Hide and seek death - when did you feel your IQ was insulted?

Today, a friend mentioned the Political and Legal Committee under the leadership of Master Kong. Although the Political and Legal Committee is a coordinating agency under the Party Committee, its actual power exceeds that of all national law enforcement and judicial agencies. Therefore, although Hu Jintao hopes to promote the protection of human rights by the law, the constitution was amended in 2004 and the clauses such as "the state respects and protects human rights" were added to the constitution, but Master Kong, who is so tall, would not be willing to bring the "tightening curse" given to him by other standing committees. Well, the first ten years of legal reform in the early 2000s were full of difficulties. After the conversation, I suddenly remembered the hide-and-seek incident ten years ago, so I searched and came across this Zhihu post.

Recently developed a hobby, fishing! Plus summer is here, I go to different reservoirs or lakes to swim every weekend. I don't want to write about politics, it's boring. This post mentions a lot of interesting cases:

Link: https://www.zhihu.com/question/33282874/answer/83741760

Source: Zhihu

hide and seek death

In February 2009, Li Qiaoming died in the detention center of the Public Security Bureau of Jinning County, Yunnan. It was later verified that he was beaten to death by the head of the prison.

take a bath to die

In March 2009, a 57-year-old Hainan man died at the Danzhou No. 1 Detention Center in Hainan Province. The police said that when the incident happened, the suspect told him to take off his clothes and take a shower, but he refused and was beaten to death.

nightmare to die

In March 2009, Jiangxi Jiujiang Detention Center said that a man from Wuhan, Li Wenyan, died suddenly after having a nightmare in the middle of the night.

Sleeping position is not dead

In April 2009, a student named Chen from Fuzhou died suddenly in a public security detention center in Fuqing City, Fujian Province. The police said he was sleeping in the wrong position and told him that he should not be unconscious and died after rescue efforts were unsuccessful.

go crazy

In June 2009, a young man named Lin Lifeng died at the No. 2 Detention Center in Wuchuan City, Guangdong Province. The police said he was "mad and died". Prosecutors ultimately identified it as a "sudden cardiac death".

Picking pimples to death

In November 2009, Yu Weiping, Gaocun Town, Wendeng City, Shandong Province, died in detention while in custody. When the family checked the body, they found a small hole in the chest, which the detention center said was caused by picking acne. Post-mortem examination results showed that the deceased died of heart rupture due to repeated stabbing in the chest with a sharp needle.

Excited to death

In December 2009, Shaanxi woman Wang Huixia was taken away by the police and died abnormally after 20 hours of "interrogation". The police claimed that emotional tension was the triggering factor for her death.

drink water to death

In February 2010, a young man from Henan died in a detention center in Lushan County. The police said that he suddenly fell ill and died while drinking boiled water during the arraignment.

wrestling to death

In February 2010, the suspect Chen Xujin died at the Xiushui County Detention Center in Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province. Police said he fell and died suddenly when he was tied to the toilet. The doctor said he was forced to fake it.

dead on toilet

In March 2010, a felon in Tuo County, Hohhot City, Inner Mongolia died inexplicably. The police explained that he fell while going to the toilet at night.

Insufficient evidence to die

In 2010, the case of Pu Zemin in Mianyang, Sichuan failed to be pronounced after two trials due to insufficient evidence, but Pu Zemin died inexplicably in the detention center in the end.

face to death

In April 2010, he fell to his death on a public bed in Jingzhou City, Hubei Province

In March 2009, Wen Longhui, a 20-year-old youth from Fujian Province, died suddenly in the No. 2 Detention Center in Fuzhou City, Fujian Province. The detention center said it was because a man in custody in Anxian County died unexpectedly in the county administrative detention center. Police say the man drowned in the sink.

Hide the cat, wash your face and die: Abnormal deaths in detention centers need to be curbed urgently

The labeling of Xi Jinping is not only because he sent Zhou Yongkang to Qincheng, but Xi is actually very helpful to China's human rights and judicial openness. Don't talk about Huang Wan, this kind of affair between the top Zhao family can't be relaxed in the authoritarian political system, didn't you see that the US government also gave up on her🤣.

All in all, Xi is pretty good with leeks.


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