[Notes for Chasing Drama] Sex education that is not taught in school from a comedy school - "Sex Study Room"

If you want to rank the topic that parents dislike discussing with their children, "sex" must be at the top, except that traditional education does not encourage people to talk about "sex", because the ignorance caused by not talking about it may be the main reason why "sex" is often absent in education . However, "sex" is not only a normal human instinct, but also closely related to interpersonal relationships, which is why "Sex Study Room" should be a must-see album for adolescent sex education, and even adults facing emotional problems.

Title: Sex Education
Language: English Episodes: 24 (three seasons so far)
Broadcast Year: 2019~2021 (Season 3)

If you want to rank the topic that parents dislike discussing with their children, "sex" must be at the top, except that traditional education does not encourage people to talk about "sex", because the ignorance caused by not talking about it may be the main reason why "sex" is often absent in education . However, "sex" is not only a normal human instinct, but also closely related to interpersonal relationships, which is why "Sex Study Room" should be a must-see album for adolescent sex education, and even adults facing emotional problems.

The protagonist Otis (Asa Butterfield) is a middle school student, and his mother Jane (Gillian Anderson) is a sex therapist who helps adults with various sexual problems. Because of his childhood, Otis has more sexual knowledge than his peers, and even knows how to solve other people's psychological problems through counseling. After a series of karmic encounters, he decided to open an underground sex therapy clinic with his classmate Maeve. , to help students solve the "sex" problems that cannot be solved in the classroom.

As a good-looking album, smooth narrative and distinct characters are absolutely necessary elements. In "Sex Study Room", we see the dilemma of "sex education" from the perspective of teenagers, eliminate the stigma of sexually transmitted diseases, and even promote "additional" values such as correct sexual knowledge and gender equality. When it was launched, it received a great response.

Through the interpersonal interactions and plots of "Sex Study Room", the audience will gradually understand that "sex" is not just a topic that is often exaggerated in desire or jokes, or even a cannibalistic beast; on the contrary, sex has always existed in Everyone's mind is closely related to relationships, personality, and even the happiness of life. And learning "sex" is never just for teenagers, because even sex therapists are always learning, just a little bit ahead.

Image credit: Wikipedia Image copyright: Netflix

"Sex Study Room" short story: the actor who was almost delayed by boxing

Just like the teenage years when both body and mind are facing great changes, watching the protagonist in "Sex Study Room" transform (grow up?) with the progress of the plot is definitely one of the fascinating points of this series. In the third season, when many protagonists are facing life turning points, Adam, played by Conor Swindells, has transformed himself into a character that the audience pays the most attention to. But compared to Adam, the actor's life encounters may be more dramatic.

Despite his good acting skills, Conor Swindells didn't choose to go this route from the start. He was naughty since he was a child, learned self-discipline because of boxing, and almost became a boxer. It was not until he saw an audition poster at the age of 19 that he accidentally set foot on the path of an actor.

"I was thinking, I really don't want to be beaten on the head every day until the end of my life." That thought became a turning point in Conor Swindells' life: "Fortunately, when I decided to After the start, everything went smoothly.”


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