[Matters 98] The Game

Unbearably depraved. It's just an imagination, a little mourning for the fate of women of all dynasties, and a tribute.

Topic: Game

Type: imaginary story

Scenario: A cosmic space-time may correspond to Earth BC 575. But it's more likely to be a chaotic jump in spacetime.

Embedded Analects of golden sentences/paragraphs:
"If you don't learn etiquette, you can't stand. (Ji Shi 13)"
(If you don't learn etiquette, you can't stand in society.)

"Only women and villains are difficult to raise. (Yanghuo 25)"
(Only women and villains are difficult to deal with.)

"Three years without changing the way of the father can be called filial piety."
(If you don't change your father's rules and habits within three years, you can be considered filial.)

"It's forgiving! Do not do to others what you don't want to do to yourself. (Ling Gong 24)"
(That is forgiveness! Don't impose on others what you don't want.)

"My son said to Gong Yechang: 'You can be a wife. Even if you are in a tangle (ㄌㄟˊㄒㄧㄝˋ), it's not a crime.' He is his son and wife. (Gongye Chang 1)"
(Confucius commented on Gongye Chang: "You can marry a girl to him. Although he has been in prison, it is not his fault." Confucius married his daughter to him.)

The above annotations and sentences are all from the Chinese Philosophy Book Electronic Project

Characters: Confucius, Kong Li, Confucius (who secretly took the baby name E for her, but the name is not recorded in ancient books), Shiguan Shi (Confucius' ex-wife. It is said that she was divorced by Confucius, but there is also research that she was not Husband. This story is based on her being dismissed.), Zichang (Gong Yechang), Zilu (Ji Lu)


It is a good time in late spring and early summer.

Zichang stood under a tree in the courtyard and chirped, and his voice pierced through the west wing.
(Press: Because it is an imagination, let me build the layout of the house randomly.)

In the west wing, there is a Confucian girl named E, whose needle and thread in her hand stopped when she heard the sound. E got up from the ground and leaned on the flower window on the door to lust after a few steps, but just when her eldest brother carp rushed across the courtyard, Eqing heard her father's Hong Sheng shouting through the courtyard: " If you don't learn the etiquette, you can't stand! "

This sound dissipated the spring bird chirping, but after a while, there was a brisk warbler again. E wanted to resume work on the ground, but an emerald bird came into the corridor gracefully, flying like fallen leaves.

Surprised, she stopped by the door and window. However, a few footsteps accompanied Qiao Shi, a delicate face flashed from the door, and a shadow of plain clothes fell on the apex of her heart with the sound of birds.


On a certain autumn day, brothers and sisters stood together under the corridor, facing the greenery in the courtyard, "His name is long." Li Yan. E silently bowed her head but was overjoyed.

However, there was a commotion outside the courtyard, Zi Lu rushed through the courtyard and entered the hall, and then Confucius and Zi Lu went back to the courtyard door, "Go!" Li said, only to see E returning to the room to get the yarn first, and then followed in small steps.

"--Young Gongye Chang was killed, and I was ordered to arrest him!" The Ya Ling handed in his hand and told him, and Confucius looked at him blankly, only to see that the son was tangled in a tangle of ropes, with messy hair and skin injuries.

E-li was standing on the edge of the door and looked at Zichang, but unexpectedly, his eyes were facing each other. Panicked, she turned around and was admitted to the hospital, but she didn't know that the shadow fell into the apex of Zi Chang's heart like a bird.


"The Zhu family proposed marriage, and the daughter should marry." The father's order was like a mountain, and E only pursed her lips and said nothing.

Eqing, "If my mother is here, there must be something to say." E muttered.

After a long time, Confucius replied slightly sullenly, " Only women and petty people are difficult to support. "

Brother Egu lowered his eyes, but Li was only silent. Efu got up and bowed to her father. "Follow my father's orders." However, his voice sounded like he was going to die.


At that time, the unofficial clan received the letter of divorce and expelled them, and Li and E saw each other tearfully from afar. Spring and Autumn flies, and the unofficial family has been dead for more than three years.

On that day, the brother and sister Mochizuki was paying tribute. Confucius heard the cry in the room and was impatient. When he asked a question, a certain disciple replied, " Weeping mother." Filial piety. What about women?" However, Li opened his mouth and replied, " Be filial to him! Do not do to others what you do not want. "

"Hey!" Confucius wanted to let go, but in the end he just waved his hand and entered the room.

It was night, and no one knew that Confucius had not slept all night.


"What virtue and what ability?" Gong Yechang knelt down and thanked his teacher, but Confucius was just standing outside the prison. Hearing his voice and seeing the sincerity of his appearance, he felt a little more certain in his heart.

Confucius and Gongye had a long conversation and returned to the academy.

As soon as he entered the entrance, he looked up and saw that the relatives and students of the Gongye family who had assembled a few days ago to assist in inquiring about the case had gathered in the courtyard.

"This is a false accusation," said one of the students.

After everyone discussed it, they chose another day to go to the yamen to file a lawsuit.

But at the end of the day, after the crowd came down, Confucius called Zili and Nue privately.

After a while, I saw E bowing down to her father in the dim candlelight, tears streaming down her voice, but her eyes sparkling with joy.


It's a good season in the late spring and early summer of the coming year again. However, its sound and bird sound come and go, turning the bird's language into a song, and the song is like a poem. There is benevolence in poetry, and the practice of benevolence begins with ritual.

The pink cheeks burst into a smile, and the birds flew and fell all over the place.

Confucius went far to the people in the courtyard, with a look of relief on his face.

Afterwards, he said to people: Gong Yechang "can be a wife. Even though she is in the tangle ( ㄌㄟˊㄒㄧㄝˋ) , it is not a crime. "


The following is a supplement to why this whole article was written this way, but it can also be skipped as nonsense.

Speaking of which, when I first saw the theme of "Confucianism and Confucianism", I couldn't help but light up, but it also made me feel extremely withdrawn. Naturally, my eyes lit up because there were many shadows of Confucianism (but it could also be Confucianism) in the education from childhood to adulthood. Under the influence of my ears and eyes, for a wanderer, the subtle existence of culture is often invisible when immersed in it. But after jumping away a little, at some point, you will suddenly realize that you are actually being tightly bound, and it may even be an inner support or even follow the rules. However, the feeling of retreating is also produced in this way, things that are too close, or things that melt into the blood, often even "knowing that this is their own subjective thoughts" may not be able to detect. Therefore, with unease, but also with reason, after reading the Analects several times, I finally found the one I was most curious about and wanted to discuss the most (namely: "Zi Wei Gongyi" Yechang: "You can be a wife. Even if you are in a tangle (ㄌㄟˊㄒㄧㄝˋ), it's not a crime." It's his son and his wife.") I am curious as to why Confucius promised his own daughter Rationing a prisoner? The reason why I am curious about the reason behind this story is not only because of the conflict, but also because of the status of women in the long-standing Confucian culture, or even the "female virtue" derived from this framework, which is very important for being a woman. I am a bit similar to the existence of inner demons - I always unconsciously feel what can be done and what can't be done, and because of many rules and regulations imposed on women, I sometimes unconsciously follow the order of male superiority and female inferiority.

In order to answer this question myself, I began to try to dig out the information related to "Gongye Changyi", but there are not many.

But because the question has already arisen, it is inevitable to want to answer it, and even finally explain the question in a slightly distorted manner, which is how a story about imagination begins. I couldn't help but think about that short sentence of "Gongye Changyi".

Before I started writing, I thought while reading the material, did Confucius' daughter fall in love with Gongye Chang, and thus cleverly persuaded her father to let her stay with her lover? Or was he ordered by his father to marry the Lord Gongye? At first, I thought the possibility of the latter was relatively high. After all, it was difficult for women in ancient times to choose for themselves. That was the strict shackles of women in the social framework of the past dynasties (here, it is "Confucian shackles". Of course, I also think about it occasionally. Perhaps this shackle seems particularly heavy at this time. On the one hand, it has been interpreted and commented in the Ming Dynasty, and it has become more and more strict on women; on the other hand, it is because modern women do not have to bear that degree of shackles It makes the shackles of the old times seem particularly heavy. The Ming Dynasty is mentioned mainly because of Mr. Chen Jiru's phrase "a woman is virtuous without talent." It continued to superimpose according to the times, so it reached its peak in the Ming Dynasty.)

By continuing to understand the data, I also found that there is a record that Gongye Chang can speak bird language (see the paper " Gong Ye Chang Bird Language Research "). "It's so cool!" This was my first thought when I found this legend. Although it is still open to question whether Gongye Chang can speak bird language, but also because of this noisy judgment, I finally chose to let the story On the first line, that is, the daughter of Confucius and the leader of Gongye are in love with each other, but they are limited by the shackles of etiquette, so the two are not free to fall in love like modern men and women, but they admire each other by private chance and coincidence. It's a bit like love at first sight (although this fish cat doesn't quite believe it, or doesn't believe in love at first sight.) However, I also feel that the possibility of free love between men and women at that time is not very likely (maybe it's a misunderstanding of mine, but it's here anyway. The story is a fictional background.) Therefore, it was decided to add Kong Li, the son of Confucius, as an assist.

Knowing Kong Li is naturally due to Kong Li's answer to Chen Kang's question in "Ji Shi 13". Through Kong Li's mouth, he showed Chen Kang that his father wanted him to learn poetry and etiquette like other people, and he had nothing to do with other people. Protégés are treated differently (however, is this true? Maybe the relationship between parents and children in ancient times was estranged by etiquette, but would it really be completely less partial to their own children?) So in this story, I simply put the This recounted experience changed back to the moment of the incident, which is why there was a scene in which Chief Gong Ye was talking to the bird, and the Confucius girl wanted to investigate, but Confucius scolded his son and scared the birds away in the courtyard. (first paragraph)

In addition, because there is another understanding of Kong Li, that is, his filial piety to his mother, the official family. This filial piety is shown by Kong Li's grief after the death of the official family. And I have to mention here that although some textual research points out that the Fuguan family was not divorced, otherwise according to the etiquette at that time, Kong Li was not even allowed to grieve for his mother; however, there is another theory that she It is to be divorced, otherwise why did Confucius not mention any relationship with his wife at all

(Although, in the eyes of Confucius, women can only be labeled as difficult to raise, so he is reluctant to discuss more, but he also compares the villains who are juxtaposed with women with gentlemen. Thinking about this point, it is inevitable. I think it's too biased, why are women not included in the discussion? Of course, I don't really have an answer in my heart. For this question, I privately think that in the eyes of Confucius/Confucianism, the relationship with women is not worth it. mention, there is no need to mention.

When I mentioned the word "relationship", I also thought of a very impressive discourse I heard a long time ago, that discourse believed that the entire "Analects of Confucius" was to define the relationship between people and to point out how to act for these different relationships. book of. However, is it because the relationship with a woman is not listed as a consideration, so it rarely appears in it, or is it because of the possibility of divorce that Confucius finally avoided talking about? And if there is a divorce, what is the reason? )

So in this story, I chose the latter to promote the story, that is, Confucius may also marry according to the custom, and in the end may not be compatible with each other, so he finally divorced his wife, and Kong Li, the son, has his own opinion on this matter, and maybe he did not The way to change the fate of her mother being expelled from the door, but she also knows the meaning of her sister's muttering (the third paragraph of the story, in which the four words "mother must have words", want to express E's lamentation and dissatisfaction, but after all she As a daughter, she could only complain in a low voice, but Confucius still heard it.)

Because Kong Li understood his sister's intentions, he was later arrested by Confucius to preach because he missed his deceased mother (this is a real part), but he was also willing to speak up for his sister (this is myself). private speculation). And although Confucius felt helpless about his son's direct chastisement, he also understood that a forced marriage is not good, and since his virtuous disciple (referring to the leader of Gongye, who is said to be one of the students who made Confucius proud of his moral character) and his The daughters admire each other, so although someone proposed to marry him, as a father, he thought about it all night and finally decided to visit the prison, and finally decided to let his daughter marry him.

Therefore, in the fifth scene, Confucius is set to visit the prison and then return to his own courtyard. In the prison, I imagine that after Confucius negotiated with Chief Gong Ye, Chief Gong Ye was not only moved by the teacher's importance, but also a little unbelievable that he would have good luck, so he finally said "what virtue and what ability". Because it has not been written in an ancient style for a long time, many details are omitted and become quite obscure, so I can't help adding some supplements here.

The fact that Gongye Chang was imprisoned and later learned that he was unjustly imprisoned is actually related to another legend (also found in " Gongye Chang 's Bird Language Research"). Unpredictable Disaster (It's wonderful and ridiculous, but I still find it interesting when I read it.) But fortunately, I finally clarified and shortened the last paragraph to describe this "telephoto" a little.


For a long time, I haven't written about the ancients and talked about it for self-entertainment. But partly because of the theme "Confucianism and Confucianism", the part is about language rehabilitation (because the precision I want to use really makes me want to break my head, and many of the emotional twists and turns are for the sake of saving, so it is written very vaguely, I hope to establish a conflict and be understood, but I also feel that my skills are not enough, so I still add a long discussion.) The reality is mixed, and it is quite confusing.

Silently in my heart, I prayed to all the ancients and adults to make use of the limited and limited cognition of the characters.

Finally, I can't help but secretly insert a phenomenon observed in the growth process, that is, in the previous generation or even in the previous generation, many families often only leave resources to their children, but rarely to their wives. Of course, there are also beautiful love stories, but it seems that once men and women enter the family, their dedication to their offspring is often better than love (now there is a biased idea, that is: Chinese society bears "too much responsibility" for children In fact, when getting along with friends from European and American countries, it is inevitable to find that many parents are "friends" to their children and choose "stocking", so they know what they want very early, and they are very mature and independent and responsible for themselves. Most of their parents I still have love, and I have heard a lot of dating between parents and letting the children handle it by themselves. When I hear that way of getting along, I can’t help but praise.) As a woman, I observed this when I was very young In fact, there was a time when I was very apprehensive about marriage, and even at that time I secretly made up my mind not to get married in this life (but looking back now, at that time, how much did [primary school, hide his face] know about marriage? ...) But also because of this strange idea, as we get older, although it is inevitable to see that there are still injustices between different genders in modern society, I am also grateful that this era is better than the previous generation. Or the previous generation of women has more opportunities to work hard for themselves, and marriage is no longer as conservative as it used to be, or it must be built with responsibility for future generations or even sacrificing love between two people.

In this era, maybe love/family to some extent, although still has the shadow of Confucianism, but it has become much weaker, but whether it is home (culture) or yoke, perhaps, it goes at any time, and when it comes to home, it's time to flail.

Very interesting article: "Gongye Long Bird Language Test" http://ccsdb.ncl.edu.tw/ccs/image/01_008_001_01_22.pdf

The above... Long time no visit to Matt City


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