[Podcast Management] Started with Podcaster and embarked on the road of "multi-platform creator"

"Hey, are you okay?" Podcast S4E12 [Open the bar, okay?] People with broken batteries re-look at their "creator" status, welcome to tweet and subscribe to support, so that I have more energy to maintain my life and continue to promote Xiaoyu , Mental Health Issues, and Teaching Podcast Production
Podcast version to listen to the universal link

Written in front of the Podcast: The long-lost unit

This unit will basically talk about the experience of making this Podcast program in a relatively relaxed tone, exchange the content of small talk with other Podcasters, or some thoughts on current affairs.

During the post-production editing of this episode, I felt that my voice was a little serious. I was determined to continue to move forward in the path of "content creator". I also confidently explained to my audience the importance of vibrato and subscription support.

Over the past two months, the Liker.land app has reported weekly steady revenue figures,
Although not much, it is still far from supporting myself,
It's enough to give me a lot of support and confidence and the most important thing: "courage"

Before that, the sponsorship function was opened and left.
Even if there is a call to action, it is a bit of a guilty conscience because I have personal experience, patients and companions are easily economically disadvantaged groups, and this group of people has a high probability of accounting for a relatively high proportion of my audience.

Now, I'm learning to develop the ability to recognize my own creations by myself

Photographer: Tommy Lopez , Link: Pexels

Accidentally catch the wind of Taiwan Podcast taking off

When I started making podcasts, it happened to catch up with Taiwan's podcasts that were about to take off in this community generation. In addition to making shows, I usually run IG and Facebook fans. Later I heard Adam and Jacky from "Hito League" share in the show,
They use Medium, a large foreign blogging platform, with a paid domain service to support the official website hitomlb.com
Post the single-episode narrative of each episode's show notes,
Increase SEO, easier to be found by search engines

So I do the same thing,
Open a Medium account and put the show notes of " Hey, are you okay ?"

There is another podcast making tutorial " Podcaster Chicken Cakes ",
If I can't write enough, I put it on the " Chicken Cake Hatching Eggs " Podcast program.

Before you know it, you've come a long way

Haha, the listening numbers are still at the "Amateur Player" level,
In the early days of Podcaster creator community exchanges, I pushed the programs that I started to listen to several times as many times as I did. Not only did I understand that my topic was important,
I also see that the number of audiences I can reach is steadily growing

I know very well that the original intention of doing this show is not to make money,
I also understand very well that the field of mental health is going to sell (ㄌㄧㄢˋ) money (ㄘㄞˊ) in this style... I am very grateful when I see a tremor in the background every once in a while, but it burns with my savings Light, the time of eating old is getting longer and longer, and there is a feeling that there is no end to it, and sometimes I also feel a strong sense of powerlessness.

I must admit that the instability of the onset of symptoms greatly limited my choice of work and my imagination
Raise your hand and come on stage and tell me that it is really hard to find a job that is so flexible and tolerant "for people like us"

In fact, thinking from the standpoint of the boss and colleagues,
Colleagues like me whose symptoms disappear as soon as they flare up and no one can be found,
It will also cause a lot of trouble for others in the workplace.

Why disappear and no one can be found?

Because of general weakness, headache, lying in bed, and drowsiness, no matter how much the phone rings, there is no way to answer the phone. The phone is next to my pillow, and the apple watch on my wrist can also answer my consciousness, but there is no way to operate it.

It's not that I don't want to, it's that I can't, I've been crushed into a waste by Chubby Yu

Photo by Yuris Alhumaydy on Unsplash

Dream is very happy, reality is very skinny

People say that there is everything in a dream. The dream is very happy, and the reality is very skinny.
In addition to those who have accumulated a certain amount of popularity and traffic in other fields, except for the top programs that really rely on Podcasts for income,
Podcasts are another different representation and exposure pipeline

It's really, really hard to be able to feed yourself off of your creations

For more than a month, when I didn't have the strength to record,
A few awake hours are almost all immersed in the blockchain creation ecosystem matter.news and LikeCoin. When I can only lie in bed, I listen to a lot of podcasts on blockchain-related topics.
The unique "turn praise into appreciation" mechanism,
Calculate the number of clapping members to the article according to the formula into the cryptocurrency LikeCoin to the author,
At the moment of writing and recording, the exchange rate between LikeCoin and Taiwan dollar is about 1:0.8~1

I began to try to rewrite the long, long time ago episodes verbatim into articles. The main thing is to rearrange the text paragraphs, find pictures from the free gallery, and try to be a multi-platform and multi-type creator that spans text and voice... Many people Remind me, if I can't do what I can afford at the moment, I don't have the strength to speak and record well, and if I can type, then sit at the work desk and open Evernote and write.

The writing platform touches unfamiliar readers, giving me a great surprise

As far as my own high self-esteem, high self-demanding qualities,
Before posting, I often think timidly:
"Is it really okay to turn Podcasts into articles for readers like this?"

The citizens of Matt City clapped their hands and told me, "Yes! You can!"

The benefits are hundreds of times better than I thought. After all, I am used to Podcasts. In the days when there is almost zero income, the weekly report figures are not zero, which is enough to surprise me.

I can't forget that one day shortly after joining Matt City, I accidentally opened the Liker.land wallet app,
For the first time, I found a weekly report and a sense of surprise at the moment of earning hundreds of yuan

Learned a lot of cool things besides income

Regarding the blockchain ecology, I have learned a lot from the matters pen pals for more than a month, and then I will make it into a serialization. The title is tentatively set as: "Blockchains that Muggles understand!"


This time, is it okay? I started to try to turn my creation into a source of income. I have an unexpected surprise in the attempt of the matter writing platform.

If you think my creations are valuable, you are welcome to register for an Appreciation Citizen account, to applaud my articles, or to support a small amount of tweets for a single article, or use US dollars to subscribe on a monthly basis. LikeCoin has no official commission.

Or sponsor Taiwan dollars through the Firstory twitter link, invite me to drink a cup of honey black tea or sponsor the consultation piggy bank plan on a monthly basis. Thank you, the Firstory team, for your support along the way. The platform services are expensive. I will drink a small cup of black tea.

No matter which channel I use, let me have substantial energy to continue on the road of creation. All the knowledge about Xiaoyu, the teaching of making podcasts, and the writing content will remain open.
Free for listeners or readers

Okay, I'm here to open the bar's chicken cake, is it okay to open the bar, thanks for listening (or reading here),
You are also welcome to pass this episode to friends who you think need it. Hey, you, are you okay?

Become an Appreciative Citizen or join the Podcast Monthly Consultation Piggy Bank, or buy me a cup of honey tea,

Support my podcast creation, write free podcast production teaching articles and promote Xiaoyu related health education activities

👌🏼【I am Chicken Cake】Links of appreciation class: https://liker.land/ww-howbuhow/civic

👌🏼 Podcast Sponsored Link: https://pay.firstory.me/user/wwhowbuhow

👌🏼 Create daily reflections and small talk at Liker.social Xiangte: https://liker.social/@wwhowbuhow

§ Podcasts §

" Hey, are you okay ": the daily life of an active-duty depression patient

" Chicken cake hatching ": Podcast sound content production teaching, behind-the-scenes idea sharing

§ Medium § Facebook fan page § Instagram § TAIWAN PODCASTER


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

雞蛋糕 GCAKE《喂喂你還好不好》:一個現役憂鬱症患者的日常 Podcast https://open.firstory.me/user/wwhowbuhow/platforms Podcast 創作者、製作人、製作教學 創作日常反思和閒聊在 Liker.social 象特
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