Classification of raw scallops and scallops by grade and size? What is the difference between dried scallops and pearl scallops?

There are two types of scallops on the market, raw scallops and dried scallops. Of course, the size of scallops is also differentiated by grade. The following explains the difference between raw scallops and dried scallops, the difference between scallops and pearl scallops, and teaches you how to distinguish real scallops from fake (reconstituted) scallops:

How are the grades and sizes of raw scallops and scallops classified?

Both raw scallops and dried scallops are very common seafood ingredients. Fresh scallops are often eaten raw or grilled. Dried scallops have more drying steps, which concentrate seafood and freshness, and are suitable for soups...etc. .

There are two sets of international standards for the classification of the grade and size of scallops, which are divided into Japanese marking and international marking :

Japan marked raw scallop grade size

Most of the scallops seen on the market in Taiwan are produced in Japan. The word raw food grade scallops was invented by Japan . There are 5 characters of raw food grade scallops on the label, which means that they have been inspected and certified by the Japanese Bureau of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.

The grades of raw scallops are divided into 9 grades in Japan according to the harvesting and grading standards. Similar to the size of clothes, they are graded by S, M, and L. The following are from large to small:

Grade size 2L: 16-20 pieces (1 kg), with a diameter of more than 6 cm and a weight of more than 45 grams , the largest one.

Grade size L: 21-25 pieces (1 kg), diameter 5-7 cm, weight about 35-55 grams .

Grade size M: 26-30 pieces (1 kg), 5-6 cm in diameter and about 30-40 grams in weight.

Grade size S: 31-35 pieces (1 kg), diameter 4-6 cm, weight about 27-35 grams .

Grade size 2S: 36-40 pieces (1 kg), 3-6 cm in diameter and 22-30 grams in weight.

Grade size 3S: 41-50 pieces (1 kg), diameter 3.5-5 cm, weight about 18-25 grams .

Grade size 4S: 51-60 pieces (1 kg), diameter 3-4.5 cm, weight about 15-20 grams .

Grade size 5S: 61-80 pieces (1 kg), diameter 2-4 cm, weight about 13-18 grams .

Grade size 6S: 81-100 pieces (1 kg), the diameter is less than 2 cm, and the weight is about 10-15 grams .

M, L, 2L, the three grades of raw scallops, are the most advanced, and the 3S grade is most commonly seen in general supermarkets or sushi restaurants.

Internationally marked raw scallop grade size:

Internationally indicated units are relatively simple, with only 2 grades.

Label 10/20: 10-20 (lbs), 1 scallop weighs more than 20 grams.

Marked 20/30: 20-30 (lbs), 1 scallop weighs 10-25 grams.

※ 1 pound = 454 grams, 1 kg = 2.2 pounds.

Dried scallops grade size

Dried scallops are made from raw scallops after about 30 days of sun exposure. The sun drying process will enhance the glutamic acid and inosinic acid, which are the sources of the scallop's umami, and concentrate the deliciousness of the sea.

The dried scallops that have been sun-dried must have a moisture content of less than 16% in accordance with Japanese standards. The size of the dried scallops must be smaller than that of the raw scallops. There are the following 4 grades:

Size L: Dried scallops are about 2.5 cm in diameter, 1.7 cm in thickness, and 9 grams in weight.

Grade size M: Dried scallops are about 2.2 cm in diameter, 1.6 cm in thickness, and 7 grams in weight.

Grade size S: Dried scallops are about 1.8 cm in diameter, about 1.5 cm in thickness, and about 5 grams in weight.

Grade size SA: Dried scallops have a diameter of about 1.8 cm, a thickness of about 1.2 cm, and a weight of about 3 grams.

The method of distinguishing dried scallops and pearl scallops:

Many stores will say that their meat dumplings contain dried scallops. There are actually many different sizes of dried scallops. The most common one is to use "pearls", commonly known as "small dried scallops".

The size of scallops is much smaller than that of dried scallops. Taking copper plates as an analogy, dried scallops are about the size of a coin of 10~50 yuan, and scallops may only be about the size of a coin of 1 to 5 yuan. According to the grade of dried scallops, it will be better than SA grade. smaller.

Dried scallops and pearl scallops are not only different in size , taste , and umami , of course, the price is several times worse!

1. The larger scallops are about the size of a 10-yuan copper plate; the pearl scallops are about the size of a 1-yuan copper plate. The size and thickness are very different!

2. Dried scallops have obvious muscle fibers, and there are traces of them ; pearl scallops are harder and less fibrous, and may become two halves when peeled.

3. The surface texture of dried scallops is relatively irregular; the texture of pearl scallops is neat

How to distinguish between real scallops and fake (reconstituted) scallops:

There are also fake scallops made from other flower branches, squid or fish paste, and imitation scallops with machine-printed patterns, called kidney scallops or reconstituted scallops.

How to distinguish whether you buy real scallops or fake scallops, you can refer to the following 4 methods:

1. Look at the outer packaging label:

Dried scallops imitated from fish paste and scallops will be marked with reconstituted scallops, and if they are marked with reconstituted scallops, they are imitations.

2. Observe the shape, size and color of each scallop:

The texture and size of each real scallop are different, and the color is light orange. If the size and shape of each scallop you buy are very close to the color and very white, the chance of fake scallops is high.

3. Cut the texture of the scallops:

After cutting the dried scallops, the texture of the dried scallops is striped, and it will taste a little bit of taste. The fake scallops are crunchy and cannot imitate this feature.

4. Taste:

Real scallops have an umami taste, and if they smell like fish, they are fake scallops and can be easily distinguished.

5. Price:

The price of 1 kilogram of real scallops is thousands of yuan. If the price is too low, it will be fake scallops.

If the size is exactly the same, but still follow the principle to see if there are irregular cracks in the surface texture.

Which part of the shellfish is a scallop?

When making dumplings, as long as the ones with better ingredients are made, high-grade seafood such as dried scallops and abalone will be used. So which part of the seafood is the dried scallops that we often eat?

I believe that when you eat clams, you will have the same experience as the picture above, that is, there is a part that sticks to the shell, and that part is the muscle "adductor muscle" used by shellfish to open and close the shell of the clams ~

Dried scallops are derived from the " adductor muscle " of scallops (sail shells) , also known as " scallops ", also known as "scallops" or " scallops "!

A good dried scallop is the " adductor muscle " of a large scallop (scallop), which is also called the "four treasures of seafood" together with abalone, sea cucumber, and shark fin.

In general, dried scallops are usually made of dried scallops , because dried scallops are more flavorful, and their taste and saltiness are more suitable for making scallops~


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