Biscuit Sharing_Deka White Coffee Cigar Wafer Roll

Biscuit Sharing_Deka White Coffee Cigar Wafer Roll

Goodbye to the Mid-Autumn Festival not long ago, is there a lot of biscuits at home to eat?
There are also some snacks that I have never eaten at my house, which is this delicious-looking roll.

😂 It's a few reversals 😂
. Picking it up and shaking it has some weight, I thought it was a big bag and I would eat it right away.
When I opened it, I found that it was a separate package, and there were a total of 10 in it.

. If you didn't look carefully from the outside, the packaging of this white series should be milk or vanilla flavor.
Turning to the packaging, I saw the Chinese label: White Coffee Cigar Wafer Roll, what a special flavor.

. This is full of English packaging, and I really can't guess which country made it.
Origin: Indonesia (I want to say sorry first, because none of the Southeast Asian snacks I've ever eaten are quite to my taste, so...)

but! Ka shi shi. But.

It's delicious... 😋

Although the white coffee inside is not the filling type, the texture is very similar to the popping pulp. Sometimes it's like bursting pulp, and it's super satisfying to eat full of fillings in one bite. It will be sweet to eat, but I still want to eat one after another. I think you can try it and see. If you don't like the white coffee flavor, it also has dark chocolate, cheese, and lemon flavors 🥰 It was purchased at Quanlian, and a box of $49.


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想吃甜食的貓🍰🍞🥞🥪🍔☕🍛🍝 ✨蝦皮的餅乾清單: 【自己的贊助自己拉】沒錯,使用上面的連結購買,都可以讓我得到一點點的回饋金,光是能看到這行字就很感謝你了🙌贊助我買更多食物開箱
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