Illustration of visualizing images using Visdom on Moment Pool Cloud


Lease a machine to add a default port

Click to expand advanced options

Click to add port configuration

Add the default port of Visdom, select the http port and fill in 8097

Enter the environment to install and use

The JupyterLab link is the tool used for this experiment to install the experiment
HTTP 8097 port link open is your Visdom


 pip install visdom

start up

 python -m visdom.server

Note bash ioloop.install() # Needs to happen before any tornado imports! Checking for scripts. Downloading scripts, this may take a little while

After visdom is successfully started, it will return a URL. At this time, you can go back to my rental page and open your HTTP 8097 port link.

simple test

 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from visdom import Visdom
vis = Visdom()

Another look at Visdom


Reference article

PyTorch deep learning training visualization tool visdom

Detailed explanation of PyTorch visualization tool visdom (1)

Python drawing (marker, marker, set marker size, marker symbol collection)

Visualization tool Visdom

visdom:Downloading scripts, this may take a little while


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