Reading to see life|The book excerpt and experience of "The Interpersonal Communication Skills of Japan's No. 1 Female Public Relations"

The secret to creating billions of results without dexterity: diary review, way of life, and the skills to grasp the heart of customers. Ogawa's spirit sees life.

The secret to creating billions of dollars without dexterity

Source: Ogawa Ellie Enrike's instagram public account -eri.ogawa1102

Author: Ogawa Ellie Enrike

Working as a hotel publicist in Nagoya for 14 years, she initially accumulated experience stumbled, and then continued to improve with a sincere and hard-working attitude. The hourly salary increased from 1,500 yen to 260,000 yen. In 2019, he held a grand retirement banquet at the high-end hotel "Art's café" in Nagoya, earning 500 million yen in four days, becoming a legend. Currently active in Tokyo as a company manager.

Reading to see life|The book excerpt and experience of "The Interpersonal Communication of Japan's First Female Public Relations" / Extracted from the e-book cover / Source: Chen Wen

Chapter 1 Fourteen Years of Diary Review

introspection method

Occasionally reviewing the diary, some will think "it's great", and some will say "it's not like this".

The author makes corrections after self-reflection through records and retrospectives.

Sincere attitude

Always think about things about the guests. It is better to spend every minute and every second thinking about how to entertain guests when you have time to play. You must take action and redouble your efforts.
In the past, I relied on friends or acted like a man, so that my soul could rely on it. Although I still often feel lonely, if I rely on it too much, I cannot be a good woman or become strong.

slow down

Speak slowly, speaking too quickly can be seen as impatient. Also, speak clearly and loudly.
Don't use harsh words.

prudent behavior

Behave in public as if you were an actress.
When waiting at the back of the store, don't be restless, be steady, and don't be in a daze.


The music that was playing at the closing time was " I Don't Want to Miss a Thing ", the theme song of the movie "Doomsday", and I listened to this song as I walked out of the store and thought to myself, "I'm about to die too. "
The important thing is not to be afraid of failure, but to draw a line with failure.
I can't forgive someone for insulting me. I'll smile right now, but I've probably been thinking in my heart, "Just wait and see, I must make you bow your head to me.
That anger wasn't directed towards the guests, but because I couldn't accept it myself, so I kept on going to a higher level.
I hope to improve my social status and let everyone recognize me, not the public relations lady Enrike, but the operator Enrike.

Chapter 2 Thinking and Strategies to Become No. 1

Know yourself and strengthen your strengths

Below 300,000 can't be called champagne at all!

1. Queen type: arrogant beauty, self-centered, good at command. The audience is cowardly and masochistic men.

Can I order a spade messenger (over 600,000 champagne)?

2. Princess type: innocent and innocent like a cute doll, as long as you get a gift with a smile, it will be the guest's reward.

How can it be better? Thanks to you, my ranking has risen!

3. Ordinary type: You can't rely on your appearance to decide the outcome. At first glance, it looks very ordinary. You can only work hard, let the guests see it, and then be willing to support it.

Identify your own attributes correctly, then use appropriate weapons, and occasionally adjust your character with guests. Female public relations is a profession that treats oneself as a woman as a commodity, and must have the value of "making the other party willing to spend money to see you."

Performance ups and downs, calm down

1. Don't rest even if you're depressed!

Life is not all good, try to change your mood by dressing and other ways, and get up to work.

2. Multi-pronged approach, cut off the vicious circle, and find a way to climb up!

Befriend the male waiter, even if you don't earn a lot, the other party is still human after all, and will be willing to find a way to help.

3. Firm belief!

As long as you don't sit still and communicate well with people, chances will surely come.

Different customers have their own countermeasures

Most of the wealthy guests are well-mannered, cheerful, and have an elegant way of speaking.

This kind of person is usually a bit strong, and to catch them you have to expose your shortcomings first.

If you meet a customer who wants to interact with you, if you are serious, you can tell him: "Thank you for telling me, I am really happy! But now the work is very smooth, the goal is to become the number one, I hope you can do it for me too Come on. I hope you can watch me until the performance is stable, and I will consider it after it stabilizes.”

As for the guests who casually asked "Do you have a boyfriend?", they replied: "Every day, there are people from Monday to Thursday, and it's still free on Friday, do you want it?" Usually, the other party will give up.

Chapter 3 Grasp the way the guest speaks

Analyze guests

I am Enrike!

1. Easy-going type: just respond with a natural face. At the same time, observe the age of the other party and distinguish whether it is a work/private trip. When talking, keep the distance as short as possible, make jokes, and chat casually.

Hello, my name is Enrike.

2. Inaccessible and difficult type: not playful, polite! Be attentive to your needs, show respect from your attitude to your words and deeds.

You are awesome! Please help me~

3. Arrogant type: Compliment each other, reveal one's own shortcomings, and sometimes even play a wronged role. This type of clothing usually has big brand name logos, necklaces or watches are all glittering. They are 100% willing to spend money. If you are disgusted by this type of appearance, you can implement the set response of being bullied: "This is to tell my parents~" and other self-abuse jokes.

See the needs

Observe the words and expressions before sitting down, analyze the existing information, and provide the other party's needs

Expand the conversation

You can start the topic by "Why are you here today?", and find out what the other person likes. If you are not good at it, ask for advice humbly.

It's best to have a little misfortune in your own topic. After all, the other party is paying to drink, so they don't want to listen to your pride meeting.

Find the point of a compliment, like "You drink so well," "You sound so good," or compliments on accessories and clothing.

Relationship maintenance

Be sure to remember what the guest mentioned last time. You can use the thank you message on the line as a tool to remind yourself.

You can also be a guest of the other party. For example, the other party works in a travel agency, cake shop, cosmetics counter, and can use their services or products.

Drink response

When the other party drinks, drink together. Apply alcohol knowledge and praise the other person for their drink.


Clarify the company's regulations, plan carefully, and achieve the highest performance and bonuses.

contact method

Three ways to get contact information without trace:

Can you give me the URL of that store?

Some people don't like to be asked for contact information directly. They can create a reason through the store information mentioned in the chat.

I will send you the photo!

Take a commemorative photo of the two, and said that in order to pass the photo, please provide the contact account of the other party.

I want to introduce someone to you.

For example, the other party is engaged in real estate, and he introduces a friend who wants to find a house to him. Such reasons related to the other party's work are quite effective.

Reminder: Write down your full name when logging in, otherwise it will be very rude to forget it in the future.

Chapter 4 Let customers come to the store

message skills

1. Don't use fixed statements.

The other person will definitely see what kind of message is just copy-pasted, and be sure to write a message for that person.

2. Don’t keep spreading marketing messages.

3. The thank you message should be sent by noon the next day.

to show that you are a morning and active person.

4. Cooperate with the writing style.

If the other party likes emoji, use emoji together; like stickers, also use stickers; or pure messages.

Read Seeing Life: My Perspective

work hard

Take one step at a time and do what is right.

When she first entered the workplace, Ogawa Aili only had a high school education. When her mind and knowledge were not mature and stable, she only relied on a sincere attitude and hard work in exchange for her own progress. It can be seen that explicit conditions such as academic qualifications and appearance may be tickets, shortcuts, or bonus points for success, but returning to the basics is ultimately based on hard work, introspection, and positivity.

build network

Xiaochuan's performance and rankings were once like a dead end that could not be solved. With her sincere greetings, thanks and goodwill to the male waiter, she slowly gained new customers who were more affluent.

As a newcomer, she was once ignored and even bullied by her seniors, but she kept her composure and continued to express her respect through compliments in front of guests, in the lounge and in private, and several years later, she still did not join any The neutral posture of the "senior faction" climbed to the first place and stood firm.

The so-called ACE (ace) in the hotel is the big customer. Ogawa doesn't just see her ACE as someone who simply spends money, but someone who helps herself (or even becomes a spiritual support), so she is confirming the other person's preferred role (eg: friend-like, father-daughter relationship) After that, Haosheng maintained his emotions, treated each other sincerely, and got more precious gains than money.

Very high emotional intelligence

The pressure of performance once made Xiaochuan who was just starting out setbacks. With the continuous strengthening of his mentality and his belief, Xiaochuan is no longer obsessed with numbers, but focuses on his own ability, grasps the nobles, and develops new customers.

Working in a hotel is inevitably filled with all kinds of guests. In the face of Okes and villains, Ogawa can resolve the crisis with wisdom without changing his face, neither letting the other party lose face nor hurting himself. In addition to accumulating those witty questions and answers through thinking, the most important thing is that the emotions cannot be affected, and the logic and thoughts must be clear.

Enrike, who is so diligent, grasps contacts and opportunities, and has high emotional intelligence, continues to pursue the short, medium and long-term goals set for herself. Now she has achieved success, I believe that she will shine in any field in the future!

My other pages: Fanggezi / Potato Media / Facebook / Chen Wen's life / Write as much as you like


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