J is life! |SEO and Zhanzhan Training Notes #002

What is the optimization of SEO that everyone is talking about...? Usually, when you encounter a situation that you don't know how to answer or deal with, I believe everyone has the experience of "you ask the Google God", right? At this point, the user will open the webpage and enter the desired answer in the search bar, and the priority of the marketer or engineer is to think about how the website is found, seen, and solve the searcher's problem in the context of the problem. question.
Photo by Alizée Baudez on Unsplash

What is SEO?

The acronym SEO's full name is translated as "Search Engine Optimization". In fact, optimizing search engines has nothing to do with us ordinary people, that is the job of search engine companies, and what we do first is to regularly track the relevant information about which game rules they update. Although the update content is usually not fully disclosed, it can be found that some of the exposed content has traces that can help us scrutinize the appearance of the new rules.

What is the optimization of SEO that everyone is talking about...?

Usually when you encounter situations that you don’t know how to answer or deal with, I believe everyone has the experience of “you go to the Google God”, right? At this point, the user will open the webpage and enter the desired answer in the search bar, and the priority of the marketer or engineer is to think about how the website is found, seen, and solve the searcher's problem in the context of the problem. question. From the above we can obtain the following scenarios:

Chart reference: SEO super entry (add your own ideas based on understanding)

The relationship between the three can be said to be the basic structure of SEO. In order, the relationship between users and search engines will be explained first, then the relationship between search engines and websites, and finally the relationship between websites and users.

Users and Search Engines

Thinking from the purpose of search engines, when consumers enter questions or keywords in the search field, the search engine finds the corresponding content or answers. The parts that search engines will focus on are:

  • Understand user intent through keywords
  • Find the corresponding solution according to the rules
  • Filter and exclude ineligible websites and content

It can be seen that the content and structure quality presented on the website are all related to whether the website itself will be found, and the order presented after the search is related. Of course, the more websites that meet the search engine requirements, the greater the chance of appearing in the top rankings.

Search Engines and Websites

How to meet the search engine requirements? According to the Search Engine Optimization Getting Started Guide provided by the Google Search Center , basically through retrieval and indexing, it is convenient for subsequent users to quickly search. The settings in this part belong to technical SEO, and generally introduce the evaluation items:

  • Can the search engine retrieve the desired item quickly and correctly?
  • Does the website itself provide quality content?
  • Is the website secure?
  • Can users access the content quickly and easily?

Usually technology-related content will make people shy away, although many majors will require troublesome engineers, but after listing the SEO implementation list, you can find some easy-to-reach items, you can also know, understand and try to adjust by yourself, more details The introduction can be browsed in the Google search center ! Or, stay tuned for the next sharing.

Website and Users

The user has a need to solve the problem, which prompts the search operation. Find out what your website wants to achieve? In order to be effectively found by the correct and in-demand users. Websites must be two-pronged, paying attention to both technical and non-technical SEO applications.

Good user experience and increase willingness to return visits, such as:

  • Website interface design, path
  • Website image content loading speed

Present solutions specifically to understand what users are looking for:

  • Browse - Discover what's new
  • Knowledge - how to...?
  • Transaction - there is a need to buy an item

The above is a brief introduction to the SEO opening content that I have learned, and I will slowly disassemble it into several blocks to share with you in detail~

When I finished #002, my biggest impression was, well, I've finished the tip of the iceberg with my brain drained... In addition to seeing more comprehensively what I know and don't know about SEO, I also pointed out what parts It takes time to review. Don't waste your time digging this big hole for yourself to jump in, and slowly learn more solidly.


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Joyu寫,不斷堆疊練習,進步。我追求的是,生活選擇權。 個人網站:https://qianyiland.dev
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