Talking about the things that the author of Lu She should pay attention to when signing the authorization contract (1)

I'm Lu She, I'm just talking about it. Professionals don't want to challenge me. Really shallow, but all important.

The experience of publishing an article "authorized to reprint" N months ago is applicable to the situation of "your article has been written and published, and the media will contact you for reprinting" (regardless of the royalties).

This time I want to talk about the situation of "there is a media invitation, please write an article on a certain topic, publish it to their home, and sign an authorization contract for you after writing." In addition, the other party has clearly informed the delivery time and the manuscript fee.

When contacted, the other party did not mention the manuscript fee, so you can directly refuse without wasting time. "Normal" media will definitely talk about royalties, and will not ask the author to ask, whether the author is a rookie or not.

They are all learning and selling on their own, and they won’t talk about it systematically, and write whatever comes to mind, so I plan to write several series of articles.

First of all, don't think that all the licensing contracts you sign with any media are standardized, and they will all look exactly the same, even the writing is the same. Do not. Yes. This. Sample.

Basically, as far as the other party's position is concerned, they will describe the text of the contract and write it in their own interests. They will have legal counsel or legal counsel to draft/repair the contract. This is not difficult to understand.

I have signed licenses with different media first, and I have also signed many licenses with the same media. Every time I get a contract, although the content is about the same thing, such as Party A and Party B, the rights and obligations of both parties Wait, but, but, but, in some contracts, there will be options for the author to check, such as "exclusive authorization" or "non-exclusive authorization" for you to choose, some not, and it is very devious. Play word games.

"You first help me check the "non-exclusive authorization" on the contract, thank you!"

I said this to the editor in a letter a while ago.

"Huh! There's no place to check in our contract."

Edit this way back to me.

Then, I passed the last contract I signed and had options to him to see. After he went to the legal counsel, he learned that the original contract had been revised to a new version.

Since I was put together by a best-selling author and professor of a certain department in a certain university in Zhongli, I will keep every contract I signed. If it is a "normal" media, after the author signs the contract and sends it out, he will definitely send back a copy for the author to save.

The purpose of saving the contract is that there is an opportunity to invite manuscripts to sign later, which can be compared. Compare the same media, the differences before and after the contract revision; compare different media, how to use word games to regulate the rights and obligations of both parties when drafting the contract.

The authorization contract is definitely not signed, the manuscript fee is also recorded, and then it can be thrown away. This is related to your work, how it will be used by others in the future, and what rights you have to use it.

In short, those stereotyped authorization contracts that can be found on the Internet can of course be used for reference, but don’t have too many “cut and paste” illusions about the contracts you actually get. After all, people may also use examples on the Internet to draw up/revise contracts that are beneficial to them, and then change one version to another, and continue to evolve, so that the company can pay the author at a lower profit, but obtain additional works through the contract. value, the best interests of the play.

Contracts will continue to evolve because of people's revisions; as an author, you must learn to evolve.


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蔡凱西Cathy Tsai | 蔡凱西 台北人 / 不專業旅人 / 流浪中的學術人 / 研究旅行史與旅行文化的不良歷史學徒/《後綴》假掰文青誌編輯群 在出門旅行、閱讀,與作古的旅記文本中持續穿越 佛系粉專: 合作邀約
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