[Thursday session at 10:00 tonight] Matters' exploration of "conversational studies": Why is it difficult to conduct public discussions on the Internet?


Today (4/26) at 10:00 p.m., the Matters team in the first session will answer questions from the audience, and @jieping will take the lead.

Before entering a more specific technical structure and circulation model, we would like to talk to you about the "feelings" at the core of the Matters project, that is, public discussion. In addition to "war", is it possible for Matters to start by re-examining the information structure of media content, using the community as the base, to explore a communication imagination that may be called "dialogue"?

If you have ever been confused about " Does Matters want to engage in media? Or engage in community? ", " What can/should/suitable to talk about on Matters, and how to talk about it ", please come and participate in this lecture!


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