What exactly is Healing?


Recently, the neighbors across the street moved, and as a result, the garbage trucks in the community were completely jammed, and they were not even thrown away, because I saw that their first floor was full of garbage... The community administrator was angry and locked the garbage concentration area. If anyone is allowed to throw (sweat), the landlord sends a message to everyone to be patient, and it will be thrown away in a few days, otherwise, the garbage will be thrown over there first, which makes me laugh XD Because who would dare to throw it like this==== 

Fortunately, I don't have a lot of garbage, which is fine, but today I saw a warning sign in black and white by an angry administrator on the opposite side, and I felt very healed (hey). Because they moved at one o'clock in the middle of the night, the sound of things moving and the roar of cars coming in and out made the whole community noisy by them... It's only natural that people will be angry. And I saw the movement on the other side from the window in the middle of the night, and I felt as if it was the concept of running away in the middle of the night, and I heard the feeling of men and women arguing? I don't dare to persuade me if I'm timid =v=

All in all, seeing this kind of neighbor who likes to quarrel loudly and loudly in the middle of the night leave, so that I can sleep without earplugs in the future, I think this is a super healing thing (laughs).

Photo by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash

"Healing" was a topic that was discussed almost every day when I was in the circle of "weird power and chaos". What kind of "energy" treatment, "minerals" full of body, "qigong" spiritual therapy, "card" divination, "thankka" art, "mandala" totem... or psychic information can be obtained A revelation is enough to satisfy one's heart..."Meditation" is also a very important basic skill.

In the "ordinary" circle, I found that many people's "healing" is contact with nature or animals. For example, they have been to a "pet restaurant" before, just because they are watching cute cats while eating, and the meal is not important. , Your mood has been "satisfied" with the feeling of meat balls and furry. There are people around me who are "climbers". They are very bored in the city. They must all go to the park to run with bluetooth earphones, stalk the dog, and often organize groups to climb the mountain trails and equipment on holidays...

The old people around me like "trees" very much, and I also like them very much, such as banyan trees. I have also touched the kind of "existence" that is close to the sacred wood but has no name on the mountain. It feels really special "precipitation", "Calm", "Rich". But I don't know why, but I always love and fear the woods. Especially the sounds from the dark woods always make me shiver to sleep because I don't know what I'm hearing.

Back in the city, I saw that in ordinary life, many people get a sense of pleasure and satisfaction from "food", which should be said to be a kind of excitement of "trying". The newly opened store is always crowded with people. Once I went too late and the crowd in the queue was already scary. == So I hate going to some online beauty stores. A bunch of people are crazy to take pictures, and it feels very noisy.

But sometimes I laugh when I see other people's "food records" and "travel notes". Everyone is a "little expert", and even the sauce can tell which side of the ancestry and what the material is. XD The angle of the photo It's all from the "net beauty" perspective, obviously they're all from the same store, why is the texture and space different in his photos? ! The shooting angle is really strong, I still don't know how to use it ==


These healing methods are too slow when there is an emergency, or when emotions suddenly get out of control.

" Breathing for twenty-five seconds" and then "three times " to force the emotional ups and downs under control is the most common method I currently use. Because people can easily do stupid things when they are out of control. Sometimes I even have to breathe "one inhale, four stops, and two vomit" more than ten times to get rid of that feeling.

Every day... first take out a piece of paper, or open a page on the computer, feel your chest and ask yourself:

"What would I do that would make me feel 'happy' and 'satisfied'?"

Then finish writing on a piece of paper, or type until you can't type any more.

Then grab a few arrangements from this list every day and implement them one by one.

I'm pretty stupid, sometimes I just want to just listen to music to let go, enjoy the latest trend, or a list of old favorites

In the past, there were many fields where people wanted to learn a little bit, so they borrowed books directly from the library or looked for materials and videos online to learn.

There is also planning a map with areas you want to explore, stores, newly opened stores, or legendary old stores, etc.

The most satisfying thing is probably just casual writing, or drawing, or something like that, which is especially fun. Sometimes when I read what I wrote before, I still think, "Is this really written by me? I have enough Beiqi XD" to entertain myself =v=

In any case, I find an opportunity every day to give myself a little "sense of accomplishment" or "healing". I hope it can last until the end of my life, and I can feel this way for at least ten minutes or half an hour every day. Alright (laughs).


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YvonneEcho喜愛三毛的文筆靈魂、希望有天也能行走世界、紀錄一切。 https://linktr.ee/yvonneecho
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