Reading Pen Farming|Distance Meeting (7)• Blank, Encounter, Altruism and Conformity

Let the blanks eliminate redundant words, and reading is for encounters, to find the point of contact to tell the story.

Today is the April session of the online oral expression reading club (fixed on the third Sunday). The goal set by the two speakers for this sharing is to "avoid redundant words", write down some experiences and share them.

Photo by Chris Montgomery on Unsplash

■ Let the blank eliminate redundant words, but also rely on emotions

Speaking of redundant words, it is more or less unavoidable. The more serious situation is listening to someone talking, without deliberately turning on the debug antenna, but still receiving a certain pattern again and again . It's gotten to the point where it's irritating and sullen, and here are some that stand out to me:

"It looks like..."
"Um (long tone)..."
"That's how it works!"

Although the notice said to catch redundant words, I still put my mind into listening to the "content", and I didn't feel out of place. Overall, it was comfortable and smooth.

When rewriting the disk , J mentioned the appearance of redundant words, probably because he wanted to keep talking, so those places that could have been left blank were subconsciously stuffed into some words . We should adjust our mentality and stop at the right time, which is the art of the idiom " pause ". So having said that, everyone's encouragement to the first speaker A is not to be so "flat" when expressing, but to put in more emotions, ranging from light, heavy, and ups and downs.

Let the blanks eliminate redundant words and make "pause" meaningful, but also rely on emotions.

■ Reading is for encountering that sentence

As for the content of A's curation, it is a book, called " Focusing on the Key Points Quickly, and Unforgettable Reading ". The author divides the books into two categories: "Quick Books" and "Slow Books". The former is characterized by few linear elements running through the whole book, and many points of entry , mostly referring to business management books, I think.

If you read Kuaishu, you really don’t need to “read it word by word”. I remembered that during the research period, because of reading a lot of papers, some strategies were naturally derived. of.

Don't think about reading a book all the time, reading is to encounter that sentence or a concept, just fine.

The author's remarks also echo the Japanese book critic Eiji Doi in " Where do first-class people read, where do they draw lines?" As mentioned in the book, as long as there is a small part of a business book that is helpful to readers, it doesn't matter that all the others are not useful; just like mining, as long as you dig diamonds, other sand and gravel are not important .

■ Altruism and conformity, telling a story

Another speaker E brought a huge volume of information about the process of a company's listing on the OTC.

The feedback given by everyone is based on the consideration of time (not more than 15 minutes) and audience (everyone has different background information). .

Use real-life examples to map (analog) complex concepts.

With so many materials, how to choose? You might as well start with " altruistic thinking" and "herd mentality" , apply it in the opening paragraph, try to connect the story (theme) you want to tell and the listener, and give them a reason to continue.

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