[Know more about ketogenic health] 08 3-minute DIY lazy keto cake (sugar-free, flour-free, gluten-free chocolate Keto Cake)


Ketogenic lazy cake

Hello everyone, I’m a light. After I shared bulletproof coffee with the ketogenic diet in the last episode, besides talking about drinking, I have to talk about food. Today’s session will be easy and less DIY ketogenic cake. This time I will make this called ketogenic lazy cake. , the ingredients are only eggs, almond flour, baking powder, butter, and a small amount of stevia. Basically, there are so few things and it is very simple. They are all the materials I usually use, and everyone can easily buy them. I bought Stevia at the supermarket. Ordinary baking powder is bought at the supermarket. The most important thing is the almond flour, which I bought at iHerb, and the butter I will use this time. I don’t need a piece of butter, I just use it. This organic grass-fed butter meal and eggs are still in the freezer!

In addition to these five ingredients, organic cocoa powder will be added to make a different flavor. This is also bought by iHerb. Why is this ketogenic cake called lazy cake this time, because I will make five Daily serving size, it is easy to eat in the office on weekdays, how to make it right away.

First, add almond flour and the amount for one person is 20 grams. If you make five people, the amount is 100 grams, which is almost ten tablespoons. It is just 100 grams, about ten tablespoons. The second is baking powder. One gram of baking powder is used for one person. One gram and five servings are five grams, which is more than enough. The third item is butter powder. I will use this grass-fed butter powder. The shell and six shells are just right. In the end, the amount of stevia per person is two grams, and the five servings is ten grams and two full teaspoons. They are not too much and will not be very sweet. You can adjust the taste yourself. Stir and mix all of these to make five servings. On average, one serving a day is the amount for a week. You may not eat it every day. Pack it in a food bag or find a good box. Only take out a little when it is convenient to eat. You can mix it well like this. A total of 167 grams divided by five is 33.4 grams. Make the first one, one tablespoon, two tablespoons, and five tablespoons. Five tablespoons are enough. It is just 35 grams. Five tablespoons is one serving, about half a cup is thin, and this is one serving. There are four servings in this pack. When storing delicious food, take five tablespoons and put them in the cup, and add an egg to it. Stir it and it will become a cake, first make the first egg and add it, then stir it with a spoon, it is almost even and put it in the microwave for three minutes. Put on this organic cocoa powder, about one teaspoon of chocolate powder can be one or two teaspoons, open the cake flour that has just been stirred, add five tablespoons, one tablespoon, two tablespoons and five tablespoons, and the second cup is already made. It's the same, just add eggs and stir it, that's it! The chocolate cake is done right away, a cup of plain cake is ready, and a cup of chocolate cake is ready, the original can add almonds or peanuts, I'll add flaxseed flour on top , if you have peanuts, you can put peanuts or almonds, you can put almonds, it doesn't matter. I will put Whipping cream on this later. Now I put these two cups into the microwave at the same time, and cook them on medium-high heat for more than three minutes. It's ready to eat. I'll make this whipping cream when it's hot in the microwave. OK, my lazy keto cake is done. It's like this after three minutes. Of course, I have to add fresh cream to the chocolate flavor. nice,

Wow~ That's right! Add one more blueberry, it's done! I'm having dinner now, so I'm not kidding! I'll eat this chocolate mousse cake first ^^

It's really delicious! No joke! This cake has no flour! And no gluten! The sugar used is stevia sugar substitute, which won't have the harm of white sugar. It doesn't matter if you eat it often, and the nutrients of the whole egg are really good. Top! Well, today's sharing is here. It is called a simple and convenient cake for our lazy people. If you like this piece, please like, subscribe and share.

Next time there are new good things to introduce to you, see you next time!

iHerb's purchase link:

Almond Flour http://bit.ly/3eeEo0x

Organic Grass Fed Butter Powder https://bit.ly/2ZeMWf3

Organic Cocoa Powder http://bit.ly/3uXZ8Q9

Organic Flaxseed Meal https://bit.ly/3ph08dX


Matters: https://bit.ly/2RFyWHC

Youtube: 1Carlight DIY http://bit.ly/2Jgl5FB

Facebook: 1Carlight https://www.facebook.com/1CarLight/

IG: 1Carlight http://bit.ly/2HhUNR6

LBRY: https://open.lbry.com/@1CarLight:e

DTube: @sasaadrian https://d.tube/#!/c/sasaadrian


#weightloss#low sugar diet#ketogenic diet


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一燈DIY大家好我是一燈, 我現時主力都是在YouTube, Hive, Steemit, DTube, LBRY分享一些簡單有趣的生活創作DIY作品,慢慢也開始增加了自己生活的記錄點滴。近幾年我都學習不少虛擬貨幣的操作。這些我都會一一在這和大家分享。 Youtube: 一燈DIY http://bit.ly/2Jgl5FB IG: http://bit.ly/2HhUNR6
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