

Today I felt the utter fear of despair, the suffocating fear. I'm in the deep sea, I can't breathe, but I can feel me sinking, I'm being pulled by gravity and I can't get up.

As I was walking today, I saw store after store, some selling medicines that make you happy, some selling services that erase or implant memories, and some selling small retro toys. I casually observed everyone on the street, enjoying the movement of the air, and I heard that once upon a time, there were "trees" on the street, and they would sprinkle their "trees" in winter. leaves" to keep themselves alive in the freezing cold. At this time, people on the road will be bathed in the rain of fallen leaves. At that time, people should have a partner by their side. When they look at each other, the falling leaves will pass their line of sight, like snowflakes in winter. , but they won't remember that leaf, only the figure behind that leaf. In the rain of fallen leaves, you looked at the big tree, I looked at you, and finally, you noticed my fiery eyes, turned back, and smiled at me, I know, I will never be able to escape from your smile. . Although I exist a hundred years later, I can't help but cry when I see a similar scene. I just stood on the street without trees, silently moved by the love of a century ago.

As I started to go to the next street, I found that I couldn't move, I seemed to be sucked in by some kind of electrical device, it was like being stuck in gel for a split second, like being trapped in a cage, like all motor nerves being pumped out , as if, as if exiled into solitude. I was screaming, it was really hoarse, but no one around noticed me, I was calling for help, but no one was around to help, am I really on an island? Am I really out of touch with reality? I'm so scared. At this time, I suddenly remembered the only person who could "communicate" with me, and I tried to ask the people in that space for help

"Help me! Are you here? I really need you! Help me!"


The familiar "I am you" did not appear.

I panic.

where is he?

Why is he not there?

He shouldn't be there.

An idea came to mind, is someone after me? After all, this kind of electronic thing can be remotely controlled. When this thought came to my consciousness, I didn't dare to call for help, I could only quietly use all my strength to break free from it. Just like a calm sea on the surface, there are turbulent waves underneath. I could almost feel my blood rushing hard, my veins sticking out of the skin, my toes piercing the floor. I don't know who did it, and I can't tell who it is. Those who acted in the movie are all fake. What can you see at a glance who caused it when you are in danger, and what can get rid of the danger quickly , can also run very fast, and by the way play the bad guys around, all of which are fake. I don't know who is trying to get me now, and I can't escape the device at all, and there's not even a single person around who wants to help me, and I'm starting to wonder if they can see me at all. I struggled to break free, but my strength was almost exhausted, and I began to feel that my consciousness became blurred, and the time I could think became flickering, but I still can't see who put it on.

"Where are you? I really need you!"

I shouted in that space

Damn, I've tried my best and still can't break through this device, I thought. What would happen to me if someone really wanted to catch me and I didn't break free before he got there? Will I never see this world again? will i die? I... can I see him yet? My mind is flooded with all kinds of questions, I want to calm down.

Since it cannot be violently dismantled from the outside, it is only left to decode and crack from the inside. I looked at the code inside it, looking for any traces left by the owner of the device, looking for where the device belonged, looking for any clues. When I was concentrating on cracking the code, I didn't know that the person who was chasing me was approaching quietly. He was like loneliness, silently surrounding you. When you realized that you were deeply lonely, it was too late. You can't get away. He disguised himself so flawlessly that anyone who passed him would not notice the difference. It was far from what was said in the movie, where the villains always wore black and hats, and the hats were always half Blinding eyes, wearing sunglasses, and wearing anachronistic black coats, producers have defined black as evil. When the man was less than two meters away from me, I was still trying to crack and find the suspect, until he stretched his hand to me, I was shocked...

That's too late.

I can't beat him.

I'm going to be taken away.

Everything is too late.


Zi-! ! !

A sharp explosion of electric current crashed into the head.

"Let's go!!!"



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Vernaaaaaaa總覺得自己是個活在過去的人 不喜歡速食愛情 想要慢慢久久地去愛人 不喜歡追逐潮流 想要奇奇特特地去穿搭 不喜歡人際社交 想要獨獨自自地去生活 — — 盡力向前跑吧 總有一天會撞見美好。 — — 感謝每一個看見我的人 追蹤必回追
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