Daily feed|The age-old problem of book publishing will no longer exist. Pearson, the world's largest publishing house, plans to turn textbooks into NFT

Activities such as second-hand books/floating books have always been popular among reading enthusiasts. Many people believe that these activities can further make books known to more people, and poor children can also acquire knowledge at a lower cost. But there are two sides to it...

Activities such as second-hand books/floating books have always been popular among reading enthusiasts. Many people believe that these activities can further make books known to more people, and poor children can also acquire knowledge at a lower cost.

But there are two sides to the matter. Someone mentioned before. "Second-hand books", "Floating Books", and "Online Book Speed Reading Videos" not only did not help the authors, but also indirectly harmed the lives of the original authors. Everyone picked up second-hand books. The first-hand market demand has dropped sharply, and the original author paid the most, but gained the least.

Under the NFT technology, this age-old controversy may be perfectly resolved in the future.

When the original author makes the work into NFT, its issuance record will be recorded in the blockchain forever, and the writer of each subsequent transaction of these NFT books can get a certain share.

For example, if a book was originally sold for $100, it was sold second-hand for $50, and the original creator only earned $100.

NFT books sell for $100 first-hand and $50 for second-hand. Based on my 10% creation share, the author can earn $105. This is just a change of hands.

Pearson, the world's largest publishing house, has also noticed this and plans to publish its textbooks in NFT format, so that they will not be cannibalized by the second-hand market.

When everyone is reading, they must encounter the problem that textbooks are too expensive and do not need much, so they switch to buying second-hand books.

NFT technology will improve the entire ecological environment, so that the rise and fall of the second-hand market can also benefit the author. In the future, the writing and publishing industry may usher in a major revolution.

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