Unlocking Principles and Unlocking Services Unlocking Techniques: Replicating Standard and Old Style Flagpole Keys


Unlocking Principles and Unlocking Services Unlocking Techniques : Replicating Standard and Old Style Flagpole Keys

Copy standard and old-style flagpole keys This chapter will teach you how to copy a flagpole key, which is the oldest type of key, which originated in ancient Rome and has remained unchanged for more than two thousand years. In addition to the United States and Canada, which mainly use lock cylinder keys, other countries in the world are very popular to use flagpole keys. Therefore, it is still very important for a locksmith to learn to reproduce the flagpole key.

The shape of the flagpole is a long stick with a spoon leaf at the top, like a flagpole. This simple key is more secret than private. That is to say, the flagpole key is usually used in some formalized places, such as on the door, which only means {no entry} or {in use} only {usually this kind of key is used on the door of the bathroom or bedroom}, it can be seen that , the security of the flagpole key is not required. In addition, flagpole keys such as prisons, mental hospitals, police patrol boxes and other important places have to be precisely designed, and the tooth shape changes a lot. The same is the flagpole key. With the change of the tooth shape, the degree of precision is also different, which relatively affects its security. The simpler the tooth shape, the lower the security. The more precise the tooth shape, the more difficult the flagpole key security The higher the sex, perhaps this is the reason why it can spread for a long time.

The first one is to learn to replicate the old-style flagpole key, which is the same as the standard flagpole key except for its dimensions. However, older locks are usually very large, as are older flagpole keys. Because the old door is very large and will be used for a long time, it needs to be equipped with a larger lock. Such larger flagpole key blanks are currently rare and cannot be reproduced by machine, so they are reproduced entirely by hand.

The second reason for learning to file flagpole keys by hand is that although a key duplicator can also duplicate flagpole keys, it can only duplicate part of it, and the rest still needs to be done by hand, so you have to develop the ability to fully duplicate The ability of the flagpole key, this chapter will provide you with the basic knowledge, at the same time guide you how to use the hand to complete the work.

Flagpole keys are made of various metals. Its texture is brass, bronze, soft iron, cast iron, aluminum, zinc alloy, etc. Although the texture is different, the process of replicating by hand is exactly the same.

Flagpole key blanks are usually cast by molds. After the metal is melted, it is poured into the mold and taken out after cooling. When the temperature drops, the shrinkage of the metal is inconsistent, so the size of the cast key blanks is not the same, which does not prevent the copying of the key, as long as the length, height and throat of the key blank match the sample key, other access Make corrections when copying.

The name of each part of the flagpole key, key head, key neck, key shoulder, key throat, tumbler tooth shape, flag face, column head, side tooth row.

When a customer takes a flagpole key to ask you to match the key, first select a correct key blank and compare it with the sample. Although the key head plays an unimportant role in the key blank, comparing the key head helps to quickly select the correct key blank, because the same key usually has the same key head. Sometimes comparing the key head of a sample and a key blank can give you clues as to finding a suitable key blank.

The second step is to compare the length. Compare the length of the sample key and the key neck and stud of the key blank. If the length of the key blank is slightly longer than that of the sample, it is fine as long as it is corrected when copying, but if it is too short, when it is inserted into the lock, will not be able to reach the bottom of the lock.

The third step is to compare the heights of the two. The height of the flag surface of the key blank should be slightly higher than that of the sample key, because the higher part can be exactly equal to the sample key after a little correction when copying.

The fourth step is to compare the width of the two, the width of the flagpole key blank should be slightly wider than the sample key. So that it can be removed when filing, it can be equal to the sample, but it cannot be remedied if it is too narrow.

The fifth step is to compare the thickness. Compare the flag surface of the key blank with the flag surface of the sample to see if the thickness is equal. If the key blank is relatively thin, after the key is completed, it will not be suitable for the needs of the lock, and it will be in vain. If the key blank is thick, although it can be thinned, it is very troublesome to handle, and it is difficult to file the flag surface to the same thickness as the original one. Therefore, it is more convenient to choose a key blank with the same thickness as the sample flag surface when copying.

The sixth step is to check whether the size of the column head is the same, because if the column head is too large, the copied key will not be able to be inserted into the key copper in the lock. The insertion of the column head into the hole is the fulcrum that supports the rotation of the key, so it is very important. To measure the size of the stigma, there is a simple method, which is to use a paper clip. The method used is as follows:

First clamp the sample key in a vise, straighten the paperclip, then wrap the straightened paperclip around the stud of the sample key twice in a counterclockwise direction, and then put the paperclip The iron wire is removed from the stud of the sample key, and the circle is the size of the stud.

In order for the loop of the paper clip to fit over the stud of the key blank, it does not matter if the stud of the blank is the same size as the sample, or a little smaller. If the loop of the paper clip can be easily put on the stud of the key blank, such a key blank means that it can extend into the key hole of the lock; similarly, if the stud of the key blank is set looser on the paper clip than the sample, It will be unstable if it reaches into the keyhole, and it will be difficult to open the lock. If the loop of the paper clip cannot fit into the stud of the key blank, it means that the stud is too large and will not be able to extend into the key hole, so it should be trimmed down.

key formation

The flagpole key is three-dimensional, and it is impossible to file the sample key and the key blank side by side like the lock cylinder key and the flat key, so the procedure for copying is more complicated. Filed on the key blank, it is an indirect copy.

Here's how to make a model from a thin sheet of iron:

First, put the sample key on the iron plate, one side of the iron plate is against the shoulder of the key, this iron plate can be replaced with a canned iron plate.

The right side of the iron plate is much more than the flag surface of the sample key. This extra part is useless. When you exceed 1/16 of the edge, use a needle to draw a straight line on it.

Then use scissors to cut off the excess iron pieces. After cutting, start to roll up the extra 1/2 inch below the iron sheet on the stigma, with the long side facing you and the short side behind you.

Now, in order to make the flat iron piece completely attached to the flag surface of the sample key, the force of the vise must be used. Place the iron sheet that has been simply rolled by hand on the flag surface of the sample key, press one side of the iron sheet against the shoulder of the key, and clamp it into a vise. Remember! Only clip on the stigma, do not clip the shoulder part.

After clamping, loosen the vise, raise the key by 1/16, and then clamp it again. Repeat this two or three times so that the key gradually rises and is gradually clamped. In the end, the entire iron piece gradually changes its position due to repeated changes. Clamp, while fully affixed to the stigma and flag of the sample key.

Once fully clamped, remove the sample key from the vise. Cut off the excess beyond 1/16 of the flag surface with scissors.

When the iron piece completely covers the sample key flag surface and stigma, it does not mean that the iron piece, which is called "mask" later, is fixed on the sample, and it can still be pulled out or inserted.

The next step is to file the mask. The work step is to blacken each tooth shape of the sample key, so that when the mask is put on, the part that should be filed can be clearly seen.

The easiest way to blacken a flag is to smoke it, you must make sure that all teeth and edges on the sample flag are completely blackened. When smoking the flagpole, you only need to hold the key head, draw a match, and use the yellow part of the burning flame to lean against the flag, which will produce black smoke and blacken the flag. Because the key is hot when the flag is smoked, it is best to hold the key head with pliers. When smoking the flag, pay attention to it, as long as a thin layer of black smoke is smoked, enough to smoke every corner of the flag and create a clear background. If the smoke is too thick, it will peel off and cause Easily soiled.

After the sample flag is completely smoked, insert the mask into the sample flag, and pay attention to the long one must be forward.

Then, slide the mask over the column head with one side against the key shoulder and clamp the masked sample key in a vise. Be careful not to pinch the shoulder of the key, you must press the shoulder of the key against the edge of the vise before clamping.

Once you're fully prepared, with everything in place, you can start filing. After the sample and the mask are fixed, they cannot be moved until the filing is completed, otherwise the position of the filing will be inaccurate and the correct mask cannot be filed.

When filing, use the flat file used to file the sheet key to file the mask, so that the tooth shape size of the filed mask is exactly the same as that of the sample key. Use the file only when you push it forward with a flat file. Push it slowly and carefully. Push the flat file forward evenly, without forming an angle or pushing it forward while shaking. Maintaining this correct position, file the edges of the mask as large as the sample. When the file is flush with the sample, the soot on the sample will be removed first, and the filing should be stopped immediately. When filing, only use the file when filing forward, because the mask is very thin, and if you use the file when pulling back, it will bend the mask and make it difficult to file.

Therefore, when filing, remember to use force only when filing forward, and the force should be slow and long to achieve the effect of filing. After each forward filing, gently lift the flat file away from the mask and pull back in preparation for the next filing motion.

After filing the perimeter of the mask, you can start the work of filing the concave and convex teeth. At this time, the flat file should be erected and the side edge of the file should be used. Remember, this is the same as when filing the edges, so regularly, push forward with the file, pull back without filing, and so on until you're done.

After filing, carefully compare and check whether all angles, left and right front and rear edges are completely correct, and there is no omission. After these inspections are completed, the mask and sample can be removed from the vise.

Then put the mask on the key blank so that one side is against the key shoulder, and then clamp the key blank on the vise without clipping the shoulder. At this point the tooth profile of the key is clearly visible and you can start to file carefully. Filing is done in exactly the same way as when filing the mask. After filing, check carefully and carefully. After it is completely correct, loosen the vise, remove the completed key, take off the mask, and a new key is completed.


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