How much does a bucket of rice weigh? How many kilograms? How many kilograms?

We all know the story of Tao Yuanming's "do not bow down for five buckets of rice". The Jin Dynasty magistrate's salary is "five buckets of rice", which is very meager. Bending his waist is a metaphor for bowing to others. The pastoral poet Tao Yuanming is unwilling to move for the meager salary. Later, "don't bow down for five buckets of rice" was used to describe him as a high-spirited person. Nowadays, it is often used to express that a person is unwilling to work for a meager salary. So how much does the so-called "one bucket of rice" weigh? How many kilograms? How many kilograms?

How much does a bucket of rice weigh? How many kilograms? How many kilograms?

When buying glutinous rice, the owner of the store will definitely ask you how many buckets you want to buy! So when making rice dumplings and buying rice, you must know how much a bucket of rice weighs?

"Dou" means "spoon". It was a water-flowing device in ancient times. Later, it was used as a unit of rice, and it has been used since ancient times.

However, in ancient times, according to different dynasties, and the specific gravity of different types of rice was different, so the weight of a bucket of rice was different in different dynasties.

How many kilograms is a bucket? How many kilograms?

Nowadays, the quantity of rice is calculated in buckets, most of which are traditional rice shops or rice mills. The weight of one bucket is calculated as follows:

1 bucket = 11.5 jin (1 jin = 0.6 kg = 16 taels)

1 bucket = 6.9 kg (approximately equal to 7 kg)

We also often hear the idiom "half a catty eight liang", which is used to describe two people who are the same and equal.

The "jin" used in the idiom is "taijin", and "liang" is also a unit that is often used in traditional markets. 0.5 jin = 8 taels, that is 1 jin = 16 taels~

How much does a bag of rice weigh?

The "five buckets of rice" that are not bent for "five buckets of rice" is the weight of a pack of rice!

A bag of rice in the traditional market is "five buckets", 1 bucket = 11.5 kilograms.

A bag of rice 5 buckets is 57.5 kilograms, about 34.5 kilograms.

And 10 buckets is also known as 1 stone. I often hear elders say that the rice dumplings are packed with 1 stone, that is, the rice dumplings are packed with two big bags of five buckets of rice. The quantity is very amazing~


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