Reading Pen Geng|Matters Coin’s observations and reflections will open your mind (feat. community event preview)

Matters Coin instruction instructions, combined with actual experience. Or is it a side chapter on "The stupid things we did in the blockchain in those years"? Preview of a new round of community activities.

Recently, Matters Lab Discord launched a new community points mechanism called Matters Coin. This is my third time experiencing this "PoX" DC group token economic model.

Proof of Participation (Power of Participation, PoP):
~collect | Dig once a day.
~work | Dig every six hours.

■ Supply and demand, open your mind

Then, based on what activities you participate in and how deep your participation is, the weight of token distribution is determined by "quantity and quality". This is the supply side. And what are the uses of tokens? This is the demand side:

  • Gifts can be redeemed in the Points Mall.

Currently, there are two gifts on the shelf: KiiTOSCell NFT (a project initiated by@米高与狗ThankYou) and the e-book "Metaverse".

~store | View store gifts.
~ buy "gift name" |Buy a gift.

  • Will the Matters Coin held by users be reset (destroyed) periodically, or will it continue to accumulate?

The idea is the concept of "season" (Seacon 1, Season 2, Season 3...). Based on the results of the previous period, experience and feedback will be learned, and the next period will be optimized after the "restart".

  • Matters Coin can be transferred between users.

My imagination is wide open. Since you can redeem gifts in the points mall, you should also have the opportunity to exchange things in the 👛|Matt Market Channel (Editor’s note: Citizen @swiftevo has already developed a prototype for this concept); or in Discord I saw the other person’s comment online and felt that I had been touched. Now, in addition to pressing emoji to respond to the “message”, there are also more channels for actual support, and I reward the “author” with Matters Coin.

~give @username amount|Transfer the amount in hand to @username
~give @usernameall

■ Practical experience (being stupid)

When I come into contact with 3C products, I often don’t read the manual and just “learn by doing” to try various functions. It seems that I learn faster this way? Or is it more impressive?

Behind the Matters Coin mechanism this time is a robot called UnbelievaBoat . Based on the spirit of experimentation, I am very interested in trying the instructions that are "not taught in school".

Find the UnbelievaBoat robot from the dialog box, and the related instructions are lined up.
~deposit amount |Deposit the amount on hand into the account. If you want to deposit "all", write all.
~deposit all
~withdraw amount |Withdraw the amount from the account to your hand. If you want to withdraw "all", write all.
~withdraw all

~money | Check the total amount (on hand + account).

During the experiment, I issued two commands respectively and obtained the corresponding "stupid" result. Please allow me to skip the various hilarious plots and jump directly to the conclusion without using narrative writing to reproduce them. "Dark History"!

What stupid things have we done in the blockchain over the years?

■ Epilogue: Preview of community activities

By the way, I would like to inform you of the progress of the latest edition of the Matt Universe Driver Community Event. This essay planning is in collaboration with ▇▇ (let’s give it a try first). We invite you to participate in this event based on the blockchain. A gathering of humanities .

The proposal will be submitted to the community for voting on the morning of October 11, 2022, just in the Matters Discord【 🎇. Cryptocurrency ] channel is in progress, everyone is welcome to sign in to Matters Coin every day, drop by and visit the major areas of Web3, and participate in the grand event together!

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