Moore Manor 14th Anniversary


Moore Manor was launched in Taiwan on 2008/12/24 and celebrated its 14th anniversary on 2022/12/24

Moore's Manor is a web game that was often played when we were children in China. It was mainly designed for players in elementary and junior high schools. At that time, many students around me were playing it. This game has a high degree of freedom and has many functions, including the ability to store moles. (money), raising Ram (pets), farming, running a ranch, opening a restaurant, playing mini games, etc.

At that time, many classmates around me were playing the game, and we would make appointments to play together on weekends. There were various multiplayer games and many mutual aid functions. It brought me a wonderful childhood time.

With the rise of mobile games and as players grow up and have more schoolwork or things to do, everyone gradually quits the game, and I gradually lose my enthusiasm and rarely play Moore Manor.

In high school, when I was under heavy academic pressure, I began to think of my past childhood experiences, so I opened Moore Manor and experienced the paradise of my childhood in the game. It had familiar music, characters, and systems, but also had scenes and functions. Things have changed. Many friends are no longer online.

When playing games, I can feel the familiarity of my childhood, but I still can't completely recreate the fun of my childhood. The change of games is one reason, and the lack of interaction with friends is also another factor.

In addition to the game itself and my friends, another important reason is that I have also changed . When I return to this game after a few years of life, the game experience becomes different . The content of the English test inside has become simpler; you will start to think about how to make moles quickly; you will start to feel that some mini-games are too time-consuming

After that, I followed the fan page and community of Moore Manor FB and found that there are still many players playing this game and making some new friends in the game. Because Moore's pace is relatively slow, I think this can be compared with the fast pace. complement each other’s life, and because it is a childhood paradise, I play this game one or two days a week

In 2022, the mobile game Moore Manor was launched, which sparked a high level of discussion about the game and led to the return of web game players. Many online communities also appeared, and some players were enthusiastic about organizing events. I was very touched at the time. There were many old friends in this park. Returned

Every time we open a game, we are reliving and creating . We can look back on the past, recall the time spent playing with friends, and explore ourselves in previous games. We can also experience many functions, make new friends, and create more interesting stories.

Every time I play a game, it is also an opportunity to reflect , not only on the game itself, but also on my past childhood self. Compared with the past, how have I grown? Where have I progressed or regressed? What have I gotten that I wanted in childhood? What problems have I encountered that I have never encountered before? In what direction should I move in the future?

In the dialogue with oneself, examine the past, examine the present, and guide the future

Memories shape who we are today and we all carry the memories of the past

Every year on 12/24, Moore Manor has spent a year, and we have grown one year older.

Today, Moore Manor is more than 14 years old, and I have spent more than 10 years in Moore’s memories.

I think everyone has their own special anniversary in their heart , it can be the day they opened an account, the day they returned to the game, or the day they made a friend.

December 24th, this common anniversary, allows more people to participate , play, discuss, and reflect together, share previous playing experiences, favorite features, and changes in the game over the past few years, and also play games and make friends together. , create more memories

Revisiting, creating and reflecting together connect the meaning of the anniversary

Source game screenshots


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