2022 - Past Year Review

A year without setting annual goals, but also harvested a lot of positive events

Saw the PYR method from the Star Rocket newsletter and tried to sort it out and review it.

  1. Get a blank sheet of paper or a digital notebook
  2. Write the two fields "Positive" and "Negative"
  3. Open the calendar, review your activities every week for the past year from beginning to end, write the people and things that trigger positive effects in the positive column, and write in the negative column otherwise
  4. Take a comprehensive look at the positive and negative columns to find the events that trigger your most satisfaction and pain
  5. Now that you know what makes you feel positive, start building on those events to make plans for next year. And when the new year unfolds, those painful events in the past should also be recorded in a prominent place, reminding yourself not to make yourself unhappy.

*bold are positive or negative events

positive event

  1. Tasting sessions to discover favorite flavor combinations
  2. New friends, very involved in the party
  3. Fall in love with freshly brewed tea, make an appointment to make tea with friends
  4. Listen to live hip-hop performances
  5. Learn SQL to learn interest
  6. I met Mia who was very easy to talk to, and I had a lot of fun taking her to open mic
  7. Obsessed with delving into the whiskey process/tasting knowledge
  8. I enjoyed a stage play with my friends
  9. Visit Keelung by yourself and develop your favorite route
  10. Spend weekends reading at your favorite bookstore and using your computer
  11. It’s the first time I signed up for the gym, and I felt a sense of accomplishment when I first started boxing classes
  12. When I confirm from the CEO that I have improved my work knowledge
  13. Meet people whose work and life ideas are very compatible
  14. Deeply involved in DeFi learning and participating in the design of tokenomics
  15. Gain a lot from exchanging industry experience with friends whom I haven’t seen for a long time
  16. It is also fun to exchange work with friends in the college. The little advice helped her
  17. The effectiveness of Facebook advertising is gradually improving, and the possible future career direction is gradually being clarified
  18. When I thought it would be difficult for me to move this year, I accidentally found a suite I like, and the more I live, the more I like it

negative event

  1. Difficulty communicating with passive colleagues and often having to drink to calm down
  2. The new cooperation projects also have lagging schedules and small communication barriers
  3. I used to think that my luck ran out and my job change didn't go well
  4. Long-term light sleep dreaming that I am working and communicating with my colleagues about to-do list
  5. I'm too busy at work to be in the mood for English tutoring
  6. Mistakes at work, angry at myself and nearly lost sleep all night
  7. It is a pity that I am often so busy in the office that I can only eat and cook, and I am too busy to go to the gym.
  8. Feeling suddenly lost because of things you can't do anything about, and make yourself very calm

Taking a closer look, I found that my unhappiness and entangled problems often revolved around work, which seemed to be not only a challenging goal to sprint, a source of sense of accomplishment, but also a blind spot that I had not overcome, whether it was running in with colleagues with different personalities, or Try to adapt to a work environment with chaotic collaboration systems.

Then the biggest discovery is that I can do a good job without drinking. I have never admitted that drinking too much is a bit dangerous. People who love wine can indeed find the joy of tasting wine, but drinking for the sake of drinking Very bad. For a while, I thought that I must rely on some alcohol to put myself into "a certain working state" to do planning and the like. It wasn't until Q4 that I suddenly became very involved in learning DeFi knowledge and did various researches every day. I discovered this motivation Much more interesting.

It's good to have a little wine with friends, and you can do well without wine when you're alone.

It is a pity that the gymnasium that started in 2022 will soon be terminated. Fortunately, work and side projects are on the right track recently. In 2023, I can concentrate more on sports and input more!

I still remember when I was eating sushi with a group of friends at the end of last year, everyone was talking about their annual goals. I didn’t order any of them. I really think that I don’t need to rely on big goals and I will do a lot of things for myself. It’s hard to relax in life. , People who don't play tricks. Yesterday's New Year's Day may be because I realized that there is really nothing to do. I have slept for a long time but I feel sleepy all day. Vanessa New Years, don't drink when you are unhappy, don't always rely on willpower to live every day and forget to rest.

I hope that all my friends can gradually live the life they want to live. Even if you encounter an unsatisfactory event, you still believe that this is just a pebble that stumbles temporarily, and there are still many possibilities for growth ahead.
happy new year!


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