The New Year's holiday should have been refreshing, but my mood has been exposed?

Kind of a bad vacation.

It’s not long since the annual leave is over, and every time I have to sigh that time flies so fast, time flies, and time flies (a idiom is hard to insert), the annual leave will never be enough, right?

I don't know how you all had a good holiday this year? Did anything unexpected happen?

In the final analysis, the feeling of Chinese New Year is "joy". We want to reunite with our family in the new year, so it should give people a positive, beautiful and happy feeling, right? But this New Year's Eve doesn't seem to be as beautiful as I imagined .

🍬 The stupid incident of swallowing candy and getting stuck in the throat (super straightforward title?)

The first thing I'm going to say first, maybe it's not too bad, but I think it's definitely "surprise", maybe it's amazing?

I have forgotten exactly when it happened. During the Chinese New Year, when I was full, I wanted to eat dessert after dinner (should it be considered dessert?), so I quite like to eat " Sea Salt Candy " (the trade name is "Mint Rock Salt Lemon Candy") ”), I just picked up a few candies and started eating.

Unexpectedly, I don't know how many pills I ate, and suddenly I accidentally swallowed it...

Image source: PChome

When I accidentally swallowed it, my head went blank at first, trying to say what it was like now, showing a "dumb cat" expression. Then I realized that I should do something, and it felt like it was stuck in my throat. I was a little panicked and wanted to drink some water to see if I could swallow it smoothly.

Image source: Meme Terrier Map Warehouse

The result was that I didn't swallow it smoothly, but I did feel better. And fortunately, I still have a way to breathe normally, otherwise many clinics will not be open during the Chinese New Year, and a good annual leave will become very miserable.

Afterwards, I immediately checked the information on how to provide first aid. The information I found, such as the " Hamlich method ", seemed to be a way to squeeze out the foreign body stuck in the throat, but it seemed that someone needed help, so I first refer to The second method is "drink a lot of hot water".

In this way, after drinking a lot of hot water, the candy was slowly melted away. Although it took 20 minutes before and after on the way, it seemed to be a near miss?

Although this incident made me a little scared, and I felt a little stupid (laughs), but it didn't affect my mood, and it wasn't too bad . Will it be a little shadowy because of this, and I will not dare to eat this kind of candy or candy in the future? It was a little bit at the beginning, but I continued to eat it later. This candy is really delicious (completely crooked www).

📝 Can't let go of writing, keep worrying about Chinese New Year holidays

The thing is like this, before the Chinese New Year, I planned to keep updating during the Chinese New Year, and I also wanted to maintain the progress of two articles a day, so I planned to write it before the Chinese New Year, so that I could have a good vacation during the Chinese New Year.

But the plan can never keep up with the changes. It can be said that one of the articles I planned has not been completed! Many half-written drafts are not completed, and some don't know where to start, so they just sit there for a long time.

Image source: Pexels

The reason why I couldn't finish it on time, I think it's because of my imperfect time planning, my perfectionism, and anxiety that always accompanies me, so how could I be able to accomplish such a great and perfect thing when my body and mind are not very healthy. It sucks that the article, not even one, can't be finished.

With such an anxious relationship and unfinished articles that I should have finished, I kept falling into a vicious circle: " I should finish what I should, but I don't know why I can't finish it, and I'm not satisfied. " If this cycle continues, the situation can be said to be getting worse, not getting better at all.

After procrastinating again and again, it was still not completed until the holiday. It was only after I decided that I couldn't go on like this and made some small changes, and it got a little better. What is this change? is reading .

Although I still didn't finish the article, it was postponed until after the holiday, but my mood improved a little because of reading the book. It was a little " good luck ", right?

Image source: Meme terrier map warehouse

😵 Heart palpitations, suspected panic disorder

Continuing from the previous paragraph, probably due to anxiety and various conditions that I am not very aware of, I suddenly had symptoms such as palpitations, tremors, fear, and accelerated mentality.

Having never encountered such a situation before, I was almost out of breath before I could say "what is it now".

In the next situation, I was a little short of breath, so I kept panting and breathing, and the symptoms gradually eased in about ten minutes. Of course I wasn't very comfortable during the process, but it wasn't until I was about to die. If there was a degree of pain, from 1 to 10, it would be "seven points of pain and fear" (of course, based on my unreliable experience).

I really didn't expect that this kind of situation continued to happen for the second time, when the annual leave was about to end. However, after the first time, I have a little understanding of this situation, and I have a better way to deal with it, although I still continue to "palpitations, tremors, heart rate and heart rate..."

The situation was a little better. After I calmed down, I began to inquire about the knowledge of panic disorder and found that the symptoms were similar to panic disorder! But I also looked up another condition, similar to panic disorder, which could be that (sorry I can't recall suddenly). I've also seen panic attacks associated with anxiety disorders, and it made me realize that I may have generalized anxiety disorder. (undetermined)

However, I read an article that said that it takes more than four times before delivery is a panic disorder, and I just decided by my own feeling that I didn't have the "feeling of dying", and I didn't actually see a doctor, so it can't be the case. Jump to conclusions.

In short, because of some changes, this situation did not continue to occur, so I didn't think about it any more, and silently let it go . However, this experience is my first experience, and it is indeed quite terrifying and special. I am quite interested in learning this kind of psychological knowledge, but I don't want to experience it again.

Image source: Meme Terrier Map Warehouse

Looking at individual events apart, it may not be as bad as I imagined, and it can even be said that it is just a matter of habit (except accidentally swallowing candy stuck in the throat XDDD). But when I add all the things together, it makes me feel as if I have been terrible recently , and the focus of the New Year has given me a "sense of expectation", so the greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment.

And how did I get better later, and now I am writing here? It's actually very simple (it's very simple to say), I think it's because of the two things of "going to bed early and getting up early, reading a book" to get better . And when I looked back on it later, in fact, the New Year wasn't all bad, it was just that I focused on the worst. Besides, I really want to say that there are many people who are suffering more than me , not to say that anyone is bad, but to say that when I compare with these people, my situation is simply insignificant .

So, some "bad things" happened in the past, but the past is over, don't think about it any more, you should work hard to move forward, after all, there will be even worse situations in the future! After all, it is useless to think more, let's continue to work hard! (actually disgusting)

Image source: Meme Terrier Map Warehouse

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炙式化一位熱愛學習各種事物的「學習者」,偶爾寫寫各種文章幫我自己整理思緒,科普一些實用或沒用的知識,當然還有騙騙錢(燦笑)。還是個工作狂,什麼都忙,覺得時間永遠不夠,但我自己樂在其中,這就是「幸福」的滋味。 所有資訊全在Linktree,請慢慢欣賞:
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