Weekly 3-2-1: Doing what's important is faster than doing what's important, sort it out, don't need it! Delete what's not important first

This week, the currency circle was bloodbathed because of UST/LUNA. To be honest, I did float a little! After thinking about it for two days, I felt relieved. Today Friday, through this weekly 3-2-1, learn new things and settle down! Delete unimportant things and leave more thoughts for important things!

Original link: https://jamesclear.com/3-2-1/ may-12-2022?rh_ref=ebaff8bc
Image source: https://www.pexels.com/zh-tw/search/reading/

3 Ideas From Me

"In the long-run, prioritization beats efficiency."
Priority over efficiency in the long run

Pick the important things to do, if you only pick the trivial things to do, even if you do everything well, it may not be useful. Therefore, learning to distinguish what is important, what is more important, and even what is most important is a very important homework.

Once you find the most important thing, ignore other things, and do that important thing seriously.

When researching strategies, emphasize patterns over stories.
When researching strategies, emphasize patterns over stories. 
One person succeeding means nothing. 100 people succeeding is a signal.
A person's success means nothing. 100 people success is a signal.
When explaining strategies, emphasize stories over patterns. People forget numbers and charts. Everyone remembers a great story.
When explaining strategies, emphasize the story rather than the pattern. People forget about numbers and graphs. Everyone remembers a great story.

Patterns are "routines", and when you find a routine, you can use it repeatedly, and the more you use it, the smoother you get. When analyzing how others succeed, study their routines. However, when explaining the strategy, it is necessary to explain it with a story, because no one can understand the numbers and charts in seconds, but the story can penetrate rationality and reach emotion directly, and emotion is the bottom-level driving force that drives people to act.

When determining the size or complexity of a new habit ask yourself, "What can I stick to—even on my worst day?"
When identifying the scale or complexity of a new habit, ask yourself, "What can I hold on to even on the worst day?
Start there. Master the art of showing up. Then advance.
Start there. Master the art of showing. then move on

New habits are always difficult to develop, think about the worst, what can you stick to?! Start developing new habits from there.

Honestly, I don't quite understand what this means. I think it should also assume a worst-case scenario, imagine how you would react in that situation, and from that response, find something that can continue to advance!

2 Quotes From Others

Painter Georgia O'Keeffe on making the most of what you have:
"Where I was born and where and how I have lived is unimportant. It is what I have done with where I have been that should be of interest."
Painter Georgia O'Keeffe on making the most of what you have: 
"Where was I born? Where am I? And how do I live? It doesn't matter. I should be interested in what I did where I was."

​Source: Autobiography

Cherish what you have, pay attention to what you are doing at the moment, enjoy that moment!

Poet Jenny Xie on how reading is a form of travel:
Poet Jenny Xie talks about reading as a way to travel:
"Reading is migratory, an act of transport, from one life to another, one mind to another. Just like geographic travel, reading involves estrangement that comes with the process of dislocating from a familiar context. I gather energy from this kind of movement, this estranging and unsettling, and I welcome it precisely because it's conducive to examination, interrogation, reordering. Travel, imaginative or physical, can sharpen perception and force a measuring of distance and difference."
Reading is a migration, an act of transport, from one life to another, one thought to another. 
Like geographic travel, reading involves alienation in the process of disconnecting from familiar surroundings. 
I gather energy from this movement, this alienation and unease, and I welcome it precisely because it helps to scrutinize, interrogate, reorder. 
Both imagined and actual travel can enhance perception and force people to measure distances and differences.

Source: The Self Is a Fiction

​Reading is indeed a way of travel. In addition to geographical travel, you can travel through time and space . No wonder so many people are willing to take the time to read well.

​1 Question For You

 Before you ask, "What should I do today?"
Ask yourself, "What should I remove today?"
Create the space you need to succeed.
Before you ask "What should I do today" ask yourself, "What should I delete today?" 
Create the space you need to succeed.

Echoing the beginning, doing the right thing is more important than doing the right thing, but there are too many things to do in life, which one should be done first, it will take a lot of time to think, think in reverse, delete the unimportant first , move out of the space and focus on one thing!


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

貓眼看世界貓~偶爾懶散,偶爾機警,以不同的視角解讀這個世界。 對賺錢有濃厚興趣,尤其是加密幣,也喜歡分享自己的所思所想,希望透過網路以文會友。
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