pen, the beating of a woman by a few strong men became a "physical conflict". From this report, you can't see the cause of sexual harassment, nor the bullying of the weak, nor the one-sided beatings of several strong men against several weak women, but only an ordinary mutual beating. Chinese influencers and official media are indeed sensitive, and they immediately realized the essence of the problem. What they deliberately cover up and downplay is China's moral and civilized issues. It's true that fights can happen anywhere in the world, but the strong bully the weak, a few strong men beating the weak girl, even if the victim is lying on the ground and unable to resist, they will punch and kick. This is unique in the world. There is a tradition of knighthood in Western culture. It is a recognized social code of conduct for men not to beat women. Especially in public occasions, group attacks and beatings against women will cause public outrage.

You can say that there are scumbags in any city, and individual malicious incidents do not represent the image of a country. This is a good word. But one of the hallmarks of modern civilization is respect for women. At any event, the attitude of bystanders, the disposition of the police, and the attitude of public opinion reflect the yardstick of civility. When the Tangshan incident happened, bystanders were indifferent and turned a blind eye. When the police first dispatched the police, it was only treated as a general fight, there was no right or wrong, no crime and no victim identification, and the beater would be released soon. Many public opinions are also numb and unconscious to the substance of the incident of bullying women. Most of the headlines refer to the beating incident in Tangshan, rather than highlighting the incident of beating up women. Illustrates how commonplace society is to such incidents. Compared with a video on the Internet, three students in the United States did many experiments on the streets of New York: when a man raped his girlfriend on the streets of New York, many pedestrians rushed to stop it. Conversely, when a woman abuses her boyfriend, passersby just watch and don't interfere. In Western people's consciousness, it is uncivilized for men to bully women by bullying the weak, while men have the ability to defend themselves and should be able to solve problems by themselves. It is particularly ironic that Tangshan has been rated as a national civilized city since 2011 (Xuzhou City, where the Iron Chain Girl happened, was also selected in the same year). In a civilized pacesetter city, the citizens are accustomed to beating up women by strong men, and no one stops them. It can be seen that the standard of Chinese civilization is low.

The national civilized city sign on the square of Tangshan Railway Station

What the officials deliberately cover up is that China has become a society of tigers and wolves, a country with declining moral standards and a lack of civilization. It is no wonder that when Chinese official media and self-media are applauding Russia's aggression against Ukraine, how can they have a sense of justice for the bullying in their own family?


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