Miscellaneous Notes: About whether you like to eat ramen

In the end is like, or habit? Can you tell the difference?
Photo by Frank from 5 AM Ramen on Unsplash

In the past, because my ex-boyfriend liked to eat ramen

In the 4 years we have been together, we have eaten a lot of ramen together, and I am used to seeing ramen restaurants on IG that I haven't eaten before, and I will save them first, thinking about going to try them someday.

I am probably used to it. When I come back to Taipei and have the opportunity to eat by myself, I will also consider ramen (because my family doesn't eat pork, I rarely eat ramen with my family). Especially a ramen restaurant that I haven't tried before, but after seeing photos and articles, I think it must be delicious.

Last month, I ate alone at a ramen shop I hadn't been to before. When I was planning to record it, I thought, um, is it because this ramen is not as delicious as I expected?

Or, I don't really love ramen that much?

In the past, it was just because I wanted to eat all kinds of delicious-looking ramen with him, but now I eat it myself, so I don't like ramen that much?

I looked at the empty soup bowl and thought.

No, if I ate delicious ramen today, I must be very happy (I love the AFURI Yuzu Shio Ramen in Tokyo, and I even like their instant noodles)!

It's just that this time the taste is not my favorite.

However, before I go back to Canada, should I try to record the ramen shops I haven’t tried before, and even queue up to try them?

It doesn't seem necessary.

Might as well spend the money on other restaurants I like.

When I came to this conclusion, I couldn't help but smile.

Ah, there are still many delicious foods waiting for me!

The above was written in my diary on 8/19/2022. I thought I had already posted it on Matters, but I haven't.

As a result, I tried a ramen shop in September.

A few days ago, I went to the branch opened by Changsheng people in the Minsheng community, mainly to see the sharing of friends, I feel like I like it! I prefer salt-flavored ramen rather than rich soup. Moreover, this queuing food is open near my home. Even if I have to queue for a while, it is not too much of a burden on me.

After eating Shio Ramen, I feel very satisfied. Whether it is noodles, meat or soup, they are all my favorite flavors.

When tasting the last bite, I suddenly thought of traveling to Hokkaido with my ex-boyfriend in 2018. Of course, we checked a few famous ramen restaurants and ate nourishing Xuan in Hakodate on the first night.

It was a wet and cold night in Hakodate in November, and we pushed open the door in the light rain and entered this well-respected shop.

It was a plain and simple shio-flavored ramen. The noodles could taste fresh dough and eggs. For the ex-boyfriend who likes to eat thick tonkotsu ramen, it should be just a very simple taste, but we will eat it again in the future. After trying a lot of different ramen, he said it was his favorite ramen during his trip to Hokkaido.

Thinking of this incident, I felt very emotional without knowing it.

For food, of course, I can simply enjoy my appetite and taste the taste of food, but if I can enjoy food with others, I should be happier.

I'm still confused, my feelings about ramen

It's true that I like to eat soup noodles, but my obsession with ramen can be said to be influenced by my ex-boyfriend.

I thought I didn't really like ramen that much, but after eating Changsheng Shōren, I felt that I still liked ramen very much.

Maybe this time is the time when ramen has been integrated into my life.

I have experienced things that seem unimportant, such as often paying attention to ramen and eating ramen for 4 years. Even if I want to return to the original non-attachment to ramen, it is impossible.

If you want to see photos of ramen noodles from Changsheng, you can find my IG at the end of the article to share!


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【FB fan page】 Waste girl.
【IG life record】 lazylily_eat


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廢文女孩內容行銷/ 職場生活/ 閱讀/ 人在加拿大的生活雜記。 (頭貼使用Picrew,紙娃娃作者:itomiyuki@noca_m)
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