Read Share | Stop Calling Me Cheer, Okay? - Help Yourself Reduce Stress

Stress can come from many places, it can be compared to others. Things like competition among students at school, or comparisons with your friends, people who are better than you, can create stress. Pressure can also come from work, the work and time pressure given by the supervisor. If these pressures are too large, they will often cause psychological problems, such as mental illness, depression...

Where does the pressure come from?

Stress can come from many places, it can be compared to others. Things like competition among students at school, or comparisons with your friends, people who are better than you, can create stress. Pressure can also come from work, the work and time pressure given by the supervisor. If these pressures are too great, they often cause psychological problems, such as mental illness, depression... or cause excessive anxiety.

Stress is not bad

First of all, before I start talking about how to reduce stress, let me say that stress is actually not bad. It is mentioned in the book that stress can help us have the motivation to move forward. It is not that no stress is good; although stress is not bad, excessive stress can cause psychological problems. " Too little pressure will make us have no motivation to move forward; too much pressure will cause psychological problems. Only appropriate pressure is the best. "

relieve pressure

The book mentions that psychologists divide stress into 3 stages: stressor, stress assessment, and stress response. Obviously, the first step is to find the source of stress.

1. Find the source of stress. The source of stress, that is, the source of stress, such as your poor exam results this month, poor performance, bad things... These situations can be the source of your stress.

2. Assess stress. If you're feeling stressed, make a list of every stressor you can think of. Then, score each event on a scale of 1 to 10, with the more stressful the higher the score, so that you can clearly determine which event has the greatest impact.

3. Get rid of stress responses. Stress response, that is, conditions caused by stress, maybe insomnia, discomfort, anxiety... In order to get rid of stress, you have to do a stress assessment first, and then you can start with the items that have the greatest impact. For example, if you have a poor test score, what is the solution? If you want to pass the test, you may need a more careful review plan; maybe you can use the target practice method to review and plan the plan well, then the kind of "next time" Will I fail the exam again?" The mood will be better. In addition to planning, you can also try to find someone to chat with. Having someone by your side may be less stressful. Finally, don't forget to encourage yourself.

my thoughts

I personally think that humans do need a moderate amount of stress. If there is no pressure on the job given by the supervisor today, is it likely to cause a situation of procrastination? If there is no pressure from comparison, is it that we will no longer pursue excellence and think it is good? However, this judgment is not because There are no actual experiments, so it's hard to know what would happen if there was " no stress at all"?

3 steps to reduce stress, I think it is quite useful. After I draw the stress index table, I can clearly know where my stress source is, and which project is the most stressful to me, so that I can think rationally about how to solve it.

in conclusion

Stress can come from comparisons with others, pressure at work, etc. Although stress may seem bad, too little stress can make people unmotivated; too much stress can cause mental illness . Therefore, moderate pressure is the best situation. If you want to reduce stress, you have to identify the stressor, assess the magnitude of the stress, and get rid of the stress response.

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