"Suffix" Fake Break Wen Qingzhi ft.Chin

Open the background of "Suffix" for you to see

Editor-in-Chief: Snacks

 ◎Editor's note:

Perhaps it was me who mixed up several different concepts at the same time: "submission, proposal, copywriting, co-writing, business distribution, readers' opinions, and earning fees", which made it difficult for people to enter. Although I can now use one sentence: "〇〇〇〇〇〇" to explain my whim, but I hope you can't understand it, lest I accidentally reveal "serving heart", "lukewarmness" love", kill yourself and lose your playfulness!

There is a citizen who has a very distinctive tone of words and is praised as a waltz-like graceful by "New Sexy Magazine". But for me, it often exudes a fake, casual, inexplicable sense of cuteness? She just wanted to experience how the backstage of "Suffix" works, so let's actually experience it!

Act 1: Invitation

"Suffix" fake breaking text Qingzhi @Goki think about keywords about you when you have time, do you want to choose an article of your own to brainstorm
@Chin @IamChin Haha, I don't seem to have a particularly impressive article! I'll take a look tomorrow. Actually, I don't even remember what I wrote. Otherwise, if you happen to see it, you can feel free, but I feel that this plan will really be cleaned up 😂
"Suffix" fake breaking Wen Qingzhi @Goki is just making trouble, it's snacks
Chin @IamChin haha 😆 You are so creative

Act Two: Prompt

"Suffix" fake breaking text Qingzhi @Goki The following questions are purely for the sake of prompting, you can answer falsely, answer randomly, change the title, and design your own random design: Can you make dessert bread macarons? The kind that can be sold? Demonstrate an easy-to-follow dessert recipe?
Do you have a friend who doesn't like to read?
Find books or authors related to literature with afternoon tea (or dessert), and insert literature knowledge
 Knowing that she is a literary girl who runs a dessert shop, so I asked related questions

Act Three: Gathering Materials

Chin @IamChin I'm definitely better at eating than dessert.
I only make two kinds of biscuits, Scottish shortbread and biscotti. Both of them are made by checking recipes on the Internet and changing the recipes at will. They have unexpectedly become popular products, and I often receive pre-orders from customers...  But this word can only be between us, don't spread it!
So of course I can't demonstrate the practice of any kind of dessert. If my dessert shop can't open, I will compete with the appetizers for work 🤷🏻‍♀️
It is better to say that I have no friends than to say that I have no friends who do not like to read books. But your question is quite strange. I don't know which great writer Zeng Yun said: "Books are your only friends." You probably can't be friends with people who love to read books! ?
I don’t like to show off literary knowledge. As far as I know (probably known to all), afternoon tea and gossip are unique to the British culture. Although I don’t particularly like English literature... I will list a few English literature at random: The afternoon tea scene in almost every chapter of Lawrence's "The Son and the Lover "; many protagonists in Austin's "Pride and Prejudice" must have a Chinese tea party after their meal; the famous fairy tale " Alice in Wonderland " ” is also run through afternoon tea. It is estimated that many people have Alice-shaped tea sets when they were young?
 You transcribe: "But this word can only be between us, don't spread it out!"

Is it really impossible to pass it on? Or the opposite?

Chin @IamChin (I am the best at fake breaking )
I don't know, someone told me that there is no privacy in conversations with reporters! It's up to you to decide~ I probably won't buy "Suffix" to read it anyway.
 I thought this person thought that only three people were watching "Suffix", but it turned out to be a leaked propaganda method of "I'll tell you secretly, but don't tell anyone else"

Chin @IamChin Come again is a semi-autobiographical collection of essays written by British essayist George Gissing, " Essays on Four Seasons " (formerly known as "Henry Rycroft Miscellaneous") also mentioned the joy of drinking tea, " After a cup of tea, the whole body and mind is It was a wonderful comfort. After a walk in the drizzle, the warmth and beauty provided by a cup of hot tea is indescribable. ” But this seems to have nothing to do with dim sum. After tea was introduced to England from Fujian in the 16th century, it was not until the Victorian era. Chinese literature always mentions tea...a symbol of colonizers and conquerors, right? Could it be because British dim sum is not good either?
If you ask me about coffee-related literature, I probably know better. (Will this chin be too arrogant? )
 This person can make balls by himself, and he often uses brackets and complements. It seems that he is complaining about himself, which means that I have already complained about myself first. You can save your complaints.

Act 4: Encourage whatever the other person says, then move on to collect more material

"Suffix" fake breaking Wen Qingzhi @Goki haha, not bad, let's continue to abuse the snacks. I'll digest the other parts, eh, that's good, let's continue chatting at will.
By the way, how do you feel when you say you have no friends? Can someone without friends be unable to imagine readers? Do you really write articles without thinking about what readers will think?
 After the turning point of "that's right", it is often the question you really want to ask

Chin @IamChin When I say I don't have any friends I'm telling the truth and I don't really feel anything special. I can't imagine readers, I always feel that writing is very selfish, I just write what I want to see. That's why I'm not red!
But I guess there are still a few people who believe they are my friends? Maybe they are , after all I've never been able to figure out what a "friend" is.
 This is the characteristic of her thinking and the way of writing. Her head will not be defined by a frame, and her sentences often carry an inconclusive narrative, which is the so-called waltz feeling.

@IamChin If you ask me about coffee-related literature, I probably know better .
 (Since it's mentioned, let's talk about it)
Chin @IamChin is waiting for you to ask!
The earliest coffee to appear in Chinese literature is Zhang Deyi, a diplomat in the late Qing Dynasty, who wrote in his notebook " Sailing Shu Qi ", "The charred and ground noodles of the foreign beans of the African type are boiled in water." "Nice Sea Flowers" mentioned "coffee tea", but I don't know what it means, maybe it's a mandarin duck similar to Hong Kong?
I just thought I could pick up a few books at will, and then I mentioned it on purpose, but now what comes to my mind is the book " In Youth in Youth " that I once wrote in " From Two Jewish Writers, Looking at Cafes in European Cities " " The Lost Cafe " and " Yesterday's World: Memories of a European "...both talk about the relationship between the literary youth and cafes at that time.
The culture of fake breaking must be older than we think. It's just that I think that when it comes to literature related to coffee, there is really a kind of indomitable fu of artists, and it seems that they belong to a certain group of people who think they are qualified to stay in a coffee shop for a long time - we know that Hemingway and Picasso are both. I love coffee shops, but drinking coffee is now a national sport, and it’s nothing special anymore!

Act 5: Ask questions again and lead to the desired material

"Suffix": Have you heard of the " Madeleine Effect "? An indescribable pleasure traveled through my senses, and memories suddenly came to my mind. Memory psychology uses the "Proust Phenomenon" to represent the olfactory ability to recall early memories.

Chin : I have never heard of this proper term. But I just stole Google and found that I actually know this allusion (I read it when I was reading). It is from "Reminiscence of the Years Like Water" that he dipped the Madeleine cake in tea to eat it while drinking afternoon tea. The aroma reminded him of his childhood life in "Combray"...
Indeed it is. I once wrote an article that seemed to say that when I smell a big box store's own brand of toiletries, it reminds me of a cheap hotel (I'll look for the article), and when I smell rain, it reminds me of my hometown of Taipei.
 Originally, I predicted that I might be sour and said, "The Madeleine cake effect, this well-known case of the literary youth, I deliberately did not mention it, and it is not that there are no other allusions to tell."
"Suffix": The Madeleine effect is about smell, taste and memory, and there are other cases with similar literary depth, isn't it just that the novel mentions eating afternoon tea as a background
@IamChin Yes, you also need to have a sense of taste 😆 Just smelling the sesame oil chicken soup will remind you of the life at grandma's house or the bits and pieces of getting along with grandma. I can't think of a deep case for a while

Act VI: Epilogue

"Suffix" fake breaking text Qingzhi @Goki Your favorite French suffix? Why?
 Finally, fixed questions that will be asked, suffix words
@IamChin I haven't learned the language well, French seems to have more suffixes, including "what" nature, gender, person, direction, disease...
Since it matches the cuteness of "little writer", my favorite suffix is -et "little", because I am a small writer .
Also -ci emphasizes "this" because I like the feeling of having or being owned (although ci is just a synonym for "this"), a sense of belonging (probably because of my lack of friends).
Really girly!
In retrospect, I would like to have a dialogue with this author because I want to know why her writing gestures are awkward to read and go around. In addition to just mentioning that she likes "suspended conclusions", perhaps she is also seeking an open dialogue strategy. Include your care!

Act VII: Finalization

After collecting the above information and adapting the dialogue, the final presentation method will be fully displayed to the other party, and 100% consent will be obtained for publication.

(I'm lazy today with snacks, just take the above as a finished manuscript!)


I hope that this "backstage reality show" method is not self-defeating, it is actually "I want to understand you better", "I try to understand you", which is the basic attitude of the first reader. (far from a comment)

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Jeger《後綴》假掰文青誌,關注身為「第一讀者」的精神,獻給Matters的一頁式文青......(Jeger是幻想自己是主編的人) 聯絡:pdfonline15@gmail.com
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