Tree planting and (d)MRV (GG19)


[ For Web3Matters Matt Weekly 55th Special Issue]

Let’s review MRV first:

How do we know whether carbon reduction actions have been accurately implemented? How should these results be quantified? At this time we need a set of measurement, reporting, verification, MRV (measurement, reporting, verification, MRV) mechanisms.

MRV is actually a scientific measurement/monitoring method that mainly monitors greenhouse gas emissions and reduction actions, quantifies their effectiveness, and then makes transparent disclosures, and requires verifiers to fairly evaluate these numbers. --Follow-up report of the 2019 Global Climate Action Conference COP25 [COP25 12] Establish a universal MRV mechanism to make carbon emission calculations fair and transparent

According to the follow-up report of the last special issue of Matt Weekly , we know that the "big carbon emitters" will mobilize the "big conservationists" to develop "natural solutions", and then let the financial consortium do third-party certification, that is, there will be a platform and a trading market. The most serious thing is to enclose the land, drive out the local people, and introduce alien species, which will destroy the ecology. So when I read a project about planting trees, I kept my eyes open to see if there were any clues in the project description.

From the first time I saw the Climate Solutions Project, I have always had reservations about planting trees. Two reasons: one is the inequality between rich and poor. Now the disparity between rich and poor has become: the richest former in the world. 10% of people produce nearly half of today's carbon emissions, while the poorest people add up to half, and only produce a total of 10% of carbon emissions (picture).


When watching the documentary, an African friend (he is a farmer) began to know the causes of climate change and began to tell his friends to plant trees together. I felt like there was something in my heart that I couldn’t swallow (similar to: What kind of solution is this? ?!) (But I also know that this sentiment is too politically incorrect, so I can’t shout it out). Fortunately, in the film, he looked pretty good when he went to protest at the United Nations Climate Action Conference. The reality of the real world did not knock him down. .

The second is an example of mangroves that already exist in Taiwan: The cost of mistaken planting (Public Control of Our Island) : Artificial planting, reproduction speed is too fast under abnormal climate, causing habitat imbalance and bird reduction (Hsinchu) , affecting flood control and conservation of habitat ecology (left bank of Bali River, Tamsui River) .

Despite this, when looking for local entities, I still saw many cases of spontaneous tree planting. It is worth mentioning that there is a new step in progress this time. dMeter EBF Hypercert mentioned the follow-up of 700 trees, a total of In the cooperation of three units, ReFi DAO organizes and plans the whole thing, Traditional Dream Factory will take care of the growth of the trees, and Silvi is responsible for buying saplings and making it possible to integrate MRV tools.

This is why I want to pay attention to the MRT project first. Important technologies must be matched with good application areas . If we look at the most direct relationship between people and the land, then a large number of saplings in a large area can have powerful effects after the hard work of manpower. Only with technical support and careful follow-up can we achieve the expected wonderful results similar to using love to generate electricity. --In other words, as long as technology is available, investment is encouraged, so more consideration may be needed.

When I was looking at the project, I kept thinking of Yahoo Auctions. I really wanted to ask the seller questions, such as planting 500 mangrove trees. Have you considered the reverse effect in advance? How to avoid squeezing the local ecology? --This may only be possible after joining their DC or TG to ask how they will solve the problem. Because the development of photovoltaics in Taiwan is facing many issues, not to mention that the farmland has been converted to photovoltaics. After photovoltaics are planted, the ecological problems of the extension of photovoltaic fields have to be dealt with!

But this does not affect our appreciation of other solutions proposed by many professional teams, such as Oxygenchain , which has a very cool technology in this project, and Realtime Climate Data Market (RealClime) , which demonstrates considerable technical capabilities. They themselves have very clear explanations. , there are two existing marine market data assets (two asset types: static datasets and algorithmic code). They are adding an option that can process real-time information - by then we don’t know how much real-time data will be generated, and how to choose. Application, procurement depends on the target needs of government, academic or future judicial investigation (?!) and other units. In comparison, The Aquapurge Project, which simply tries to inspire people to join in reporting pollution on ocean coastlines, has received relatively more donations.

The tree part also includes KOKO DAO saving forests in Colombia: a team of only two people wants to create an economic model to replace the deforestation of forests in Colombia . The long-term goal is to create a blueprint so that any small village community in the area can protect their forests.

The MRV in Kenya, Shamba Network, in Africa, last time said that it would "build a system to chain climate information" (see related article for details ). This time it mentioned two clear applications, one of which can be used for innovation in climate insurance. Project: As long as the measured conditions are consistent with drought, cash will be directly transferred to compensate herders in the two most vulnerable provinces; the other is a digital MRT tool that can provide the best services for small-scale plans at an effective, low cost. Currently Six thousand farmers have joined online.

Further reading: Shamba Network partners with Mercy Corps Ventures, Fortune Credit, and Diva Technologies to boost climate resilience for pastoralists in Kenya

The CEO even hopes to incorporate a wide range of ecological disaster scenarios into the design of smart contracts, and wishes them success.

He envisioned a future where smart contracts could be designed to address a range of ecological scenarios, such as wildfires, floods, and other natural disasters. —— the-blockchain-insights-from-the-diva-donate-pilot-693142ae0a8a

Finally, I would like to sort out the tree planting projects not specifically mentioned above for everyone’s convenience. The teams in Africa are all small-scale. If you click on it, you will see that they report what they bought, or they can clearly state the environmental impact problems they encountered. , will cooperate with local organizations and schools.

The Kawagumba village community farm project

Green Planet Conservation Initiative

There are two in Central and South America:

Fork Forest

La Madriguera

The part about Grand View Garden is that the ReFi DAO mentioned above actually has its own project to raise funds this time. It must be said that it is a project page with a very powerful illustration: ReFi-EBF - Activating the Ecological Benefits Framework .


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