Zhang Pu: Preface to "Confessions of Chen Huimin - I Am Mao Zedong's Daughter and Lover"

WeChat reprint. Except for the illustrations by Chen Huimin and General Su Yu, the others are the original text


If it wasn't for writing "Xi Jinping in the eyes of my ex-wife" last April (2020), which triggered my association and impulse, I still don't know when the story about Chen Huimin and Mao Zedong would be completed.

The first time I heard the name Chen Huimin was in 1999. One day an old friend called and asked me if I wanted to see Chen Huimin. "She is Mao Zedong's lover." The old friend said in a more serious tone. "Your sister must be interested."

At this time, Zhang Rong was writing her other masterpiece "Mao Zedong: A Little Known Story", and I just finished reading "Memoirs of Mao Zedong's Personal Physician Li Zhisui". In the preface to the book, Li used these four words to describe Mao's private life: appalling. In the book, Mao's girlfriends are mentioned or even described in detail, but their names are mostly withheld. Will Chen Huimin be one of them?

Of course there are concerns. I asked an old friend on the phone, "How can you be sure that she was once Mao Zedong's lover?"

The old friend's tone sounded unmistakable. "In the mid-1980s, Chen Huimin was secretly detained for talking about this matter publicly. She had long been a Hong Kong identity, and when Hong Kong returned in 1997, she was worried that she would be taken away by the CCP, so she used Mao's lover as an excuse to go to Hong Kong. The British Hong Kong government has applied for political asylum." The old friend's words became more and more convincing. "The British intelligence agency did an investigation and confirmed that she was telling the truth, otherwise her asylum application would not have been granted."

"You mean she came from Hong Kong and has settled in England."

"She lives in London with her son."

A few days later, we and Chen Huimin set a time and place to meet: invite her to eat and chat at a Thai restaurant called "Blue Elephant".


This restaurant is located in London's West End, and the facade is not very conspicuous, but once you enter it, you will see a world: small bridges, tropical flowers, and golden Buddha statues revered by Thais. Chen Huimin and we arrived almost at the same time.

Chen was born in 1948, a year in his early 50s. Tall, 1.68 meters tall, wearing a brightly colored skirt. A head of thick black hair, which seemed to have just come out of the salon, was draped loosely over his shoulders. She has beautiful eyebrows and fair skin. Although her body has grown fat, she still retains her charm. It is not difficult to imagine her slender figure when she was a dancer in the Cultural and Art Troupe of the Political Department of the Air Force. According to Li Zhisui, the appearance of "slender body" appealed to Mao Zedong the most.

Not long after the conversation, I felt that Chen Huimin was an extroverted, fiery, stubborn and outspoken person. Her facial expression always showed a kind of confidence, as if to say: I have never seen anything in the world! Her demeanor shows everywhere: this is a woman who is unwilling to be lonely!

Another characteristic of Chen is that he talks a lot. As soon as she came up, she talked a lot about the career she had done in Hong Kong: arms business, real estate business. She appears to have made some money and allegedly owns more than one property in Hong Kong. As soon as the topic turned to Mao Zedong, she immediately talked about her secret detention when she returned to the mainland from Hong Kong in the 1980s: Whether in Hong Kong or in the mainland, she mentioned her relationship with Mao Zedong to many people, friends or not. those things. When she returned to Beijing, Chen Huimin was secretly kidnapped by Guoan and kept alone in the outskirts of the city, saying that she was "selling out state secrets". Later, when she found an opportunity, she asked someone to send a letter to Yang Dezhi, then the chief of the general staff of the People's Liberation Army, and she was able to escape.

Seeing the doubts in my eyes, Chen Huimin explained the relationship between the two. "Yang Dezhi is my father's comrade-in-arms. After I left Mao Zedong in 1976, I had a relationship with him." I pointed out that Yang Dezhi was almost forty years older than Chen. "Yang Dezhi loves me very much and wants to divorce and marry me, but I didn't agree." From Chen Huimin's ambiguous tone, I could feel that her relationship with Yang was once extraordinary.

"Why did you reject Yang Dezhi?" I asked as if to get to the bottom of it.

There was a helpless smile on the corner of Chen Huimin's mouth: "Since Mao Zedong called me his daughter and lover, it has been difficult for me to see other men."

I was somewhat surprised. "When Mao Zedong regarded you as his daughter, didn't you think it was incest?" I asked eagerly, wanting to know the answer.

"I asked Mao Zedong the same way, and he laughed and didn't speak." Chen Huimin was silent for a while, her expression thoughtful. "To be honest, when I was with him, I really had a similar feeling. Mao Zedong looked amiable, like a loyal elder, a loving father. When I looked at him, especially when he took my hand , I will have an urge for my daughter to snuggle up to her father. Once I put my arms around his naked body and stroke his big belly, I go back to the mentality of being a lover of men and women."


The topic turned to the memoir written by Li Zhisui. Almost immediately, Chen Huimin claimed in an obvious demeaning tone that Li's book was nothing to read, and sneered that what Li wrote was only what happened outside Mao Zedong's bedroom door, and what she wanted to talk about It was what happened inside after the bedroom door was closed.

I don't think so. As Mao Zedong's private (full-time) health care doctor, Li Zhisui was by Mao's side from 1955 until his death in 1976. Not only did Li write down numerous conversations between him and Mao, but he also recorded insider details of various important events that took place after the CCP took power. The political, economic, social, high-level CCP figures, and Mao's private life, the picture is vast. Since its publication in 1994, the book has continued to sell well in both English and Chinese.

I'm not sure if Chen Huimin has read or understood this astounding book.

After Chen attended the elementary school for the children of the Nanjing Military Region, he joined the Air Force Political Department Art Troupe to dance at the age of twelve, and never went to school again. Of course, I have no intention of underestimating her. Although she is only educated in elementary school, Chen Huimin has a good memory, a flexible mind, and is good at borrowing other people's opinions and opinions to enrich herself. She is particularly interested in political topics, and even before the return of Hong Kong in 1997, she predicted that the Maoists would come to power in China in the future, but 20 years later, it came true in Xi Jinping. Even Soros, a wealthy Jewish man known for his left-leaning, could not stand it. In August this year, he published an article against Xi Jinping, saying: Xi Jinping is turning China into a Mao Zedong-style totalitarian closed society.

Why does Chen Huimin look dismissive to Li Zhisui's book? It wasn't until I met her again that I figured it out.


This time we sat in a coffee shop. Chen Huimin got straight to the point and asked me to help her find a publishing house in the UK to buy her story on the condition that she pay £4 million in advance.

I was terrified! Jokingly said: "Your asking price is comparable to the royalties that the President of the United States enjoys after he resigns." Chen asked me: "Do you know how much Li Zhisui made for his memoirs? Four hundred thousand dollars, what is this money!" She sneered. . "I lost 36 million in real estate speculating in Hong Kong, and I didn't change my face." Then he said confidently: "If you help me write it, it will definitely sell better than Li Zhisui's book!"

It turned out that Chen Huimin saw that Li Zhisui made a lot of money by writing about Mao Zedong, so she firmly believed that her story could make more money. She re-emphasized the difference between the two: Li wrote about what happened outside Mao Zedong's bedroom, and she talked about What happened in Mao Zedong's bedroom.

How exciting can Chen Huimin's story be? I was thinking: it is nothing more than a fragment of Mao Zedong's private life, and it is difficult to compare with Li Zhisui's story.

I asked her, "Are you in Li Zhisui's book?" Chen Huimin cites the paragraph "Sleeping with the Big Quilt". Li Zhisui told about a few girls who were having fun in bed with Mao Zedong when Jiang Qing suddenly arrived.

"I'm one of them." Chen Huimin's voice sounded a little low. It was 1975 and she was 27 years old.

I noticed that Chen's face became serious. "Let me tell you about my first time with Mao Zedong." After pondering for a while, she continued: "It was at a Zhongnanhai dance in 1962, Mao Zedong ordered me to take off my clothes, I didn't move, he started Ripped my dress and I pushed him away. I just turned 14 this year."


Soldiers are required to wear civilian clothes. That day, Chen Huimin was wearing a translucent gauze dress, with a tall body, a bulging breast, and a pretty face, which stood out like a standout among the girls who danced with her. Chen couldn't remember how many times this was the first time he had entered the Zhongnanhai Dance Theater to accompany him. When Mao Zedong walked in, he usually had to sit on the sofa, and the girls waiting on the side of the dance hall would impatiently gather around, and people who wanted to dance with Mao lined up invisibly. As soon as Mao Zedong stood up, the band immediately played "Liuyang River", and Mao usually pulled the girl who was closest to him and stepped onto the dance floor.

Not every time Chen Huimin has the opportunity to accompany Mao to dance a song.

This time is a little different.

Mao Zedong, who only appeared after the half-time of the dance, came over and invited her to dance, and danced one song after another. Although Chen Huimin had forgotten what Mao said to her at that time, she could still clearly remember the eyes Mao looked at her. Although she was still gentle and kind, she always felt a little strange.

At about 11 o'clock in the night, Mao Zedong, who was wearing a light gray tunic and trousers of the same color, stopped after dancing to a song, held Chen Huimin's hand, and walked into the lounge beside the dance hall under everyone's attention.


I checked the information later, and the Zhongnanhai Ball started shortly after Mao Zedong left Xiangshan and moved into Zhongnanhai in August 1949. The public reason is to let the CCP leaders relax and exercise after their busy work, which is good for their health. Located in the northwest of Fengze Garden, Zhongnanhai, the Chunyouzhai Dance Field looks like it was specially prepared for Mao Zedong. Although Liu Shaoqi, Zhu De and others were also present, only the appearance of Mao Zedong was the climax of the dance, and even the lounge beside the dance was specially prepared for Mao.

The girls from the Cultural and Art Troupe of the Air Force Political Department joined the dancers of the Zhongnanhai Ball in October 1958, code-named "Zhongnanhai Mission", and was personally in charge of the Air Force Political Commissar Wu Faxian. Around the beginning of 1967, due to the intensification of the Cultural Revolution, no one cared about it, and the Zhongnanhai Ball gradually died down. But from time to time, Mao Zedong would find some girls he was already familiar with and go to Zhongnanhai to dance with him and have sex with him. Chen Huimin's time in Zhongnanhai to accompany the dance is no more than five years.

When Chen Huimin talked about her first time with Mao, I asked her, "How did you feel when Mao Zedong took your hand and walked to the lounge?"

"I was so nervous, my mind went blank." Chen Huimin recalled, as if the scene from 37 years ago reappeared in front of him. "I don't know what he wants to do."

Chen Huimin had witnessed Mao Zedong and one of the dancing girls many times, walking into the lounge holding hands. Some of these girls stay there for an hour and then come out alone, and some don't show up until a day or two later, before returning to the art troupe.

No one knew why they stayed, and no one dared to ask. At that time, the person who was directly responsible for selecting and examining the dance girls and leading the group to Zhongnanhai was Lu You, the political commissar of the Cultural and Art Troupe. He repeatedly asked the girls to keep secrets: don't ask about things that shouldn't be asked; don't say anything you see or hear; you must pay great attention to keeping secrets, not 9.5 percent, 9.9 percent, or 90 percent. Very impossible. Chen Huimin, who was often unable to keep her mouth shut, did not dare to ask more questions. It was not until one day that she was left behind by Mao Zedong that she knew what it was like to stay in Zhongnanhai for a day or two.


While sitting in the coffee shop, Chen Huimin and I also discussed the relationship between Mao Zedong and the dance girls: Due to the CCP’s continuous movement to create gods, in the hearts of all the girls who went to Zhongnanhai to dance with him, Mao Zedong was not only the great savior of the people, but also A great man of moral perfection and noble character, no one in the world can be greater than Mao. At that time, a girl told Chen that when she saw Mao for the first time on the dance floor, she wanted to cry, dance, and shout "Long live Chairman Mao". Chen Huimin believes that this kind of love for Mao Zedong is completely different from the love between men and women.

I also read a similar view in Li Zhisui's book, saying that Mao Zedong confused the two, thinking that his love for him was love. My opinion is just the opposite: the lustful Mao takes advantage of the adoration that girls have for him, plus he has the supreme power, and he can always get it easily when he needs lust-like physical possession. Almost no girl dared to disobey, except for one, and she was Chen Huimin.

In the lounge that night, when Mao asked Chen Huimin to take off her clothes, she panicked, added shyness and was overwhelmed, and she began to tremble all over. Chen, who just turned 14, has absolutely no sexual awareness and has never heard the word "intercourse". She wanted to shout loudly, but didn't dare, so she could only look at Mao begging. Mao Zedong, who had always seemed kind and amiable, was already in a state of lust. Seeing Chen Huimin standing motionless, as if he hadn't heard him, he was instantly furious, and stepped forward to tear Chen's dress apart ruthlessly. The stubborn Chen Huimin decided to resist.

Having said that, Chen Huimin suddenly stopped.

I eagerly asked: "Why didn't you say it? Go ahead and say it!"

Chen Huimin smiled lightly and changed the subject: "Please help me contact a publishing house first."

I already had a hunch that Chen's story about her and Mao Zedong would be very interesting, but finding a publishing house that would pay four million pounds for her story was going to be harder than heaven. I politely declined Chen's request, and I lost contact with her ever since. More than ten years later, in 2012, a friend occasionally mentioned in a chat that he met Chen Huimin while listening to a sermon in a Christian church.


After I got the address, I immediately went to Chen Huimin.

I have never forgotten her unfinished story. There are too many questions to ask her: How did she resist Mao Zedong's sexual demands for the first time? How did Mao react? Did it finally work? If not, how severe would the consequences be?

As a ruthless tyrant rarely seen in history, Mao could easily kill two million people he considered unreliable in a single campaign he launched to "suppress counter-revolutionaries". In another great economic leap forward he initiated, he created a famine, allowing more than 30 million ordinary people to starve to death.

How will Mao Zedong punish Chen Huimin for refusing to carry out his "undress" order?

This church rented a room in an ordinary building in central London to conduct activities. To my surprise, the host was a middle-aged girl, whom I met many years ago when she was studying for an MA in comparative literature at Cambridge University, and remembered her as a staunch atheist. A single question crossed my mind: Who paid her to run the church? Not the CCP, right?

After the church activities, I asked Chen Huimin to go to the bar. She didn't drink, she asked for coffee. I made my suggestion directly to her idea of asking the publisher to pay £4 million up front. I say: Your story will ultimately depend on the market reaction, such as a Harry Potter book, published in 1997 by a very small publisher, with an upfront fee of just a few thousand pounds. It was a sensation when it went public, with authors earning well over £4 million in royalties five years later.

Chen Huimin seemed to be persuaded by me. She asked me to be her agent, looked for a publishing house, and promised to sign a power of attorney with me.

From this moment on, Chen Huimin opened the chat box and told her story. At the same time, I was asked to tell these stories to the publishing house. "They will definitely be interested, and they will definitely pay a lot of money." After a short pause, she added: "It can't be less than the advance fee that Li Zhisui got."


Through Chen Huimin, I learned that at the beginning of the Zhongnanhai Ball, there were the Cultural and Art Troupe of the General Political Department of the People's Liberation Army and the Cultural and Art Troupe of the Political Department of the Navy. Around the end of 1959, Mao Zedong ordered that these two cultural and art troupes would not be allowed to come. It was taken by the girls of the Air Force Political Department Cultural Troupe.

Looking back now, it is no wonder that the girls who danced with Mao Zedong and slept with Mao were mostly from the Air Force Political Department Cultural and Art Troupe. Among them, there are five most famous ones, all of whom were favored by Mao Zedong to varying degrees: Liu Suyuan, Shao Jinhui, Meng Jinyun, Tian Ling, and Chen Huimin.

After the Cultural Revolution began, the fate of these people was very different. They are all members of a group called the "hard-boned revolutionary rebel group". In 1967, the movement to seize power swept across China. Liu led the remaining four girls to Zhongnanhai to seek help from Mao Zedong. With the support of Mao and the help of Lin Biao's wife Ye Qun, Liu Suyuan won the power of the art troupe, became the director of the Revolutionary Committee, and made her close comrade-in-arms Shao Jinhui the deputy director. At that time, he was called "Commander Liu" and "Commissar Shao". Because of Mao Zedong's backing, Liu Suyuan became very popular. When she got married, the main leaders of the Air Force were all present to congratulate her.

The fate of the other three girls was tragic.

According to Chen Huimin's recollection, they were good friends, and they had a disagreement with Liu Suyuan and quit the hard-bone revolutionary rebel group. Once, the three of them discussed Mao Zedong together and made a few complaints . They were heard and told to Liu Suyuan. Liu went into Zhongnanhai overnight and reported to Mao. Mao was furious and shouted, "Making rumors!" In the middle of the night, more than 100 soldiers surrounded their residence, and the three girls were immediately taken away and detained. Liu Suyuan participated in the interrogation. After a few months, all were dismissed from the military . Tian Ling was escorted back to her home village to become a farmer; Meng Jinyun was sentenced to prison ; Chen Huimin was sent to a remote and cold farm in the Great Northern Wilderness to supervise labor.


Chen Huimin's stories are one after another, forming her life path:

From the beginning of resisting Mao Zedong's sexual demands, it changed to being called "stunner" by Mao. Mao had many girlfriends, but only Chen Huimin won this "honor".

During the Cultural Revolution rebellion, Chen Buan said a few words of dissatisfaction and was slapped into 18 layers of hell by Mao. She was severely beaten and tortured in custody, forcing her to write a blood letter to Mao Zedong for help.

In the dark farms of the Great Northern Wilderness, heavy manual labor and a hard life with no end in sight. One day in the middle of the night, Chen Huimin was called to the field department by the company commander. Suddenly, she heard the commander issued an order similar to Mao Zedong: Take off your clothes .

After the Lin Biao incident, with the help of his father and comrades-in-arms, Chen was rehabilitated, put on his military uniform again, and returned to Beijing. He had a relationship with Su Yu , a general of the Chinese People's Liberation Army.

 Chen Huimin and People's Liberation Army general Su Yu in Beijing, she is in her 20s 

In 1975, with the help of Meng Jinyun , Chen re-entered Zhongnanhai, Mao Zedong continued to call her "daughter", and at the same time asked Chen to be naked and naked to accompany him to study.

Chen Huimin left Zhongnanhai before Mao's death in 1976. Back home in Nanjing, she was beaten by her father, who said she slandered the great leader Chairman Mao and wanted to kill her. Later, he got married, and was scolded by her husband, saying that the son who was born soon was a wild species born by Mao Zedong and her.

In the 1980s, he did business between the mainland and Hong Kong, and was almost killed by Guoan. After the June 4th Movement in 1989, he fled to Hong Kong with the help of the famous "Operation Oriole".

In the 1990s, he stayed in Hong Kong and failed in his real estate business. Before Hong Kong's return in 1997, Guoan talked to her five times and asked her to return to live in China, but she was determined to live abroad and live with her son.

A few days have passed, and some of Chen Huimin's stories are just the beginning. Because she suffers from severe lupus erythematosus and needs regular blood changes, her energy is affected, and she can't talk for too long every time she meets. I called her one day and told her that the power of attorney had been written. She said, "Then you can bring it to my house. After signing, I will invite you to the 'Phoenix Pavilion' for dinner."

I never thought that this would be the last time I saw Chen Huimin.


I came to Chen Huimin's house with the written power of attorney. This is the ground floor of an apartment building with two bedrooms and one living room, located in the high-end residential area of "Mida Hill" in the West End of London. Upon entering I found the interior to be quite modern, nice and comfortable, but with very little furniture. Chen Huimin told me that she rented the house, and the rent was very expensive.

Later, I heard from someone who knew her that when Chen Huimin went to London, she lived in a house assigned to her by the government. Chen thought the environment there was too bad and belonged to a place where people from the lower classes lived. If an acquaintance saw it, she would feel ashamed because it Not in line with her identity: Mao Zedong's lover. So she never invited anyone to be a guest at home. I once invited Chen Huimin to dinner at the house of a friend of mine who lived on government benefits. Chen reluctantly coped with it and left. I drove her to the subway station. She complained a lot along the way. Eating at my poor friend's house greatly reduced her status.

Among Mao Zedong's many girlfriends, Chen Huimin is the only "children of high officials". Chen Huimin's father, Chen Yusheng, was appointed vice-chairman of the Jiangsu Provincial Political Consultative Conference . According to the CCP's official rank system, he belongs to provincial-level cadres. But Chen rarely mentioned her father in front of people, and Chen Yusheng didn't like this daughter very much. He hoped that Chen Huimin would be "as far away as possible" from him.

In the rented apartment, Chen revealed to me her financial situation. Her house in Hong Kong has been rented out, and the rental income is not bad enough to support her daily expenses in London. "Of course, money is never enough." She said with a playful smile on the corner of her mouth.


After arriving in the UK, Chen Huimin can be said to have nothing to do. I asked her, "How do you spend your days?"

She didn't answer right away, but got up and took me to her bedroom. It's not big inside, and a double bed takes up most of the space. Appears dim due to insufficient lighting. Chen Huimin pointed to the side of the bed against the wall, where there was a chair. Then said, "I've been sitting there all day since I moved."

"Sit all day!" I asked curiously. "Then what are you doing sitting in the chair?"

At this time, her answer surprised me.

"I'm thinking of Mao Zedong." Her voice sounded calm.

Then she said something else that shocked me even more.

She said: "Mao Zedong is my forever lover."

I was speechless for a moment.


Chen Huimin claimed that she and Mao often had conversations in dreams, and said with a look of reverence: "Mao is a genius." I want her to talk about Mao Zedong's genius method? Chen hesitated and didn't say one, two or three, but changed the subject and praised Mao for being "unearthly". I couldn't help but sarcastically said, "You once described Mao Zedong's sexual perversion to me, and you said that no girl can adapt to it. Do you mean this when you call it extraordinary?" Chen Huimin didn't answer, her face slightly slightly Seeing the sullen look, his tone also became less polite. "Do you know how great Mao Zedong is?" she said proudly: "In politics, neither Stalin of the Soviet Union nor the leader of the Chinese Communist Party can beat him. In terms of life, no one can beat him. Can handle him."

I think this passage is very familiar, and then I thought about it carefully: It is from Li Zhisui's book, and Jiang Qing's words are quoted. I retorted: "It is precisely because no one can fight him that China has the great famine and the Cultural Revolution. It is precisely because no one can control him that Mao has countless girlfriends, including you."

Perhaps it was what I said about "countless girlfriends" that stimulated her, and Chen Huimin began to repeatedly emphasize how Mao Zedong liked her. Because she is beautiful and sexy. In terms of sex life, whether Zhang Yufeng or Meng Jinyun are too restrained, rigid, and inactive, only she can make Mao Zedong enjoy the happiness like a duck in water. Also said that Mao praised her for being smart, outspoken, daring to go against the trend, and so on. From Chen Huimin's happy and excited expression, I could see her contentment: she believed that she had received Mao Zedong's love, even if it was just a kind of love that seemed to be for her daughter, or, like, love for her lover.

Among Mao Zedong's countless girlfriends, Chen Huimin must be the first, and probably the last. Not only did he never shy away, but he also declared loudly that he was Mao Zedong's lover . Even when talking about her usual dress, Chen explained the reason as: "I am Chairman Mao's after all."

In an interview, Chen Huimin said that Mao Zedong had hurt her so badly that she would not be satisfied with any man, and her desire to get married had disappeared. In Hong Kong, a wealthy chairman pursued her, but she refused. She said to me with contempt, "This person still wants to be on an equal footing with Chairman Mao."

This is a real Chen Huimin. Although Mao Zedong was seen as a devil and a tyrant in the eyes of the world, countless Chinese died under Mao's tyranny. Although Mao Zedong brutally physically forcibly took Chen Chen when she was 14 years old. Although Chen only complained a few words, he was exiled to a remote frontier farm by Mao, where he was tortured and suffered a lot. But it is undeniable that in China and even the world, there are still many people who love and worship Mao Zedong. Mao's head is still hanging on the Tiananmen Gate, and Mao's body is still in the center of Tiananmen Square. That's why, Chen Huimin is still sleepwalking in Mao Zedong's arms.

I suddenly understood: The reason why Chen Huimin can tell her story with Mao Zedong frankly is because she doesn't care what others say about Mao Zedong. In Chen's view, no matter how bad Mao Zedong was, he was still a great man. As Mao Zedong's lover, the face, beauty and glory this status brought her far surpassed her status as a son of a high-ranking cadre. No matter if Mao is alive or dead, whether she is in the end of the world or in the sea, Chen Huimin's love for Mao and what she thinks is Mao's love for her have always haunted her and can't extricate herself. In addition, she also wants to leave a name in history. She said to people more than once: "I hope people will know me when they mention Mao Zedong in the future, just like the relationship between Tang Minghuang and Yang Guifei."


Chen Huimin signed the power of attorney, and then we went to the Phoenix Court restaurant not far from the London Wax Museum for dinner. At this time, Chen Huimin was not yet 63 years old, her teeth were about to fall out, and only four front teeth remained in her mouth. She eats slowly and hard. I drove her home after dinner and she said goodbye that she wished to hear my good news sooner.

The next day, I suddenly received a call from Chen Huimin, and the first sentence was that I should not go to her again in the future. From her voice, I sensed that she was a little nervous, which made me immediately think of the girl who presides over the church: Could it be this person who received some orders to play tricks behind the scenes?

At that time, I was almost speechless. What I remember most clearly is Chen Huimin's last sentence: "If you want to write about me, you can write it."

I didn't start writing and wanted to wait a little longer. After all, there are still some stories and details that need to be understood and verified further. I thought that as time went on, I would still have the opportunity to meet Chen Huimin, and at the time I was busy conceiving and writing a novel "There is a Tibetan Girl Named Atta". This "wait a minute" just went on and on. After waiting for more than eight years, Chen Huimin still had no news. During this period, "Atta" was published and distributed in Taiwan. Two other novels, "In That Far Away" and "The Last Cup of Coffee," have both been conceived and entered into writing. At the beginning of 2020, the epidemic began to spread from China to the world, and people were panicking. In April, when I finished writing "Xi Jinping in the eyes of my ex-wife" , I suddenly thought of Chen Huimin's story.

Life is short and life is so fragile! We can't wait any longer, it's time to write the story of Chen Huimin and Mao Zedong. As long as you are still alive, you must strive to write more words that can be left.

I am grateful to Chen Huimin for telling the story, even if it is an incomplete one. I admire her courage. So far, none of the girlfriends who had a skin-to-skin relationship with Mao Zedong dared to admit it publicly . For no other reason, none of these people were allowed to go abroad. Just like without Deng Xiaoping's charter, Li Zhisui could not have gone to the United States , and his story about Mao Zedong will never be known. Fortunately, Chen Huimin ran out, and we were able to learn some fragments of Mao Zedong's private life. Although it is only a fragment, it has always been classified as "the top secret of the state" in the CCP.

The successors of Mao Zedong, especially Xi Jinping, in addition to continuing to maintain the myth of Mao, have intensified their efforts to delete and block all remarks that are not conducive to the myth of Mao. Work hard, let a real Mao Zedong be revealed to the world! It is worth mentioning that, as Mao Zedong's lover, the story told by Chen Huimin is far more than just "sex".

There are countless books about Mao Zedong published in this world. The two most famous are from Chinese authors: Zhang Rong's "Mao Zedong: A Little Known Story" and Li Zhisui's "Memoirs of Mao Zedong's Personal Doctor". I call it a "magnificent tome". And the story I wrote about Chen Huimin and Mao Zedong was just to add a little wave to this turbulent and magnificent scene.

(End of full text)

(Welcome to reprint, please be sure to indicate the author's name and keep the article complete)

(Author's self-introduction: Zhang Pu, a Chinese writer and novelist in the UK. Main works: translation of the Chinese version of the English masterpiece "Hong, the Story of Three Generations of Chinese Women". The novel "Gentle, I'm Gone", "There is a The Tibetan girl's name is Ata. The novella "Women, Women", "Big Man's Tears". The short stories "Change Liver", "A Prostitute's June 4th Complex". Political papers "Tibet Does Not Believe in Tears", "How Many" "In the Rain of Tears from the Past". Character features "Impression of Nie Yuanzi", "Xi Jinping in the eyes of his ex-wife". Travel notes "Me and Zhang Rong Returning to Hometown", etc. So far, he has published various works of more than one million words.)

Zhang Pu: A letter to Chen Huimin

Hi Huimin!

I haven't heard from you for a long, long time. where are you now? Please contact me after seeing this letter. My email address is: zhangpu532@gmail.com.

I hope that I can show you my work "Confessions of Chen Huimin - I Am Mao Zedong's Daughter and Lover" before I publish it and hear your opinions.

Also, I have some questions to check with you, here are some of them:

1. The first time between you and Mao Zedong, because of your resistance, Mao failed. The person who talked to you the next day and threatened and lured you was Lu You, the political commissar of the Cultural and Art Troupe?

2. You and Meng Jinyun talked privately about Mao Zedong asking you to dance naked in front of him, and you said you were dancing while humming a song. I remember you said that your favorite song is the episode "My Motherland" from the movie "Shangganling"?

3. Because of the conflict with Liu Suyuan, you, Meng Jinyun and Tian Ling withdrew from the Hard Bone Revolutionary Rebellion. After telling Mao Zedong what happened to you, Mao ignored it. The three of you complained together. You said a lot. I remember one saying, " We work harder than prostitutes, but not even prostitutes"?

4. The company commander tried to rape you during labor reform in the Great Northern Wilderness Farm. You shouted at him: "I am Chairman Mao's man, you dare to touch me and try it!" Is this sentence scaring him off?

5. When Mao Zedong was only a few months away from his death, you were driven out of Zhongnanhai. You think it was the result of Zhang Yufeng's instigation in front of Mao. At this time, Mao Zedong was lying on the bed most of the time, and he didn't go to the toilet for a long time. The excrement and urine were directly pulled onto the big bed. As soon as you meet, ask Zhang Yufeng to deal with it, which makes Zhang very annoyed. This is where the conflict between you comes from?

6. After the Lin Biao incident, you returned to Beijing and had a romantic relationship with Su Yu, a general of the People's Liberation Army. Su Yu often scolds Mao Zedong in front of you, and once asked you to bring a knife to Zhongnanhai. Does this "knife" refer to a kitchen knife or a dagger?

Looking forward to your reply.

Zhang Pu

September 27, 2021


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