Support Jingyao Group Mingzhou offline rally: thank you for the past 4 years, and MiTu will go all the way in the future

"Today is an important juncture for many, but our friendship through Jingyao doesn't stop there. The #MeToo movement goes on forever."
Participants of the "Thanks Jingyao" rally shouted slogans in front of the court on October 3 (Photo by Feilin Gao)

After the Jingyao v. Liu Qiangdong sexual assault case reached a pre-trial agreement, the "Group Supporting Jingyao" issued a statement "Feminist Statement on the Jingyao v. Liu Qiangdong's Pre-trial Agreement: "Reconciliation" means victory, please continue to walk with us in solidarity (see the end of the article for details). "Related Works"", conveyed concern and congratulations to Jingyao at the first time, and expressed gratitude to the unnamed volunteers who have devoted infinite energy since the case was exposed four years ago.

From October 2nd to 3rd, 2022 local time, the Jingyao Support Group held two rallies in front of the Hennepin County Courthouse in Minneapolis, where the hearing was originally scheduled. The themes were "Stand with Jingyao" and "Thank you Jingyao" ". About twenty participants came to the scene, including University of Minnesota students, alumni, and volunteers from all over North America.

Video of the participants speaking at the event

Building connections across geographies and races

The rally was planned to be held during the court session in solidarity with Jingyao. Regarding why the event is still being carried out when the judicial process of the case has ended, the organizers said:

"After the news of the pre-trial agreement came out, we supported the Jingyao team that felt that there was an immediate action response. We know that many volunteers have come to Minneapolis, everyone must have received the news, and there needs to be a space for discussion. current situation.

“The most important reason is that both the Jingyao support group and the feminist activists have a very important task after the agreement comes out, that is, to make a reasonable and fair interpretation of the agreement . Because on the Internet, whether it is the media or public relations, the coverage of the agreement is very important. Based on the wrong translation, it is very unfair to Jingyao, and it is easy to cause confusion and misunderstanding of the meaning of the agreement. We need to respond to the foreseeable stigma and scrutiny of Jingyao in a timely manner.”

At the event, the participants made slogans together and shared their reasons for supporting Jingyao and coming to the scene. Many people have expressed their empathy for Jingyao, because it is not just her personal experience, but can happen to everyone. A Ming University student said: There are many people around who don't understand the case at all, and they don't take the time to understand the case, but they comment on it. He participated in this gathering in the hope of gaining more understanding of the case and generating his own understanding.

Some people pointed out that it is not the first time that Liu Qiangdong has been suspected of sexual assault, but the huge impact of being indicted must have made him fearful from now on. Because of the efforts of Jingyao and his supporters, there may be a woman in the world who will be spared in the future. From this point of view, Jingyao chooses to make his case public, so that the public has the opportunity to pay attention and participate, which is also very grateful.

Slogan made on site

In addition to Chinese volunteers, Ming University professors and local residents of Mingzhou who were concerned about the case also participated in the process. Professor Mingda said that there was another sexual assault incident in the school. He felt very sorry and hoped that such a thing would not happen again in the future. He has also participated in many social movements of rallies and protests before, and he feels that it is very valuable for these young people to organize because of this incident.

Volunteers communicate with local participants: In addition to being part of the #MeToo movement in China, the Jingyao case is also a local case in Mingzhou. After the sexual assault, Jingyao's teachers, schools, and local police in Mingzhou failed to respond effectively, which reflects how local public power and schools systematically condone violence against women; local Chinese also need to participate. Among the local social movements, such as supporting African-Americans, Latinos and other minorities.

According to the organizers, it is a process of mutual connection: “We participate in their movement, and they participate in our movement.” The organization of the event relies heavily on the personal social networks of local partners, whose influence and The mobilization effect can also be used as a reference for whether feminism has formed a local movement soil.

Slogan made on site

"hope is a verb"

Participants shared their knowledge and feelings with each other at the event. The following are excerpts from the live speeches:

"Liu Qiangdong and Jingdong's lawyers keep attacking Jingyao as a liar, claiming that they have a lot of evidence to prove Jingyao is lying. But the 'misunderstanding' written in the agreement shows that Jingyao never gave consent , Liu Qiang said. Dong has no way to write in the agreement that the sexual behavior is consensual (this is consensual). If Liu Qiangdong really has as much evidence as he claims, he will never reconcile. This (a pre-trial agreement) is Jingyao and the achievements of the feminist community.”

"Liu Qiangdong has filed countless motions in the past three years (note: the civil case lasts for three years), and it is very exhausting for Jingyao. The last trial released (Jingyao's) testimony video: police officers, different people over and over again When I asked her what happened and what the details were, Jingyao had to explain it again and again. Many people in the audience cried. She had to go through this repeatedly in the past few years, not to mention the doubts on the Internet. So no matter what she did decision, we all support her.

"We have also grown in this process and look at victims more humanly. No one is a tool for feminism, we all need to empathize with everyone in the movement in a human way , see each other's differences and similarities, and together effort."

" What happened in the past four years cannot be erased and should not be forgotten. Jingyao, as a woman who stood up, has been in our lives and thinking for four years. That's why I want to join you today. Celebrating because we've gone through four years of thinking together, come here, become friends and have more strength."

"The Jingyao case is not only a gender case, but also the oppression of ordinary people by capital. Under such circumstances, we must stand on the side of the "egg", trust her, and express our support for her."

"It's very hard for a victim to have the courage to come forward, if we don't believe her, her justice will not be supported and more people will not come forward to change rape culture. This 'belief' is feminist A very important part of the power."

" Hope is a verb. Because you can't just wish for a better society in your head, you have to act on it."

Participants support Jingyao, oppose rape culture in front of court

"The #MeToo movement is always moving forward"

After the event, the organizers once again conveyed their thanks and expectations to all partners who care about Jingyao and support the Metoo movement:

"Because of the pre-trial agreement, the more difficult and difficult situations that may have occurred after the trial did not happen, and everyone was finally able to relax and have a good rest. And it is gratifying that feminists have also grown up in this event .

"The event on October 3 ended with a thank you to Jingyao. A volunteer made a very nice poster that said 'Thank you Jingyao fought for 4 years'. Several partners at the scene I cried when I saw this poster. This thank you is not only for Jingyao, but also for the volunteers who have been with each other for four years and have been paying attention and working hard.

"Many people see each other offline for the first time, but the difficulties we have experienced in the past few years, everyone's silent dedication and waiting, and every presence reminds us that we are not participating in an abstract feminist movement. We are all flesh and blood, living people. We hugged each other tightly, and at that moment we could finally be reunited.

"When we stand here, we also make a common statement: no matter what the legal outcome of this case is, we will support Jingyao here, and we will also support future survivors who may stand up in the future, so that they can have greater Space to tell your own story. Today is an important milestone for many, but our friendship through Jingyao doesn’t stop there. The #MeToo movement goes on forever.”

Group photo of participants


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