Green Island Swimming at the Summer Solstice


I thought about swimming in Green Island for a long time, and I just had a few days to study it seriously. Just like the attitude of swimming in the Hawaiian sea last time, rigorous but not restrained, awe but not afraid. Even when it comes to assessing risk, there must be a way, rather than resorting to fear to deny yourself the opportunity to know the sea.

After all, the green island swimming is on an outlying island, and the swimming conditions on the outlying island are not as easy to obtain as those on the island, but there are various swimming activities every year ( 2022 information ). Green Island's activities are affected by the epidemic. I don't know the scale of this year's activities, but there is a lot of information in recent years. The seasons and dates suitable for swimming in the sea have a certain "window of opportunity", but the whole summer is so long, and the end of May is the best season to hold events, but a group of people visiting for leisure may not be able to pick the best time. . Around the summer solstice in June, there is no problem as a whole.

Chaikou Snorkeling Area

The route of the Green Island Long Swim is from "Zhongliao Chuan'ao" to the outside of "Chaikou Snorkeling Area". This is what it looks like from the photos of the scene. This perspective is to the west. The white building on the far left side of the photo is the Green Island Lighthouse, and a little to the right is the breakwater of Chuan'ao in Zhongliao. The moment of photo shooting is between high tide and dry tide. From the picture, we know that it is not wise to go through the intertidal zone to launch the water.

Reasonably speaking, only Zhongliao Chuan'ao is suitable for launching this traditional route, mainly because of the convenience of parking, and the launching point belongs to the port, which is safe. Landmarks are also extremely recognizable to swimmers.

Zhongliao Ship'ao

Another launching point may be the Chaikou snorkeling area, where there is a walking trail extending to the sea, which is a popular snorkeling and diving area. However, the problem with this point is that it is convenient for us to have sufficient physical strength when we first enter the water, but our feet may be weak when we go ashore, and the sense of space will take a little time to recover and adjust. The waves that come ashore will push you towards the reef, and parts of your body that are not wearing a wetsuit are vulnerable to injury. Swimming at this location this season doesn't require a full wetsuit or winter suit. If you are inexperienced, the consideration to wear is not the temperature of the water, but avoiding skin-to-skin contact with reefs and various creatures. Because the intertidal zone of this route is 200 meters wide and more than 2000 meters long, the snorkeling area from Chuanao to Chaikou from Zhongliao. When we took the coastal route east, we swam a little offshore, and it seemed a little psychological to look at the "distant beach". However, it is good to keep a little distance from the intertidal zone, and the water on the bottom of the sea here is quite clear. Basically, you can clearly see the edge of the reef when you go to the sea, and you will not lose your way to the east.

intertidal zone

When the sea conditions are good (such as the summer solstice), even if there are no activities on this route, there will be some snorkelers and divers drifting along the entire route in twos and threes. In addition, this monsoon is more southwesterly, and although the wind pushes to the northeast, it will cause wind waves, but overall the surface current velocity is not a problem. As long as the timing of the water is right, swimming back and forth will not be difficult.

The safer way is to turn right and swim for two or three hundred meters after going out from Zhongliao Chuan’ao. Once you build your confidence, there are a lot of water swimmers in this area. Of course, there were unprepared divers here in the past. Drowning, but swimming in the sea is a kind of sport, which can be used as a leisure sport or as a competitive sport. Moderate risk assessment and route selection require experience accumulation, and I think this is a good place for swimming on the same route multiple times throughout the weekend.

traditional route

The last time I took the water from Zhongliao, and after landing at the Chaikou snorkeling area, I ran back barefoot along the original route along the shore. It takes less than 50 minutes to complete the fun experience of sea and land double fight, which is extremely "value-added". It's great to be relaxed and comfortable without being overly exhausting. The "bonus" of this route is that the underwater life is extremely rich, and it is also very exciting to see turtles inadvertently halfway through the swim.

Editor's Note: Actual sea swimming requires more evaluation. The purpose of this article is not to teach, and it is specifically stated here.

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