It is better to stock up on melons than food

Seeing all kinds of food stocking stickers, they all pin their hopes on the individual's self-help; I think it is a bit biased. People have social power, people need to be connected, and there are rules for people to connect. This rule system is to provide social security, and social security must be operated through a good system. Resisting disasters requires imagination. The starting point of imagination is that we are human beings, not animals.

It is better to stock up on melons than food

Ai Xiaoming

This topic originally wanted to write "Stocking food is worse than hoarding shit", but I didn't dare to write it, so I changed it to hoarding melons. But this is also a metaphor. What I mean is to store a head. It’s not because the head is round and easy to move, but that the various parts of the human body are used to hold things; You need spiritual food in your life, and what you think in your head determines who you are.

I have seen a lot of food stocking posts these days, and I even know the brand of canned military food. Isn’t this a state secret? But I don’t want to give away secrets for nothing. What is the military ration for? Fighting, do you want everyone to go to the battlefield to fight? The First World War was fought for more than four years, and the Second World War was fought for six years. The Chinese War of Resistance lasted eight years from 1937 and 14 years from 1931. How much grain do you stockpile? Checking the information on the Internet, the military and civilian casualties of World War I exceeded 35 million, and more than 18 million soldiers died in World War II. Not only did famine kill people, but disease, cold, and draft labor all killed people. So, even if you can stock up on food, you still need to stock up on quilts and other materials. Yes, you said that even solar engines are stocked up, but that is still not enough. Let me ask you: How much popularity do you have? Dare to say that you will not help relatives and friends without food, dare to say that your house is quiet and quiet, and you will not meet others and take risks? What's more, the circulatory system of life is broken, there is a lack of medical care, there is a mountain of garbage, and infectious diseases are rampant. In troubled times and dangerous times, you still need to stock up on alcohol stoves, kerosene lamps, flints, multi-purpose knives, tarps, life-saving blankets, tents, large plastic bags, jackets, and first-aid kits. Water, water, water... In case of water cut off, how much water do you store enough for drinking and cleaning? You will think at this time, rely on the country, doesn't the country provide disaster relief? That's right, depend on it. Now people from the country come to the door: the CDC has notified the sheep, let's go! You also want to say that the elderly in the family need dialysis, the wife has heart disease, and the children cannot be separated. If they are quarantined on the big construction site, they will be choked by smoke and dust through the computer screen, not to mention the filth of a public toilet for a hundred people. Anyone who wants to go to that kind of place for isolation will suddenly collapse in life.

So I think that all kinds of grain hoarding stickers pin their hopes on the individual's self-help, which is a bit biased. People have social power, people need to be connected, and there are rules for people to connect. This rule system is to provide social security, and social security must be operated through a good system. Resisting disasters requires imagination. The starting point of imagination is that we are human beings, and we have human history and civilization. Civilization determines the role of experts, and they affect our quality of life and determine disaster relief capabilities.

Let’s talk about people first. If you imagine people as animals, that’s a way of thinking. Just like today in a short video in Shanghai, I heard an aunt of a neighborhood committee yelling hoarsely: Don’t come out to buy fruit, oranges and apples are not necessities of life! Like you, the community will never be unblocked. I imagined her anxiety breakdown (the children at home have been left alone for many days, and the elderly have no food or medicine; I have been sleeping in the office of the neighborhood committee for three weeks, please let me go, please come out again Gather, I'm about to have a heart attack and a cerebral infarction)...

Yes, fruit is not necessary, is the toilet necessary? Why can't hundreds of people in the cabin share a toilet? What's more, toothpaste, hot water, vitamins, wet wipes... many items are not necessary. I also heard a woman who was thirty-seven weeks pregnant calmly reasoned with Wei Jianwei's service call five times: You tell me to call 12345, and it tells me to call you; give me a red horse, and I want I gave birth, which hospital will accept me? Did you let me be born at the gate of the hospital? According to unnecessary logic, the same can be said to be right, why can't the gate be born? Do you want privacy? Then give birth at home. In ancient times, people gave birth to children in caves. Didn't human beings continue to this day?

That is, a human is not as good as a cat. The cats on the street have learned to eat mice, which is smarter than the Shanghai Corgi. People don't chase the isolation car, but try to save themselves. Laozi taught this skill long ago in the spirit of heaven. I have thought for many days: If I go to quarantine, what will happen to the two cat children? Today, Mao Sai suddenly realized: go, go, get out and catch mice. If you catch it, come back and repay me. I still don't believe that people can't eat rats like you: eat them by burning, roasting them, dipping them in seasonings, and I'll eat one and marinate the other.

In this way, someone talked about the book of famine. Wang Xiaobo wrote about eating pencils, and Mo Yan remembered eating coal. The benefits of eating coal are yet to come. Children’s poop is slapped and slapped into briquettes, which can be boiled by throwing them directly into the stove. By the way, the benefits of excrement have just been written by Professor Yang Xiao. She imagined that there is an island that is sinking. On it, yes, it is on the top. Don’t ask me if there are people or ghosts on the top. Anyway, the top tells everyone to eat their own excrement; You can be as light as a swallow, and you can float up with the island. If everyone eats, the island will sink faster. The above idea was carried out to the neighborhood committee, which is similar to the logic of the old aunt: what oranges and apples do you eat, they are not necessities of life! I actually don't know what the necessities of life are. People born in the 1950s have noodles and rice as their staple food; but I do know that many young people don't eat carbohydrates. For them, rice and noodles are optional, but oranges and apples are indispensable. If you read the current baby care guide, you will know that even breastfeeding babies also need fresh fruit as complementary food.

What a horrible species humans are, it would be much better if they were pigs or chickens. These things can be raised in captivity, and when they grow fat, they can be sent to the dining table for them to eat. If you insist that you are still a human being and are at the bottom, the bottom line of that bottom can be infinitely lower. It's not the kind of sweet humbleness that Zhang Ailing writes about falling in love, so low that flowers bloom in the dust; it's to eat shit. I know a story in the Great Famine where a prisoner put his hand into a dung bucket. He thought that dogs can survive by eating shit, why can't humans. He still wanted to go back to his own home, where he still had his wife and children... But even though it was so low, death still came unexpectedly.

So when I saw that post telling people how to scientifically prevent starvation, I was really appalled. Have we reached this point yet? I have very little experience with hunger, and I have interviewed many witnesses. The texture of starvation is not complicated, the key is to avoid it. But this post teaches everyone to minimize food consumption, lower your basal metabolism, and also decisively stop energy-wasting sports and reduce any unnecessary physical activities... This kind of science, some neighborhood committees have also learned, what is it said People are teaching everyone to fast fast.

In this way, hunger can be overcome through hunger; but isn't this kind of health preservation a science in the age of satiety? People can't die from hunger, and the teacher Yang Jisheng who wrote "Tombstone" is a big liar.

If we want to scientifically prevent starvation, I would rather believe in the famine theory of Nobel Prize winner Amartya Sen. He believes that the famine does not stem from insufficient food supply (or the courier brother is not enough, I will add a bottle of vinegar), but from the deprivation of people's right to be free from hunger. He believes that in modern history, there has never been a major famine in a democratic country. Only by establishing a social climate of equality and political responsibility can famine be avoided.

In other words, whether you store a month’s worth of food, whether you want to line up four large refrigerators on one wall, buy a hydroponic vegetable growing machine, or train yourself to be a genius who can withstand hunger... In the end, you are just seeking your own atoms. way of survival. This cannot solve the social crisis at all, nor can it change the nature of an era of famine.

In fact, many people can't reach the point where their bodies starve to death, and they have their own explanations for life. For the violinist Mr. Chen, survival may mean becoming Heifetz, Paganini, Menuhin, or enjoying Bach, Brahms... In short, immersing himself in the infinite elegance of music. For Fu Lei and his wife, life has dignity, and soldiers can be killed but not humiliated. These people cannot accept life compressed into a dung cake, no matter how many ideas you give that people can starve and not die. That being the case, how can you say to a little life about to be born in Shanghai: Come on, welcome to a brave new world! There is the Noah's cabin that welcomes you, the sheets of yellow plastic sheeting are shaking and undulating in the storm.

Maybe the judges want to ask: We stock up on food and survive at least three months of lockdown. You want us to wait for democracy as we wait for Godot. Godot never comes, shall we wait till we die? How can I have a definite answer to this? Just watching the big Shanghai endure the anti-epidemic experiment for us every day, is getting more and more shocking every day. Shanghai is not peaceful, and we will all repeat the same mistakes.

Since I don't believe in grain hoarding, what else do I believe in? I think experts are more reliable than the above. If Shanghai experts are allowed to play, if they open up their opinions and allow Shanghai intellectuals, professionals... including grassroots community managers to play an effective role, it should be better than Professor Guobao who is trapped at home begging for steamed buns Be strong. The daily economic loss of 10 billion can also be used for other things.

As I wrote this, I saw a new idea. It is said that some professional team is negotiating with WHO. You hurriedly declare that the plague is over, or change the name of Omicron and its variants to upper respiratory tract inflammation. In this way, victory in the war against Shanghai can be declared, and May 1st Labor Day can be celebrated with the opportunity to work. All in all, the direction of our existence can be reversed, so that we don’t have to think about eating shit all day long. Not only that, but who would like to see Dean Miao in Shanghai cutting his wrists and apologizing to 1.4 billion people? Yes, I don't want to support the thinking of stockpiling food to fight disasters, but expect those with brains to solve the problem with professional wisdom. Civilization has progressed to this day, returning to the cave age of slash-and-burn farming. I can't do it, and I can't think of a few people who can do it.

April 15, 2022


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AI XIAOMINGAI XIAOMING 艾晓明、 独立纪录片工作者,女权主义学者。关注当代中国历史、女权议题和社会行动。
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