Daily │ Participated in a symposium on "Diversity and Equality"

"To create a peaceful and friendly workplace, practice common prosperity and sustainable enterprise"

For some reason, last week, I participated in the forum on "Building a Peaceful and Friendly Workplace, Practicing Corporate Prosperity and Sustainability" held by Commonwealth Magazine at the Overwatch Council. Also because I participated in this symposium, I wanted to talk about sorting out what I heard and saw...



A paper bag is attached to each seat at the site. The paper bag contains flyers, information folders, customized masks, notebooks and other gifts for the introduction of the event. There is also an Independent Evaluation of the Fourth National Report to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, prepared by the National Human Rights Commission.

Because I arrived early, I rummaged through the contents of the paper bag in order to pass the time, and to be honest, I really don't know what this forum is going to do. Seeing that this should be talking about the content of this forum, I want to say Let's take a look first.

Is this... a booklet? At the beginning, I introduced the "National Human Rights Commission", and then I started to talk about women's rights in Taiwan, and what changes need to be made for the government. Chapters include "Impact of COVID-19 - Care During the Pandemic", "Employment and Economic Security", "Gender-Based Violence and Access to Justice", "Balance Work and Family Life", "Home Migration", "Disadvantaged Groups" Women", "Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression".

Look at those titles... Honestly, each item can be written as a separate article.., or this whole booklet can talk about a lot of things, but, every issue discussed in this booklet is talking about Say what else the "government" can do to change. For example, it mentions that there is a significant gender gap in labor due to long-term care needs. Among the main family caregivers, women accounted for 60.82% and men 37.91%. And 37.66% of these women no longer work because of caring cases, higher than 23.44% of men. He also proposed that the government should share the responsibility for long-term care, encourage men to participate, and prevent anyone (especially women) from being forced to leave the workplace because of care; it should also raise financial resources and plan to promote the adoption of the law.

If you are interested in the content of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, you can check it here .

The booklet model is to use some research to ask questions and then suggest what the government should do. And when I saw half of it, I was thinking: "Everyone is talking about what the government should do, what about us ordinary people?"


At the beginning of the event, Hua Mama, who is also the chairman of the National Human Rights Commission, Chen Julai, was invited to give an opening speech. Probably because not only women's rights, but also "human rights" have always been violated in the past, so various efforts have been made and the National Human Rights Commission has been established. It's not disrespect here, I think if you want to know the historical background of that organization.. google it directly, or we all know that the past was indeed a patriarchal society, and women's rights exist both in the past and now There are many questions, so to be honest, I didn't listen very carefully to what Hua Ma said.

Just a little digression.. At the moment when Hua Ma gave a speech, I began to make up my mind a little... I feel that such large-scale events, speeches, symposiums, etc., there are always some "adults" who want to say a few words at the beginning, And these adults, some adults will take 5 minutes or less quickly, some will talk for 30 minutes or more...

I'm just thinking about this part... I don't know if I can omit it? I know this event is happening because the adult is so helpful, but honestly, is the opening speech really necessary? Is it possible to go directly to the event link? Just a brief introduction to the emcee? I think a lot of the opening speeches are emphasizing how great that "adult" is, not much related to the event...

Keynote speech

The first is Ji Huirong, a member of the National Human Rights Commission, who explained the content of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. Since I had read the booklet at the beginning, I could know that the speaker was talking about the content of the booklet. Because of this, I didn't take records too seriously.

The second is Lin Zhijie, Distinguished Professor of the School of Science and Technology Law, National Yangming Jiaotong University.

One of the speaker's presentations listed the history of the development of the rule of law in Taiwan. For example, the "Labor Standards Law" was formulated and implemented in 1984 to explicitly prohibit gender discrimination; the "Employment Service Law" was formulated and implemented in 1992 to "discriminate on the grounds of gender, sexual orientation, etc."; in 1996, the "Sexual Assault Crime Prevention and Control" was formulated and implemented Law, etc., and there are many more, until the "Stalking and Harassment Prevention Law" that will be implemented in 2022.

With this series of legal developments, it seems that Taiwan has clear laws and regulations on gender equality, but in reality, the speaker pointed out: "Taiwan's legal development for gender equality is indeed very fast, but it is too fast, and the public's ideas have not kept up. pace". When it comes to the extreme patriarchal society of the past, we are not very far away. If an elderly person chats with a woman, the elderly person is likely to unknowingly talk about "raising children". In fact, it is a bit sexist, thinking that women want to take care of children, and women have a better understanding of the topic of raising children.

The speaker here emphasizes that it is not to condemn the elders, but to point out that the concept of the public has not kept pace with the development of the rule of law in Taiwan. It is mentioned that only government changes are not enough, and enterprises should also join in the changes. Because companies will directly affect people's behavior, the speaker will take the various social platforms we use as an example. Our human life has been completely changed because of these social platforms. So what is a company's attitude towards gender equality, its employees or its consumers are likely to have the same idea.

Next, I will mention the current trend of "Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs sustainable development indicators" in Taiwan. Taking advantage of the Tainan Moon Landing Program, the female president, and Chen Ju, who just delivered a speech, she is also a woman, pointing out that Taiwan has indeed made progress in gender equality, but in the public sector or general workplace, the proportion of women in charge is still not so high. The first may be that the company itself may have some problems, and the second is that women themselves may also have some inherent concepts, or the society still imposes some concepts on women.

In general, Taiwan has made progress in gender equality, but it still needs to be strengthened, and companies are expected to join in the change.

The third is Dong Huixuan, general manager of human resources from Unilever.

From here, it is the sharing of business practice cases.

At the beginning, it was mentioned that the company is currently implementing a "mixed office model". Is it absolutely necessary to get people thinking about going to the office because of the pandemic? If you can actually complete the assigned tasks, and even improve your ability to work, do you still need to enter the office? Unilever proposes flexibility at home and in the office. In addition to allowing employees to arrange their own time, it can also allow employees who need to take care of their families to relieve some stress.

On Fridays or special holidays, such as the day before the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday, the company will allow employees to leave work early, so that colleagues can spend more time with family and friends. In addition, there are 16 weeks of maternity leave, 3 weeks of paternity leave, artificial reproductive leave, flexible parental leave, etc.

Promote the concept of "diversified and co-prosperity culture" to internal meetings and employees. In addition, there is a "Volunteer Union". All members are volunteers. It mainly promotes diverse concepts and has a space to talk with people who are unfamiliar or do not understand. Usually, there are also some small gatherings or participation in same-sex parades.

It is also important for consumers to discover the brand concept externally. In the speaker's briefing, there were several promotional posters that emphasized women's power, such as a mother with a child. The mother wore an explosive head and painted rock makeup, emphasizing that the mother can still dress up as she likes. Use publicity to express the brand's support or opinion on various issues, because consumers will prefer to choose brands that match their own ideas.

The fourth is Chen Weizhi, Chief Human Resources Officer of Standard Chartered Bank.

The biggest feature of Standard Chartered Bank is that it holds at least two multi-prosperity activities every month, which are recognized by most colleagues.

It will first recruit through the internal talent platform, and then select the team leader independently, and then lead the planning and implementation of related activities. And the immediate senior supervisors will become facilitators, so that the gap between supervisors and employees will be narrowed, which is also one of the concepts of equal rights. The content of activities usually revolves around six major international festivals, such as 3/8 Women's Day, 5/17 International Day against Homophobia, 5/21 World Culture Day, 10/10 World Mental Health Day, 11/19 International Gentlemen's Day, 12/3 International Disability Day. Around the above six major festivals, various celebrations are launched.

And let the supervisor go to the relevant course of "inclusive leadership", and then the supervisor will teach the subordinate employees. And emphasizes that the top-down dynamism is more powerful.

Of course, Standard Chartered's human resources policies are not lacking, such as 20 weeks of full-paid maternity leave, 10 days of full-paid paternity leave, 3 days of paid maternity leave, 3 days of full-paid volunteer wages, flexible work arrangements, what should be and should not be There are all kinds of services, such as physical and mental consulting, management consulting, legal, financial consulting, etc. It will also conduct regular internal surveys on the gender pay gap, and use various surveys to prevent the salary gap from being too large due to gender.

Externally, Standard Chartered tends to cooperate with partners with the same philosophy, including manufacturers, enterprises, and suppliers. Posts on social platforms will also emphasize the concept of inclusiveness, including the actual content of the post, the pictures used, and cooperation with content creators and KOLs to expand their influence through the combination of different industries.

Finally, I mentioned that this forum is not only talking about women, but the concept of "plurality and co-prosperity", and brought to a briefing that the so-called diversity and co-prosperity should be disadvantaged, generation, nationality, language, cognition, gender , religion, sexual orientation, age, race, education, background, etc.

Diversified and equal rights are the future trend. Enterprises need to take a long-term view and use the concept of "sustainability" to run their enterprises.

Salon Talk

There are many repetitions of the speech just now, so I will only make some simple records.

There was talk of changing the cost-oriented thinking in the past, which is not going to work in the modern era, but didn't go into depth on this point.

Q: What if a company wants to implement the concept of equal rights, but encounter some resistance? Has a similar situation happened to the company the speaker is working for?

Speakers presented their own actual cases of setting up a gender-friendly toilet, allowing both men and women to enter and exit the toilet freely, but this was only a choice, not forcing the other side to accept it. Emphasize to have a space to talk and give the other person time to absorb. If an enterprise wants to promote pluralism and equality, it is best to go from top to bottom, and it will be better for the supervisor to lead the employees. But if the supervisor doesn’t actually do anything, the employee must have the courage to ask for it, or it will never be taken seriously.

It is also mentioned that changes do not require large-scale changes at the beginning, and small-scale changes are started first, and then gradually promoted.

Q: Some people have suggested that the companies he works for are mostly men and women are a minority. It may be a little difficult to promote diverse concepts?

The speaker suggested that the ratio of males and females within the company should not be a matter of promoting pluralism and equality, but rather depends on how this concept is expressed.

Q: What should I do if I am sexually harassed in the workplace but the company has not established a complaint channel?

The speaker pointed out that Taiwan's sexual harassment laws are actually quite sound, so if companies do not have channels, they can seek assistance from major public departments.

the end

At present, Taiwan's social concept is actually a bit out of step, so I hope that "enterprises" can guide employees, not just women's rights, but "diversity and equality." The influence of corporate social responsibility is getting bigger and bigger, and SDGs have become a global trend. If companies can enter this layout early, it can actually increase the competitiveness of the company, or more realistically, it can increase the profit.

In the end, I ended the symposium with some words of encouragement, such as cheering for everyone.

my thoughts

Halfway through writing this article, I thought that before I participated in this forum, I was actually a little curious about what ordinary companies or companies should do if they wanted to implement the concept of pluralism and equality. After actually listening to it, there are indeed many places to start from. For example, the above two companies have maternity leave, paternity leave, physiological leave, etc., as well as various internal activities, external publicity, and cooperative manufacturers.

It should be said that I think this whole forum is revolved around the "SDGs". In the past two years, I have really been hearing the concept of "sustainability", whether it is participating in some design competitions or giving speeches. But what exactly is perpetuity? I've been wanting to find some time to study it, but I haven't been able to.. um... Anyway, I'll find time to take a good look at it recently.

Moreover, in recent years, the world has really promoted the concept of "multiple equality", which can be seen in the advertisements of many foreign manufacturers, or in movies, albums, games and other places. Such as women or blacks to play the boss, the protagonist, etc. It's not that they don't understand why they push this concept, but they don't understand why these companies push these things so strongly. It is probably understandable now, because of the SDGs proposed by the United Nations, because of "sustainability".

Learned a lot anyway.

Before this, I actually participated in many lecture-type activities, and I also recorded a little, but I didn't organize the content like this time. I actually hate that feeling of "after attending a lecture...there is nothing"... After this experience, the things that have been sorted out... I am quite happy to see it, so I will participate in lectures or speeches in the future, and I hope that I can sort out some things like this time.


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