
Afraid, the story that appeared in the inexplicable discussion (I will definitely run away!) (I will definitely kill that guy!)
Photo by Paul Einerhand on Unsplash

In the standard story, the boyfriend and girlfriend are quarreling, and they have already quarreled to the point of breaking up. Just when they thought that things were going to be cliché, the boy was silent, and the girl continued to be angry with him for a lot of things.

"With your kind of living habits, even if I leave, you will always be despised by others. Today we broke up, don't give me any advice!"

After this sentence, the boy silently took out the can, the girl did not understand what was going on, and then the boy spoke.

"Then I want to have dinner with me, the last supper, before we break up."

"You're trying to kill me, aren't you? What about the last supper, okay, eat this can, take it! I'll eat it right now."

"Then why don't you look at the name of the can?"

"Ah, isn't it written on it? Although I don't understand the meaning at all, SURSTOMMING (canned herring), anyway, your house is not just a pile of strange things... blah blah blah! You shouldn't be here That site! Canned herring! Don't open it! You'll make this place stink!"

"But you can break up after eating, and now you can't talk about breaking up if you don't eat."

The neighbor next door came out and was about to say it was too noisy. When I went to another place to make a noise, I saw the boy was looking for a way to open the can, and the girl kept screaming and tried to find a towel to cover his nose. The neighbor felt that What a farce. Before he was about to speak, he didn't know why he first saw the name of the can, and then the neighbor realized that it was not good, told the boy not to open it, said it with a terrified expression, and persuaded them to make up.

"I'm begging you, let's drive to the elementary school playground! It's relatively ventilated there!"

"You're too cruel, uncle, I can't drive, you drive!"

"Stupid girl don't be impulsive ah ah ah ah!"

"I don't want to drive that damn thing, put it away!"

The neighbor saw that the situation was bad and quickly closed all the windows of his house, as well as any opening with a switch function, and then the girls were already grabbing the cans, and the boys also took the can opener and wanted to open it, and the neighbors also came out. The head wanted to see what happened, and the neighbors stopped opening the windows to warn him, but one thing came to his mind, and when he remembered it, it was too late.

"Son :P! My mother! Ah is locked up, I'll open the door first!"

The neighbor with amnesia, the grandmother Lotte, came back to find her son, and the neighbor wanted to let his mother in before everything was irreversible. Who knows, the grandmother began to say that the air was not fresh, and began to open every window that she had just closed, and finally the grandmother came back. When he got to the gate, the neighbor couldn't stop his mother. The moment the grandmother held her hand to open the door, the boyfriend and girlfriend rushed over because of the girl, trying to stop the boy from cutting the can, but the pressure was so heavy that the knife of the can opener also fell. Cut into a can... A stench that originally seemed like a leisurely chatting passerby walking, then turned into a bear running, running faster and faster! When it is almost invisible, it has become the speed of light! In the end, it became a real canned herring!

Then the people around shouted that it smells bad, and the boyfriend and girlfriend have already been stunned by the smell, and the neighbors also passed out. Some people started to leave here to stay away from the smell, and the residents around them also decided to go out and go around because of the smell. Decided to stay in a hotel today.

In the end, the old grandmother was the only one who didn't leave. She smelled it, then patted her cheek, smiled and moved her son back to bed. The old grandmother, who was already demented, went to the kitchen and started to do the most common thing in her life: cooking. After my son wakes up, I turn on the rice cooker, pat my son's head as usual, and look at the scenery he is used to.

After that day, the boy apologized to the people around him, and the girl was so angry that they broke up, but one night when he was surrounded by several men, the boy jumped out, opened the can of herring, and made the men stink enough to cry and run away. They got back together and got married a year later.

At the wedding venue, the person at the counter gave the groom a bag with a thick stack of money and a letter attached. Later, after the groom and the bride read the letter, although it was inexplicable, they decided to participate in the letter later. at the party, thank the invitees, and go with the can.

"Congratulations to the two of you on getting married, let me introduce myself. I was the neighbor who lived next to you when you were living together. Although the turmoil you quarreled on that day really affected many people, I thank you for quarreling at that time. My mother suddenly recovered from dementia. Now, helped me cook and called my name well. I cried a lot. When my mother said that she smelled canned herring, she remembered the first time she and her father went abroad to touch herring, and the memory came back. Now, it's all your credit, and I want to invite you to Mom's birthday party and thank you in person. Happy weddings, both of you."


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凡星最容易生存,卻又是最難生存,平凡要不沾與極端之間取得平衡。(裝厲害)(你就不會乖乖吃起司嗎) 那麼今天想看什麼故事呢?
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