Talking about the things that the author of Lu She should pay attention to when signing the authorization contract (3)

Thanks for hearing the sound of knocking the bowl in the previous post. This one is still very shallow.
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

First of all, I have the cheek to ask everyone for help. Because I want to participate in the DMS airdrop task reward , my Twitter needs to collect 20 followers to complete the task. Now I have collected 11 and there are still 9. Thank you. If you need to participate in this airdrop, and you need someone to follow Twitter, I can also help, please leave a message and attach your Twitter.

Shameless people are invincible in the world, I'm just a little shameless to sell a little miserable.

Review the key points of the previous article:

  1. In the contract, it is still necessary to confirm whether you are Party A or Party B. Sometimes the author may be Party A.
  2. Whether the subject of authorization is clearly written in the contract, whether the name of the published article is consistent, or whether the authorized images and videos have detailed descriptions, such as the length of the video and the exact link.
  3. The way of authorization, if you sign an exclusive/exclusive authorization, you must not allow a third party to reprint it. However, if you want to publish it yourself, different media have their own determinations. Please agree with the other party on copyright. It is best to write it into the contract to avoid disputes in the future, or please keep a record of the conversation between the two parties.

Authorization time: limited time? Or forever?

If it is a limited-term authorization, such as three years, after a period of time (such as 30 days) after the expiration of the contract, if the two parties do not propose to renew the contract, it will be automatically extended. How long to extend depends on how the contract is written, or how the two parties agree.

I once asked the editor of a certain media, what is the purpose of signing a permanent authorization for an article? Can I sign a three-year contract and then renew it? The editor's answer to me is that in principle, it is possible, but because they have too many authors, permanent authorization is for the convenience of management. If each author has multiple articles, and the authorization time of each article is different, then you have to pay attention to the contract period to renew the contract from time to time. The implication is that their family does not have the time and the Americans to manage tens of millions of licensing contracts with different articles and time limits.

After listening to the above explanation, I later agreed to "perpetual license", but, but, but, the reason for my agreement was based on the premise that the article was "non-exclusive/exclusive license" and "can be published separately". If I can publish it separately in the future, I will permanently authorize them to publish it. I have assessed it myself, and there is no loss for me.

If the article is "exclusive/exclusive license", it cannot be published separately, and the "permanent license" is signed, then I should not agree, and I will ask them to revise the contract.

An "exclusive/exclusively authorized" article is required to be "permanently authorized" and cannot be published by itself. Is this a loss of rights and interests? All I can say is that it is a matter of opinion. I have heard of some authors who do agree to such conditions. The reason is that the article is regarded as writing practice, and it doesn’t matter if you get the manuscript fee and sell your child; or, the media that wants you to sell your child. It has a lot of traffic and can earn more exposure, so I sold the child. In fact, this cannot be said to be wrong, it is just that each person's situation is different.

However, I still have to say that if you can, it is better to sell your own children. The article needs to be revised continuously. After a while, it will be taken out to reread and re-revise. For the author, Z is definitely greater than B. Moreover, you can continue to let love generate electricity with your own children, and give everyone a few more Likecoins by clapping your hands. If you want to come to me to sign a contract of "exclusive", "permanent" and "can't publish it yourself", I will not agree to sell the child of.


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蔡凱西Cathy Tsai | 蔡凱西 台北人 / 不專業旅人 / 流浪中的學術人 / 研究旅行史與旅行文化的不良歷史學徒/《後綴》假掰文青誌編輯群 在出門旅行、閱讀,與作古的旅記文本中持續穿越 佛系粉專: 合作邀約
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