5 Pitfalls You Must Know When Setting Goals! 》

Dr.J 的成長實驗室
Research shows that by the end of each year, 92% of people have not achieved their New Year's resolutions! Where is the problem? One of the big reasons is that they may accidentally fall into some traps when setting goals...

I, like you, want to be in the 8% of success!

In this article, I will share with you the 5 biggest pitfalls when setting goals! Increase your goal completion rate!

Ready to learn about the top 5 pitfalls?

Then let's get started!

#1 No long-term dreams, visions...

A lot of times, if you don't find out 10 or 20 years first, what you want to achieve in the long run, or what kind of person you want to be in the long run, the goals you set may not ultimately lead you to what you want. Places to go...

Suppose your dream is to travel around the world, and even you want to make a huge change in the world, then "start with the end in mind", what should be your 1-year goal now? Might want to include financial goals? May include building your own business or a goal of contributing to society? Possibly a healthy goal? (So as not to be rich in the future, but the body cannot afford to travel everywhere...)

If you want to know how to think about your vision in all areas of your life,

Check out my post !

#2 Setting "Unrealistic" Goals...

It is very important to have long-term dreams and visions. He is like the North Star, hanging high there,
Let you know where you should go!
But at the same time, there must also be short-term (within 1 year) goals that you know you "have a way" to achieve!

This goal doesn't have to be easy, but you know there's a good chance you can achieve it, as long as you're willing to work harder!

In the previous post, "If you want to effectively set goals, these 7 things must not be ignored! " in the "sweet spot" concept:

"Desire Desire" and "Belief in Belief" are two very important elements when we set goals!

On a scale from 1 to 10, preferably both 7 and even 8 at the same time!

You have to "desire" and "believe" enough that you can achieve that goal, so that you will be motivated enough to take action to achieve it!

Remember what I mentioned earlier in sharing the book Done?

"Half" the target so we can "win" this time!
More likely to be willing to do more next time, and thus "win more"!

If you don't have more than 70% certainty about a goal, then that goal may be too difficult for you...

Remember, every time we achieve a goal, we make a promise to ourselves, and our minds will remember this feeling, and it will increase our self-confidence, and gradually, we will be more confident that we can get things done!

#3 Lack of a strong "why"!

You have to be very clear about "why" you want to achieve that goal!

In this journey, whenever you feel upset and don't want to do it, the strong "why" is the strongest thruster and will push you at the critical moment!

Some people, including myself, may accidentally set some goals that they "don't really want"... If someone asks why they set that goal, they may answer: "Because I see OOO also set it, I think it's good. !"

If you don't "want enough" to achieve your goal, every step toward it will feel like a struggle, and in the end, you'll become constantly "forcing" yourself to move forward instead of being attracted to achieving it!

ask yourself:

"Why do I have to set this goal?"

"What's in it for me to achieve this goal?"

"What will be the consequences if this goal is not achieved?"

Whenever you feel tired or unmotivated during the process, take a look at the "why" you wrote down. I believe that if the "why" you wrote at the time is strong enough, you will definitely be motivated to move on!

On the contrary, if you can't find a strong reason for the goal you want to set, you may want to consider whether it is time to change the goal?

#4 There is no "action plan"...

The goal you set is just a "destination". After you know where to go,
We also need methods, strategies and even specific habits to arrive on time!

We have to cut the goal into small pieces, small tasks that can be done in pieces!

As mentioned in the previous article , the initiator of my life planning framework: Stefan, when setting its goals, he will not only do a To-Do List, he will also do a Could-Do (with chance to do) List! This strategy has opened up many possibilities for him to find a variety of different resources to help him achieve his goals!

For each goal, he asks himself, "What are some ways I can help me achieve this goal?"

Take weight loss as an example, you can do it through intermittent fasting, low-sugar diet, reading articles and books about weight loss, going to the gym 5 times a week...etc, or hiring a weight loss coach.

Once you've made a list of your potential actions, find out which of them will "most" help you achieve your goals!

During this process, remember the 80/20 rule, which means that 20% of the actions on your list will ensure 80% of your results! Remember, not every action is of equal importance!

If possible, it is best to refer to the strategies in the market that have already achieved the results you want. Don’t try to “invent” a method yourself. Make full use of the strategies that the market has already verified for you, which can make you progress faster and achieve your goals earlier. !

#5 No action taken!

Results are only possible if you take action!
Setting goals is only the first step, maybe 5% is done, and the remaining 95% depends on persistent, disciplined action and hard work!

When things get complicated and difficult, many people choose to give up... but successful people always stick to the end and achieve their goals!

Be honest with yourself, what kind of person are you?

If possible, get into the habit of "checking your progress toward your goals" regularly . You can also create your own ritual, which can be every Sunday night, every two weeks, or the last Friday of every month. Open your goal list. , to see if you are following your progress?

Of course, every time you check your progress, if you find that you have completed the scheduled progress on time, don’t forget to encourage yourself! Cheers to yourself!

This habit of "regularly reviewing the progress of achieving goals" can prevent us from discovering at the end of the year:

"Oops! I totally forgot I had this goal in mind..."

Take advantage of this year and achieve your goals!

These are the top 5 pitfalls to watch out for when setting goals!

Hope this helps you in your goal setting process!

Reference source:


I'm Dr. J, your #growlab .

If you want to see more of my sharing,

Welcome to follow my IG: Dr. J's Growth Lab

If you have any questions or ideas, please leave a message below or send an email to let me know!

Email: johnson@growthlab.com.tw

See you in our next article!


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