361. The only boss you should believe in is yourself

What is the difference between a one-person company and a traditional enterprise? Flexible, autonomous, fast, simple~

What is the difference between a one-person company and a traditional enterprise?

Resilient, Autonomous, Fast, Simple


Recognize (accept) the facts, will not be blindly optimistic and daydream, will follow the current, try to steer well, soldiers will stop, the water will flood, the action is based on "meaning", not fame and fortune, although money has nothing to do with goals Conflict, but be careful you'll get caught in the money game

autonomy (control)

When we were studying, we all longed for freedom and hoped to be our own masters, but we often lost our way after we left the society, and we were a little overwhelmed when we were too free.

To set up a one-person company is to find your own director (interest) and find the direction of your heart

Autonomy can give us more time to do the things we like, form a positive feedback, and let ourselves work four hours a week is not a dream

When your one-person company just puts you into flow mode, you can stop work from being work. This is the ultimate state.


The red tape in many organizations will drag down efficiency. When we can do more with less time, why should we be instructed? The only boss you believe in should be time (yourself)


We often think too much, sometimes simple will succeed, when the company grows to a stage, it will fall into a kind of loss that seems to need more analysis (calculation) to maintain success, but sometimes simple and rude can succeed , too much focus (information) will make us lose focus

Simple does not mean shabby, simple means to remove the turnips and preserve the essence

If you think your dream is too far away, it means you think too much, so that you can get started right away is the key, simplicity also means low cost, which means you have less assets to pay, so you will not fail because of failure serious injury

Do you like the above features? Why not start planning now~


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