[Small Novel] Betrayal of Love

Photo by Mia Harvey on Unsplash

It is not the first time that Ah Hua has betrayed me.

Sometimes I really wonder if he meant to let me know, which is why I find him infidelity time and time again: gifts for other women that he never keeps; Always scented with another body wash; the lies he tells are never vulnerable...  

From the moment I found out he was unfaithful to me, I just played stupid and continued to be a good wife who didn't care. Unless one day I make up my mind to leave him, I will have the courage to expose all his lies. I am really afraid that he will divorce me after the trouble.

At this moment, I still can't lose him!

But Ah Hua was getting more and more extreme. He returned from night to night. He didn't return all night, and I stayed up all night. When he came back the next day, he had no remorse at all, and even stopped making up lies. Anyway, he knew there was no need for it, and I just couldn't fly out of his palm.

When the day came when I couldn't bear it, I decided to take a big revenge. I will avenge his betrayal with absolute betrayal.

I'm all dressed up and looking for tools to get my revenge. Sleeping with different men has become the happiest and heaviest moment of my day.

Betrayal of Ah Hua made me feel the thrill of revenge, but at the same time made me fall into a situation of doom.

What the hell am I doing? Having sex with one strange man after another, what I betrayed was not my husband at all, but the love I had always believed in. I'm in more and more pain, but I can't go back.

Then I realized that it wasn't enough to betray him, I wanted him to find out about my infidelity, and I wanted him to suffer as much as I did.

To escalate the retaliation, I deliberately hooked up with his subordinates, and the story quickly spread throughout his company.

He was furious when he found out, squeezed my throat hard, and kept calling me a slut. Seeing him angry for me, I inadvertently showed a smile before suffocating.

What I'm looking forward to is probably the release of this moment.

More Great Fiction: Fiction Diary


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