Dealing with Ups and Downs | Amazon Album Experience

modern love episode 3 - love me as I am

Amazon's Modern Love is a super push, and I have previously written the sixth episode of the story about the Electra complex and small thoughts.

I cried for a long time when I watched the story of " Love Me As I Am " in the third episode of this series. Watching Anne Hathaway as a manic-depressive patient, the mood changes between happiness and depression. She looks bright when she's happy and hides when she's depressed. I don't dare to tell others my true state, just like seeing myself easily screwed up a lot because of my emotions, Anne Hathaway really did a good job!! I also like the arrangement of the ending.

Yes, I only recommend the albums here, because each episode is an independent story, and the emotion of watching it in person is far better than I can describe it. So I am lazy and only introduce it here.

Next, I want to write about why I feel so much about this article.

My life lesson is probably emotional control.

I often feel like a bipolar patient . When I am happy, I can socialize normally, and even get a little excited. Everything is optimistic and positive. I can say a lot of inspirational (chicken soup for the soul) comforting words, which is a yes gril; low tide There are two situations: First, I want to cry all the time. Anything can cause me to cry. I used to be able to do things while crying at work. When a colleague asked me what was wrong, I would say I didn’t know.

The second situation is that I don’t care about people . If I want to talk to me and discuss things at the moment, I will even be a bit sharp (jarring), only focus on the key points, and have no patience for nonsense. So at this time, people around me will know that it's okay to stop arguing with me, and I'll go to them myself when I'm happy for a while. But unfamiliar people will be frightened by my unwillingness to deal with people (machine crooked).

In short, it is a bit of a difficult personality, and the happy and unhappy states will be very different; when you are happy, you are tolerant of everything, and you can understand everything; when you are unhappy, it becomes a thorn. There are evaluations.

It wasn't a surprise when the human map measured me as an emotional authority. On the contrary, I am more serious about emotions , but my emotional authority belongs to the path of ups and downs, and sometimes I feel tired because I can't control it. Finally, I simply admit its ups and downs and conform to my body. Two or three years ago, a friend told me to learn how to deal with my emotions. They said that my emotional age is similar to that of a middle school student, but my rational age is too old. I use my rational head too much to suppress my emotions. arrive. So every time after the rampage, I would fall into a feeling of remorse, and I would endure it longer next time, forcing my emotions not to spread to others.

Later, when I gradually became clear about the ups and downs of my mood, I kept trying to learn to balance my emotions, so that I should express when I should express it, not with patience. acceptable way. I feel that being myself and drawing boundaries has helped me manage my emotions.

Be yourself

Know what you think, know your needs, know what you can and can't do, and know what your beliefs are. Be aware of your current thoughts, and learn to use a third-party perspective to see whether you are consistent with your words and deeds, or whether you are causing others to feel uncomfortable.

This requires careful observation of yourself, and observing yourself has always been the hardest thing. It is even more difficult to do what is comfortable for you after you know yourself. But when you are comfortable with yourself, the people around you will be comfortable because of you. So instead, I like to be complimented by others: being with me is inexplicably calm and comfortable.

draw the bottom line

How to correctly convey my thoughts, my needs, and how I can be treated is not to make others conform to me. I don't care whether others must do it or not, because this is a personal choice. After listening to these, you can choose not to . Talk to me; but I say it to get along clearly and clearly , don't poke my discomfort, and I won't cause your discomfort.

There is a lot to overcome by practicing speaking out:

 If the other party hears it, will they feel how I am?
Do you still hate me?
Do you find it difficult for me?

In order to overcome this, I really did a lot of psychological construction. I was really not used to expressing my thoughts like a tough one at the beginning, but my friends advised me: "It's better than one day to find out that you are not as good as they thought. Right? If you leave and hate it, you have nothing to lose!"

In addition, there are ways to calm yourself down a bit:

Sleep: Yes, sleep can change my mood, that's my characteristic, I'm like "my lover", the protagonist sleeps and becomes another person, I sleep and I can change my mood, sometimes Just a nap is enough.

Exercise: The first time I felt the effect of exercise to balance my mood was when I did yoga. Later, I found that exercise is a way to practice living in the moment, focus on the body, relax the body, and relax the mind.

Although emotions are still prone to ups and downs, the fluctuations are very large, and the contrast between happiness and unhappiness still exists. But it's getting less and less annoying (I guess?)


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我是心心醫檢師登出中。 【轉職路上x 情緒覺察 x 學習動能】 【我的其他連結】
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