When it comes to changing yourself, changing your life, setting goals, setting new hopes for the new year...why do the vast majority of people fail?

The long Lunar New Year is finally over, and no matter how unintentional it is to take the holiday, there will always be a start date. With a feeling of lack of energy and laziness, thinking about holding on for a few more days, and having a few more consecutive vacations, is this a portrayal of you?

Steven Jobs once said, "Work takes up a large part of your life, and the only thing that will satisfy you is to do what is good in your heart."

He added: "I'm sure I love what I do, and that's the only reason for me to keep going after all these years."

Seeing this, do you want to say, I know all this, but I just can't do it !

What is it that dimmed your once shining eyes?

Since when did life become less exciting and anticipating?

Why is it that every day of life is like a record of skipping needles, day after day, the same?

Do you feel that there are pieces of lost pieces in your heart, and you will never be able to find the innocent, romantic and passionate self of the past?

Are you fed up with a boring, mediocre life?

When it comes to changing yourself, changing your life, setting goals, setting new hopes for the new year...why do the vast majority of people fail?

Why do most people set goals and fail?

I know that there are many people who believe in the Law of Attraction and work hard to use tools such as positive thinking, dream boards, etc., but why are there still too many results of "unfulfillment"?

Why is it so difficult to customize a dream happy life?

Do you know why slogans and positive thinking are often ineffective?

That's because, the source of the problem - consciousness has not changed!

When it comes to changing yourself, most people's practices are limited to changes at the level of thought, emotion, or behavior, but this is self-control, not real transformation.

When people's superficial consciousness is inconsistent with their subconscious, even if they actively do various positive thinking and goal setting on the surface, if these thoughts cannot be matched with the subconscious deep in their hearts, they will often find themselves caught in the war between heaven and man, and their minds will occasionally There will be all kinds of small noises pulling their hind legs.

The nature of thoughts and emotions cannot be changed unless we fundamentally transform.

A real shift means a change in frequency.

That is, from the level of consciousness, the old beliefs and emotional and behavioral inertial patterns that are no longer suitable for oneself are removed, and the vibrational state is reset or transformed to reflect the energy in line with higher frequencies. Such a transformation is real and permanent. .

According to quantum theory, our consciousness, thoughts and emotions have their corresponding imprints of vibrational energy at the cellular level.

Therefore, what we hear, what we see, what we think, what we do or feel, or who we are with… all these people and things have an impact on the vibrational frequency and change us all the time.

Einstein said that when we try to solve problems with the mind that creates them, it doesn't work.

Unless we have the ability to jump out of the current level and use a higher pattern and thinking, can we solve the problems that are currently plaguing us.

Seeing that beliefs deep within oneself are no longer appropriate to the current state involves an unconscious psychological level. Unless it is a long-term practice, there is enough clear awareness and insight, and the ability to replace and reshape beliefs, and to eliminate emotional and behavioral inertial patterns, for the average person, without external assistance, Want to change the status quo, easier said than done?

I have experienced the severe challenges of family parent-child relationship, marital relationship and financial crisis for several years, and I know that trying to reverse the disadvantage by myself is as difficult as shaking a tree!

I am very grateful for my persistence in choosing to practice in the field of body and mind for many years. Through the complete framework of knowledge system and action plan, as well as the guidance and company of a group of good teachers and friends who have the same philosophy and similar frequency, I can walk towards a bright and smooth path in life without hesitation. .

After going through this process, I am very happy to be a beacon of light, to accompany all my friends who have greater expectations in life with what I know and learn. But this is not the sharing of fragmented and scattered knowledge that is common on the Internet, but the integration of what Crama has learned in the field of body and mind for many years, and the complete and systematic sharing of the secrets of overturning adversity and building a happy life.

How to turn things around with Crama and create a happy life?

Crama will spend one year in the special plan of "The Happy Life of the Bull," which will be officially published on the square grid from March 1, 2021. It will be divided into quarters to plan four major series, which completely cover " Negative emotions clean up, "belief replacement", "find yourself" to enhance self-worth and self-love index, and "from me to us", sharing a mature and good communication and interaction model... Four key elements of a happy life.

Under the main theme of the season, there will be a related sub-theme per month, presented in article lengths between 1500 and 2500 words. It also publishes some Crama's current thoughts and feelings from time to time, as well as the sharing of learning and growth, and publishes a total of no less than three articles per month.

As the saying goes: "One person can go fast, a group of people can go far", especially for people who don't have enough motivation and discipline to achieve their goals, the support and companionship of the group is even more important.

If you want to get bigger and more stable support, you can also join the "Quarterly Theme Community" initiated by Crama. Readers who participate in this program will not only be able to read all the articles included in this topic permanently, but also obtain a quarterly membership of the co-cultivation community, and provide a practical action proposal for one sub-theme per month in the main axis of the season. The in-depth exploration and intensive practical exercises of the exercise, exercise the mental muscle memory, anchor in a high-energy state for 90 days, and fundamentally change the vibration frequency.

In addition, the co-education community also provides a large number of learning resources: including learning aids, public welfare courses, experience, growth, miracle testimony and gratitude sharing, monthly group online question and answer questions, and in-depth sharing and summary of topics, so that people who are interested in Transformers can easily switch frequencies with the help of the power of the group environment.

See my feature article on Grid for more details:

When it comes to changing yourself, changing your life, setting goals, setting new hopes for the new year...why do the vast majority of people fail?

The happy life of the cow turning the universe - a special introduction to the square grid

If you are willing to open a window for yourself, so that your dreams are no longer just daydreams, but really live and breathe, truly feel the joy of life, and can't wait to open your eyes to experience life every day. How beautiful is it?

Invite you and Crama to turn the world and create a happy life together!

Endless love and blessings! Crama

With Crama, you can turn the world and create a happy life


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

翻轉教練*AQ逆商智慧分享者Crama嗨~你好!很開心在這裏遇見你~ 我是翻轉教練 Crama ,也是AQ逆商智慧,和自我實現心理學的踐行者與分享人。我致力於協助人們翻轉財務、親子及親密關係品質,提升「人生幸福力」,建立實現高自我價值的豐盛富足人生。歡迎與我同行,共同攜手打造幸福和諧的社會。
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