lifting of the ban


Preacher's Experience:

My evangelist was king of Israel in Jerusalem, and I devoted myself to my wisdom to seek and investigate all that is done in the world, knowing that what God has caused the world to experience is a very heavy toil. I see that all that is done under the sun is vanity and a chasing after the wind.
What is bent cannot be made straight,
Missing is not enough.
I reasoned in my heart that I had gained great wisdom, and surpassed all my former people in Jerusalem, and that I had experienced much wisdom and knowledge in my heart. I also set my heart to discern wisdom, arrogance, and folly, but I know that this is also a chasing after the wind.
For the more wisdom, the more troubles;
Whoever increases knowledge increases sorrow.
- Ecclesiastes

He pressed down on the Weibo icon, selected "Remove APP" from the pop-up menu item, put the phone on the charging stand, picked up the book on the sofa, and went downstairs.

The original idea was to drive out and go out into the wilderness and read in the sun. But after thinking about it, in that case, you have to bring your mobile phone, because you need to see the health code when you enter the community. He didn't want to bring his cell phone, he was fed up with cell phones.

The sunshine in early spring is very good, and there are many people in the yard. Big and small, old and young, all wore masks. There is a building with a close connection. The building has been sealed for three days, and the atmosphere in the entire community is still tense.

He looked around, saw an empty bench, approached, sat down, opened the book and spread it on his lap. One side of the bench is green space and the other side is the road.

On the green ground, a gardener is dragging a bamboo basket, picking up leaves on a bush and hedge. The hedges were cut to a flat top, like the slabs once popular in middle-aged men's hair arsenals. He stared at the gardener's back close at hand for dozens of seconds, hesitating whether to talk to him. In the past few days, I have been immersed in various help messages on Weibo, and my despair is like a tide, and I have gradually lost my mouth and nose. After finally surfacing, he felt that he needed to find a living person to speak. Ask him, Master, what kind of tree is this. But he didn't in the end. The gardener had a radio show on his mobile phone, working on his own, as if immersed in it.

He looked back and saw that Kuzang's mother had asked Kuzang to find a red-haired ghost to avenge his father before she died. "I'm Jiutian's son Jiuzang. I'm here to take your head today. Today next year will be your death day." Jiuzang's mother taught Jiuzang to speak harshly to the red-haired ghost, and Jiuzang repeated it several times before he remembered. His brain is not very good for a long time, and the weapon his mother gave him was a pig-killing knife left by his father.

The two dogs met on a narrow road, fell in love at first sight, were very excited, and stopped by the side of the road to kiss me. The master also stopped to greet him.

The sun is fine.
Shoot, our dog sees good weather, but also can't be locked in the house. Okay, let's go, let's go back to cooking.
So are we, bye.

When he raised his head from the book, the two corgis were being dragged to each other by the master, saying goodbye.

He thought of the corgi who was beaten to death by Dabai on Shanghai Beach. The video is a distant view, I can't see what Corgi looks like. Fortunately, it is a distant view. If it is a close-up view, he thinks that he will not dare to look at it. The girl who was pointed and reprimanded by the police for going downstairs to find something to eat, he didn't dare to speak up.

OO also raised a corgi named Pudding. The pudding was regarded by the couple as their own, and was often brought to parties to run up and down the knees of their friends. Pudding is very fat, with bright orange fur, and a congenital foreign body in his right eyeball, which causes him to roll his eyes when he looks up, which is very cute.

I don't know how OO felt when he saw that video, he was a little curious in his heart. If Corgi's legs are longer, is it possible to escape death?

He pulled back his thoughts, trying to remember the character's name in the movie. It must not be called Kuzang, but he couldn't remember it. The protagonist in the movie only has a sister, no mother, and there is no such cruel words in the movie. The red-haired ghost in the movie sounded like Hong Zhong, and when he heard that Jiutian's son was going to kill him, he sneered: a mortal man who wants to kill a god!

The sunlight squeezed through the buildings, pushed aside the branches and leaves of the trees, and when it hit the bench, it was already like a dead end. He moved his body and moved to the sun, but he didn't feel so warm. I don't know if his memory is bad, but he feels that April this year is much colder than in previous years.

He closed the book, walked back, and stopped for a while when he came into the sun without trees to shade him. Then, he went upstairs, picked up the phone on the charging stand, and opened WeChat. A friend notified him in the group that your Weibo has been banned. He said oh, I just deleted it.

He pinched his fingers and calculated that Weibo was banned for exactly one month.


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