Free Write in 7 days: Life Stories with Food · Thoughts after writing

Taste of staying in London

Frankie Yeung
"The sense of taste seems to be stronger than when I was outside, and I can freeze the story..." "Through words, I can go back to the scene and feel it..." Reflections after seven days of writing: It may have taken seven days to write, but it really made me "aftertaste" "one time.

The sense of taste seems to be still out there, sharper than before, and can freeze the story. Somehow, many life stories stop at that period in London...

I have to think about it, as I write and write, why there are no mentionable moments recently. Gradually, in the busyness, I may lose the surprise of eating. But it is clear that this is the present, and the past has passed.

Fortunately, through words, I can go back to the scene, feel the thrill and heart-warming feeling at that time, and feel what the sense of ritual is. Maybe it will let me know that wonderful things can be created in this way in the future.


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

Frankie Yeung社會學出身,前通識編輯,曾修讀新聞,現為大學助教。曾旅居倫敦,跨城遊歐洲。
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