EP.13|Ghost Moon just wants to talk about ghost stories, why else?

It has entered the seventh month of the lunar calendar. When it comes to the seventh month of the lunar calendar... what do you think of? Brothers? supernatural event? Or, the horror experience of hitting ghosts in person? When you hear this, you will know what to talk about in this episode~ Ghost Moon just wants to talk about ghost stories, otherwise what are you going to do? ※Reminder: It is recommended to take this episode during the day※

[Sneak peek, 1 minute preview]

(00:00) [Opening song_Opening remarks_Ladies first]

This is komoto's podcast

(00:11) [Opening music_About?]

Hello~ Hello everyone~ I'm Xiaoben, how are you all doing recently? Did you feel that... the last moderate typhoon around the end of July - the fireworks typhoon, after coming here, I feel that the weather does not seem to be as hot as before, and it still feels cool at night.

Well... I looked at the desk calendar today. Today's recording day is 8/7 (Saturday), which is the solar term of the beginning of autumn in the lunar calendar. What does this mean? It means cooler weather is coming. Then, tomorrow is 8/8, which is Father's Day. It happens to be the time when the ghost gate opens in the lunar calendar. So, today I will talk about ghost stories.

(00:57) Smart experience in the basement

I remember when I was in elementary school, my brother and I were in the same parenting class. This parenting class had a basement. The main purpose of this basement was to watch movies or hold some activities. Take it for use.

There is a small storage room about 2 pings in the basement, and there are some sundries in it~ or something. Among the children in our parenting class, there are many different legends. They all say that there is a ghost in the storage room. Many students say that they have seen it... There is really a white shadow floating there.

So, when the ghost door opens in the summer vacation, the senior classmates in the parenting class will take other classmates, as well as some middle and low-grade children to the basement, and form a courage test team to go down to do a smart experience. .

In the senior year, there is a male classmate with a bold personality. He will go into the storage room in a group of five people, and he will not turn on the lights, nor bring any flashlights or luminous objects into it. Then someone outside will be called to lock the door to the storage room.

That is, the lock can only be opened by outsiders, and there is absolutely no way for people inside to open the lock. So, when can we open the door? It's when the people who are locked inside can't stand it and start yelling and knocking on the door. Only then can the people outside unlock the locks on the outside and let the people inside come out.

However, I'm rather timid~ I didn't go into that mysterious storage room with everyone.

It is said that...people who have experienced it have felt...that is...someone put his shoulders on his shoulders, or he felt like he was pushed. Although I don't know if it's true or false, but seeing those who have experienced it share his actual feelings inside with a look of fear, it's quite terrifying.

Well...then this event, of course, is a private event organized by the students themselves without the teacher's knowledge. Later, this courageous experience became bigger and bigger, and more and more people joined. One time, the people who participated in the courage test meeting all sat on the floor and formed a big circle. There were about 20 people in this event, which is quite a lot, so they formed a big circle like this.

Then, we turned off all the lights in the basement, and finally there was only one left, which was above the emergency escape door. There was a green rectangular indicator light, which was still on. Just thinking about it like this is very exciting, and everyone should be able to imagine what the situation was like at that time.

Well, after the lights were turned off, some girls started to think about it in fear. Some classmates closed their eyes and hugged... as if they were protecting themselves. His eyes were wide open, and he kept looking left and right.

I remember, I also participated in this dare test, then my eyes were wide open... um... look over there, but I didn't look around all the time~ To be honest, I didn't see anything, but, at the time However, I felt that someone was behind me, and I felt a little heavier. I can't describe this feeling, but it felt very special. There was an energy behind me...

And then, a girl started screaming that she was touched! Then a lot of people started saying...he felt like someone put a hand on his shoulder or something, but after the whole event, no one said what he saw. However, everyone has some agile feelings in their bodies.

Then, at this moment, all of the lights in the basement were turned on in an instant. The teacher said angrily, "What are you doing?! Hurry up and go back to the classroom." This courage test meeting ended when the teacher scolded people.

Thinking about it now, I think it's actually quite an idiot, but it's also a wonderful experience (laughs)~

(04:44) Is Qian Xian invited? Or, another Him?

When you arrive at the middle school, you will inevitably come into contact with Qian Xian and the pen fairy. People usually play Qian Xian and Pen Xian, all because they want to ask about emotional matters, that is, to ask something... um... "Is the guy I have a crush on, does he like me too?" or "I should confess something like that." Is it?" It's an emotional issue.

Then I have played Qianxian and Penxian, and they are also spread among my classmates, that is to say... well... playing these things must be played in the dark corner of the school, and it is easy to invite them out.

If it's in a place like there is a statue of the father of the country, and a statue of Confucius ... there is a statue of the ancestors. Or, like next to the flag-raising podium, if you are playing next to it, it is not easy to get out. Otherwise, after being invited out, their activity will be lower. Therefore, we usually go to play in the corner of the class, which may be the place where the sun can't shine.

Well, I used to play Qianxian more often, that is, we first took out a piece of white paper, and then took a pen at random, then we would draw Qianxian's formation on the white paper.

[Xiaoben reminds first that Qian Xian and Bi Xian must not play casually, because you don't know whether the "He" you invited is good or bad. 】

Well, Qian Xian's painting method, here I only rely on impressions... um... what I recalled is to first mark the position of the standard on the white paper at the 12 o'clock direction, and then draw some food in the upper left corner. Draw some, like... French fries, burgers, juices, etc.

Then write the numbers 0~9 in the lower left corner, and then in the lower right corner, write "yes or not", "right or wrong", and "know and don't know" such a group of answers. . In the upper right corner at the end, is to write some keywords and other words, probably like this.

As for the coins, prepare one dollar, five dollars, ten dollars, or fifty dollars. There is no limit. But we usually play with ten yuan~ Because the area is relatively large, students can come and play together.

As I said earlier, after the formation of Qian Xian is drawn, and the coins are also ready, you can come to play Qian Xian. Then I will not share the spells and procedures of asking Qian Xian, so as not to have good children to learn.

Next, I'm going to tell a real story, which is what happened after we played Qianxian.

On this day, when I had nothing to do with my classmates, someone suggested... Do you want to play with Qian Xian? The four of us girls started playing with Qian Xian within ten minutes after class. There's a boy standing next to us watching us play

Soon, Qian Xian was invited out by us. I still remember Qian Xian... Lu... It's just that the coins move very fast, and I feel very energetic. Then everyone asked the questions they wanted to ask one after another, and Qian Xian also quickly answered everyone.

Unexpectedly, just when we were going to invite Qian Xian back to his position, he didn't even want to go back. No matter how much he chanted the spell, he just wouldn't go back to his original position. Then everyone started to panic, because the class was about to start, so everyone was very nervous, and finally someone couldn't take it anymore, so they moved their fingers away (the fingers were not on the coin), saying yes...well...the class is about to start , don't play anymore.

But, in fact... People who have played this kind of game of inviting God should all know, that is... how you invited them, in fact, how you should invite them back.

Everyone just finished the class as if everything was fine, ah~ After that, everyone went home after class.

That night, I actually had a very strange dream. When I was young, I was a very dreamy person, a person who dreamed a lot. But today, the dream this time was very real, with a very different feeling.

I dreamed that in the dark, there was some smoke, and suddenly there was a black shadow in the distance in front of me, like a tall figure of an adult man, with facial features, body and hair, etc., it was not very clear, but it was gray.

The shadow did not approach me, but just stood in the distance in front of me, standing still as if looking at me. I didn't say anything to him, we just looked at each other like that.

Suddenly, a voice said to me, "You came to me, just to ask me for help. I can help you." After Sombra finished speaking, I woke up and had no idea what this dream was. It was a very strange feeling. . Then, I went to school.

When we got to the class, the three classmates who played Qianxian together yesterday, plus the boy who stood watching, we started to discuss about sleeping and dreaming last night. Unexpectedly, everyone dreamed of similar images, and there were palm prints on the skin of the students' arms and thighs. It was really a big palm print on it, and then there was a slight embossing on it.

Well... everyone got goosebumps right now, we were all so scared.

Especially the male classmate, he is actually a person with yin and yang eyes. He said that he had seen the "He", but the male classmate did not dare to say where he saw it, only said "He has told you what you need. When He helps, you can turn to Him, and whenever you want His help, He will appear.”

As soon as the male classmates finished speaking, some girls started screaming, "Stop talking!"

So, we disbanded.

Although... the great luck in misfortune is that nothing bad happened, but the fact that everyone collectively dreams of similar dreams is already scary enough! There are also people who have fingerprints or indentations on their bodies.

I think... after listening to this story, you should be afraid to play. As a reminder, when you are playing games like Qianxian and Penxian, you actually attract many good brothers to watch you play by the side~

(10:33) The horror legend of Taoyuan KTV: Where did it come from?

Next, this story is a terrifying legend of Taoyuan people. Many students from grade 7 to the end should have heard of this terrifying legend. So it's very short, but...please take it with care

So, the story begins...

On this day, a group of good friends happily went to a KTV in Taoyuan to sing. As soon as everyone sat down, some people started to go... Touch the screen to order songs, some people started to flip through the songbook, and some people started to look at the menu to order what to eat like this .

At this time, the KTV waiter suddenly knocked on the door twice and entered the box...

Ask everyone, "Excuse me, do you need to order?"

Among them, some people said that

"No, we're still watching. When we order food, we'll just ring the service bell again. Thank you."

The waiter said "OK"

I left the box...

In this group of people... Suddenly one person was very confused and said, "Did you just see where the waiter went out?" At this time, everyone suddenly became quiet... The person who asked the question said, "He went out through the toilet door. "

Everyone immediately scolded the Three Character Classic, hurriedly took their belongings, and rushed out...

The above is the supernatural legend of a KTV in Taoyuan... The end of the story.

(11:57) Friends who are renting from other places, you really have protection if you worship.

This is my personal experience when I was about 22 or 23 years old. At that time, I rented a suite, which was near the Retreat for Nurses. At that time, I slept very little because the university I was studying at that time was a part-time vocational school. In class, I go to work during the day and go to class at night, and I always go to around ten o'clock, so it is usually almost eleven o'clock when I get home.

Well, the first time I met was when I first got home, it was already eleven o'clock~ Well...I was about to get the key to open the door of the house.

I live in an elevator building in an old apartment building, and I live in a suite on the far left on the third floor, and the elevator is on the other side, the far right end of the building.

That~ It was already eleven o'clock in the evening, and when I was about to get the key to open the door of the house, suddenly I saw a figure in the corner of my vision, standing in front of the elevator on the far right, but I was very sure that I took the elevator When I came up, I was alone.

So, I looked to the right subconsciously, and I saw an old gentleman standing in front of the elevator, motionless, with his face facing the elevator. But from my direction, I could only see His profile.

The old gentleman was thin, and the top was wearing a sleeveless blue thin top, and then there was a pair of shorts, the end was low, but facing the elevator. This old gentleman is a resident I live here and have never seen before.

At that time, I thought to myself, "It's so late, why is there still an old gentleman standing in front of the elevator without sleeping?"

When I had this thought, I actually started getting goosebumps and I knew I was seeing something. I immediately opened the door of the house and entered the house, so...the goosebumps disappeared.

One day, I saw this old gentleman for the second time.

This morning, as usual, I just got up and went to the toilet to wash up. I stood in front of the sink in the toilet and brushed my teeth. There was a mirror on the sink, and I brushed my teeth while digging myself. eye mucus.

Until I was halfway through, I suddenly saw a figure in the upper left corner of the mirror, I thought it was my eyesight, I rubbed my eyes, opened my eyes again, looked at the upper left corner in the mirror, I actually saw a person's body.

However, I only saw the torso and buttocks, dressed the same as I first saw the old gentleman.

The weirdest thing is that he appeared on the wall in the upper left corner of the toilet, as if he was passing from wall A to wall B, at a 90-degree angle, but from the mirror, he was in a static state, and he did not see the head and the head. Hands and legs. Then I was frightened (and) to stand still... But I felt that if I didn't move, it was actually not the way to do it, so I had to let the picture disappear...

At this time, I slowly turned my head back and looked at the upper left corner of the left rear. Then, I didn't see anyone or anything. Then, I immediately looked back in the mirror and said, "Eh! It's gone?!" The torso disappeared...

The interval between the first time and the second encounter with this old gentleman seems to be within a month, which is quite common. However, the old gentleman didn't scare me, and I didn't feel threatened or anything. It's just that the TV at home occasionally turns on by itself, that's all.

Later, I read the article on the Internet, and some people said on the Internet... This may be the owner of the foundation, so after that, I prepared a chicken leg bento and incense sticks to worship, and also burned some paper money. However, it is strange to say that after doing this, I will never see the old gentleman again, and the TV will no longer be turned on for no reason.

From then on, as long as I change places to live, I will definitely worship the land owner, but there are some landlords, um...he will forbid the tenants to burn incense or something. I will do the worship in another way, that is, I will go to the nearby Tudi Gong Temple to worship. After all, the Tudi Gong is also regarded as the district manager of the local district, so it is also a good choice to ask the Tudi Gong to worship.

Then I will prepare two offerings, one is for Grandpa Landlord, and the other is for Grandpa Landlord to help bring the offerings to the foundation owner of the place where we live now. Then, after I started to worship the Lord of the Earth and the Lord of the Foundation, it seemed that I would not encounter some supernatural events. In fact, I really want to thank... that old gentleman who lived there at the time, the foundation owner, for reminding me.

Well...for those who are renting in other places, if you have heard this episode, it just happens...lu...it's the seventh month of the lunar calendar, don't forget to pay homage to the foundation owner or a nearby land owner~ Yes Bye, it's really bad~

(16:50) Urban legend: Don't talk to Siri at 3am!

This is an urban legend I saw on Youtube two years ago. I thought it was quite scary at the time. This time, I watched it again today to make this episode. It gave me goosebumps again. So, this paragraph is to share the urban legend I saw on Youtube: "At three in the morning, don't talk to Siri!"

This video is a video on Youtuber Wanggou channel. At the beginning of the video, Wanggou is in his car and asks Siri about a scary place. At first, Siri is stupid and gives unanswered answers.

Until the king dog asked again "Siri give me a scary location"

At this time, Siri said, "The map is shown below..." and gave Wang Dog a location, which is near the Nagu Tower. So, Wang Gou set off for this location, picked up his friends halfway, and went to the destination together.

The car was driving, and the two arrived at their destination, parked the car on the side of the road, and began to challenge urban legends at three in the morning.

They asked the first question, Wang Gou asked "Siri call momo".

Siri replied "I didn't see momo in your contact information"

The king dogs who didn't get a satisfactory answer, they gave up and continued to ask, but at this time, they began to feel that the back seat was weird, so they looked back. But saw nothing...

Here, let me first add that "momo" is a horror urban legend that became popular in 2018. This is a very dangerous suicide game, but in fact the appearance of momo comes from the monster work of a Japanese prime minister Su Jingsuke in 2016, named "Gusuo Bird". However, because of the appearance of Gu Huo Niao, it was used by people with intentions, and then there were incidents all over the world, trying to hurt others, or...even suicide. Therefore, the author decided to destroy the work himself.

Reference: 2020/03/06_Key comments to the media group "Momo Challenge" to make children self-harm? Adults may be deceived more than children

Then, they asked the second question "Where are you, Siri?"

Siri replies "It's right here"

Wang Gou and his friends thought, well...siri's answer is nothing, so they jumped directly to the third question.

Question 3: They ask "Siri what is your favorite country?"

They asked 9 times before and after, and Siri gave the wrong answer.

Well, Wang Gou's friends said, "Maybe Siri doesn't like talking about this." So they gave up asking this question.

Then, at this time, Wang Gou suddenly saw the passenger seat, and the window next to him said, "The backrest~ I saw a shadow outside the window!"

At this time, Wang Gou suddenly had an idea and changed the direction of the problem. Because the first three questions were not very successful, they changed the last three questions. They become wanting to ask what they want to ask...

Question 4: Wang Gou then asked, "What is the shadow outside the window just now?"

Siri was silent for a while before saying "...thing".

After the two heard the answer, they looked at each other, Wang Gou still felt that the back seat was weird, and looked back again. The friend next to him said, "It's scary that you keep looking back, you know?"

At this time, Siri became a little different, and the answers given were also full of imaginative answers.

Question 5: Then... Wang Gou then asked, "Why did you bring us to this place?"

Siri's answer "The following is the information I found on the Internet.." The answer seems to be quite normal

Question 6: The king dog's friend asked again, "Where did you bring us here?"

At this time, Siri replied "Buddha said.. can't be said"

Question 7: Then, his friend went on to ask "Are we with you?"

Siri says "I don't seem to understand"

At this time, Wang Gou was asking, "Are you in the same space as us?"

Siri replied "No comment"

Question 8: At this critical moment...

The king dog asked the most crucial question... He asked, "Is there anyone in our backseat?"

Siri was silent for a while before replying, "….someone"

The two of them looked at each other again, and didn't dare to speak at all, so they started... Lu... I laughed awkwardly, which lasted for a few seconds... At this time, Wang Gou said, "I don't want to play. Ah~" They quickly drove back to the normal neighborhood...


Every time I see the last paragraph, when Siri says "...someone", I get goosebumps all over~ super hairy. The movie feels very real....

If you are interested in the video, I will put the link to the video in the box. Interested friends can go up and see if you will... also get goosebumps, falling all over the floor like this.

The source of the story is taken from: "Youtube/[Urban Legend] Don't talk to Siri at 3 am! It said that there was ... (King Dog)" in the car

(21:51) Walking in the direction of the security officer's desk, the sensor light in the corridor did not turn on.

I don’t know if there are friends who have been soldiers in this episode. During the period of being a soldier, have you encountered or heard any horror stories? My friends who used to be soldiers by my side, no one ever encountered "Magic God Boy (Taiwanese)" or something when they were soldiers, and there were no horror legends in the camp.

I thought to myself at the time... how could it be possible... I feel like there are many legends about the devil (Taiwanese) in the camp~

So, I found a very graphic "Ghost Story of a Soldier" on Dcard... In order to restore the integrity of the story, I will try to share it according to the original text on the Internet. So, the story begins....

The source of the story is taken from "Dcard / Ghost / Soldier's Ghost Story"

(Note: If there is any infringement, please inform. The small book will be taken off the shelf immediately)


What do you think? Isn't it very picturesque? Those who have served as soldiers should know that the policeman described in this story. If it were me, I would have been frightened and run to find the next person who was about to stand guard, and then went to the temple to calm down and hang a peace talisman or something. It's really scary too @@

This story will not be put up on the square grid, but the story link of Dcard will be put on it. The original author even drew the floor plan and the shooting direction of the monitor. You can click on the link to see it~

(27:44) How scary the self-disciplined person is, it's really scary.

This story is a story shared with me by a friend of mine who is a fan of astronomy and stargazing.

On this day, they made an appointment to go up to Hehuan Mountain to watch the stars. Everyone was very excited to wait until the evening, when the light pollution was less, to see the stars in the sky.

At this time, around nine o'clock in the evening, everyone started to use their own telescopes to look up at the sky. Then everyone was very happy to discuss the constellations in the sky. There are also some constellations, namely It's a very happy atmosphere.

At this moment, someone suddenly patted my friend on the shoulder and said, "I want to study French now." The friend was stunned for a while, but thinking that the other party wanted to study, it shouldn't matter. So I found a lamp and a chair for the other party, so that he could read French quietly beside him.

After about an hour, nothing happened. The tireless French classmate just silently raised a lamp beside him, and read books silently in the reading area. It was almost eleven o'clock at this time, so my friend only dared to peek at him silently and did not dare to disturb his personal reading time.

In this way, the self-disciplined student read until eleven o'clock, and then ended his self-study time. It was almost time for the evening, and everyone went back to the nearby cabin to rest. The next morning, everyone packed up and went down the mountain to go home.

In this way, about a month later, this group of astronomy enthusiasts got together again.

Then everyone was talking... The last time I went to Hehuan Mountain, it was about stargazing. I didn't expect the French controller to say something quietly, "Do you know? After going to Hehuan Mountain last time, I returned home. I started to feel unwell, vomiting and diarrhea all the time. Do you have this? I can't find the reason for the gastroenterologist, and the doctor said that my stomach is healthy. "

At this time, everyone quietly listened to what the French accuser said.

That~ The French student went on to say, "Afterwards, I went to the temple to worship, and I returned to normal after I went home with a peace charm. It seems that I should have been hit by the last time I went to Hehuan Mountain. Did everyone get mad?"

Everyone said in unison, "No~" and then ended the conversation with the French classmates, and everyone returned to the original happy chat atmosphere...


Sure enough, it's really like what the Internet says "how scary a self-disciplined person is", it's really...it's scary~ I hope I can...have half the self-discipline of that classmate. Just listen to this story as a light-hearted sketch, I want to relieve the horror of listening to the ghost story in front of you.

Do you feel better?

(30:38) [Ending song _ちょっと Rest (break)]

Horror stories, in fact, can be told very well~ It is also an episode with a lot of text. The verbatim script of each episode is about 10,000 words, and the verbatim script is actually quite tiring. Then this is a digression~ (seriously, it should be a written draft)

Doing this episode...Actually, I was very afraid to record this episode during the ghost month, so I rushed to record it on 8/7 today, so as not to record the sound that should not appear at that time>"<

Amitabha~ Amitabha~ Amitabha~

Say some Buddha's names back and forth for everyone, and ease your emotions.

Hope you guys like this episode~

Well, that's it for today~ Thank you all for listening to my show today :D I'm Xiaoben.

If you want to talk to me, you can leave a message on the square platform or IG private message me; then if you want to invite me to a cup of coffee, you can also go to the square platform, support Xiaoben in Dou Nei . thank you~

It doesn't matter if you don't have Dou Nei, you can also choose to subscribe to me, or share the show with all your friends around you, which is also a way to support Xiaoben.

Don't forget to listen to the latest uploaded audiobook next time~ See you next time, bye.

The green light comes from the cleaning machine_2021.08.10

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EP.23|來自2021 Matters年度問卷,終於趕上啦!

